Tracking HPS from Absorbs with the Addon API


I’m writing a very simple DPS/HPS meter for myself and got it to work well for the most part, but I’m stuck on how to attribute damage absorbs to a source.
For normal healing, you can take the source straight from the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED arguments, but this doesn’t seem to be possible with absorbs.
Implementing it via UnitGetTotalAbsorbs and UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED would require me to have a list of all absorb spells in the game so I can track their applications and expirations, which seems way too complicated for something this seemingly simple.
Am I missing an easy way to do this or is the API just lacking in this regard?

I’m not familiar with absorbs but can’t you just check SPELL_MISSED’s missType for “ABSORB” and amountMissed?

SPELL_MISSED wouldn’t allow me to easily attribute the absorbed damage to a source.
I found the solution though: SPELL_ABSORBED. Contrary to what Wowpedia sais, it comes with a lot of information including ids for the spell that was absorbed, the spell that did the absorbing and the source of the absorb spell :slight_smile:

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