Transmogging away from Covenant Set items is too expensive

The Covenant Set items rewarded by the Campaign somehow have a vendor value of 250 Gold - possibly intended as a late-expansion way of turning Anima into Gold?

Anyway, this vendor value is also what you have to pay to mog an item into another appearance. That is about 5 times the median cost of mogging another item.


Don’t be poor.

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Hey, my Transmog budget per month is likely 5 figures, especially while levelling/equipping characters at the beginning of an expansion/patch, but I can still notice and point out these incongruities, and care about individual costs.

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This is def not right, i hope they look into it, i only play the game for collecting and using tmogs


For example we gonna get full convenant sets soon, and we can upg them to a decent ilvl of 197, so alot of ppl will be rocking the set, im guessing they know that and made it a gold sink if u wear the full set and want to mog it, u gonna go dirt poor in a week if you mog sets liek i do, thats scummy blizz.


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