Transfer from Thekal to Giantstalker possible?

I just realized that the world pvp is too pointless when ??-chars gank lower level chars this much and in cynical ways. So Id like to transfer to GiantstalkerPvE-realm pls Blizz. … ?

Free transfers are generally only offered to like for like realm types (i.e. PVP->PVP). You would need to use the Paid Character Transfer service and also read the FAQ regarding restrictions.

But there is something special going on with the new fresh realms now, I think you know too little about these to reply to this thread.

You can’t transfer to the “fresh” realms and you know this. I know others have mentioned it in the Wrath forums threads you post in.

You have two choices, start a new character or wait until they open transfers, which won’t be free and we don’t know when that will happen.


Stop spreading false statements, there indeed has been transfers between the fresh realms, and idk if its still possible, thus I ask. And dont tell me what I do or do not know, you are full of assumptions. And I cant understand why you havent been taken out of these forums yet, you are full of provocations.

That is why I said to “fresh” realms as in to all three for them, there has been free Transfers from Thekal to Jin’Do and I think that was a bad idea, but you have never been able to go from the non-“fresh” realms to the fresh realms, which is what you want, I think. Blizzard have explicitly said they will not do this for at least 90 days.

I have literally seen you post in forums about transfers to “fresh” realms from the ex-tbc realms. The only thing I assumed is that you are playing on one of these older realms, since you don’t mention the realm you are on.

Read the heading of this thread. And some mods please stop Dottie in these forums.

Any free and special migrations between WOTLK realms will be announced below. The other posters are otherwise correct.

If you got feedback you can give it in the below thread as CS doesn’t handle realm population issues.