Torghast mates me hate this game!

Ive leveled 5 chars to cap now and run torghast on my Dk, Monk, Pally, Shammy and my Mage and i have the same problem on them all. I get to about 200-210 ilvl and to twisting corridors level 8 layer 12 and above and i just get one shotted off trash.

Its not fun wasting over hour for this! I dont even know why i bother since the next patch will make it irrelevant.

Who honestly thought this was a good idea? Why doesnt i feel tuned properly. Id go with my guild but out of the 20 plus that started this expansion theres only 2 of us left.


Better question why do you mentally torture yourself with this game mode? I find this content horrendous to run on even one character. I am simply not making another alt because the dread of Torghast comes in my mind.


I thought being a dk would be easy due to them being quite tanky but i actually think my mage is tankier. such a trash game mode. I hope 9.1 is good or im going to need serious convincing to hang around much longer.


Why do you run the twisted corridors on all your alts ? Iirc there’s nothing to get there beside your first runs.

And fairly sure level 8 has a recommended Ilvl of 220… Either try to go for a more tanky build or come back with better gear ?


Yep it is and after you cleared it once i can not see any reason to go back .

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I play casual and my guilds dead, the chances of me getting 220 are slim. Torghast from my understanding was meant to be challenging solo or group content. It’s not challenging it’s just tuned wrong. Some classes can breeze it with low I level so I thought I’d try on different classes.

I had very little problem with the mage tower in legion and visions in bfa but this is just silly and not fun.

It seems like they really are designing it for people doing high keys or raids.


My DK cleared layer 8 at ilvl 197 (blood spec).
Here is a video of the final boss kill. You can see the gear near the end.

In addition to my DK, I cleared it also as Druid (all 4 specs), Shaman (resto 190), DH (vengeance 19x), Hunter (MM 19x).

Druid was easy (but that may be because it’s my best geared character and the one I am most comfortable playing). DK was also super easy. Shaman and DH were also good. Hunter was the hardest (in my opinion). I didn’t try other classes.

Here are some tips:

  • Farm Ven’ari reputation and get items that give various Torghast bonuses. They help a lot and they are account wide, so you only need to buy each on one character.
  • Read guides or ask other players about which anima powers to choose. It’s very possible that you are making wrong choices when selecting anima powers.
  • Read guides or ask other players on how to adjust your rotation based on anima powers. Some abilities that may not be used as part of your rotation, become part of it due to having some anima power.
  • Make sure you kill all mobs, destroy all urns, open all chests, free all souls, etc to get as many anima powers and buffs as possible.
  • Use flasks, buff food, etc.
  • If all above fails, you can always form a 5 man group and do it in a group. It becomes much easier in a group.

Finally, it is very possible to get 220 ilvl without a guild. I am in a guild, but I don’t raid with them and they don’t do much M+ with me. I got ilvl 224 purely from pugging M+ (I don’t have a single raiding or PVP item).


When it was fresh most people that cleared TC8 for the mount were in the low 200s. There are several threads about it (probably locked now) . I was 203 when I did it as this DH iirc.

I can’t speak for those classes but one of them must have a go to build (permanent BL and Earth elemental for Shammy? ) .

torghast is not fun in general. It’s a slow slog through depressing corridors, fighting the same mobs that mostly just do plain white damage, hardly any mechanics. Now this can either be very easy and boring or nearly impossible, the balance border is very slim. Which is why i prefer stuff to do mechanics rather than slapping hard with melee unavoidable damage. Visions in BFA were mainly mechanics, ye if you got hit by them you were screwed but if you outplayed them you hardly took any damage.

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Torghast is bad. Not sure why blizzard brings more torghast in 9.1

Torghast would be good if there were some rewards.

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You know what the saddest part of this is? Thorghast ist the most fun and inventive part of Shadowlands.
Hurray for Blizzard!

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Why are you even doing that ?
TC8 is a one time per acount thing, get done with it as a group, it will take 3h if it need and you are done.

Rest is what 20mn for both wings a week ?
If you are mad cause you have to waste 20 mn every weeks, you must have a life full of hate about everything.

edited content

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Having challenging content is good. Mage Towers were amazing when played at appropriate ilvls. However, the problem with Torghast is that the difficulty is purely numerical instead of mechanical. It’s no about playing well, it’s just about having high enough gear. And pure numerical challenge is boring.

I’m not trying to do it on every chat, I’m trying to do it once using different characters hoping one will be easier. I can smash my way to layer 12 then the scaling seems to go out of control. With my dk I’m spamming death strike and getting chunked.

Like I said I’d try do with a group but my guilds dead and pugging it sounds horrible.

I much preferred visions and the mage tower. There was some hope you could play around by doing the mechanics.

I guess I should get good then. Played this game for a long time but this expansion is wearing me out. Maybe time for a break.

Have you tried going with a group? getting some friends? reading some guides?

You know you only need to do the twisting corridors on one character

Did TC layer 8 at 180 ilvl on my warrior, paladins have it easier then warriors imo.

TBH Im happy that there isnt any real incentive for doing it…keeps it totally optional and I dont feel like Im missing anything that way.
So far my main has done 4 layers of Torghast and never even gotten above 1 layer of the twisting corridors. Its just an irrelevant bit of content like pet battles or fishing, do it if you enjoy it but otherwise…meh, why bother?

If you need help with layer 8 for the mount,feel free to /w me ingame anytime u see me online.


Helped multiple people,so it should not be hard at all.Its gonna take 1.5-2 hours,but what can u do…at least u gonna have it completed.

Its gonna be easy making 220 ilvl group.

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