Tuning to other classes now

time for some marash icecream hollow. did you taste it already?

I habe stopped caring for skill-capped videos long ago. They have turned to clickbait and have massively declined in quality.

But yeah, nerf demo for all i care. Sub is running out anyways. :slight_smile:


yea i seriously do not understand this delusional take here about “the crusade against demo” right now

how can people not understand what the lobbys are going to consist:

“arms,retri,rsham arms,bm,disc arms,dh,fistweaver arms,dk,rsham”

how does this look like demo angle to anyone, and the op asking nerf to demo specifically multiple times while ignoring arms,bm,fistweaver is unlogical no matter what his exp on the game is

you forgot to mention arms warr !


And I have exactly the same from you. Your point?

You are literally calling Abx delusional and claim he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Yet I am the delusional one who’s seeking attention! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seek professional help, Alythena. You need it.

Is that what he’s doing, Alythena? Is he crusading against Demo Lock?

Looking at you, the person I’m wasting my time on, I’m sincerely asking myself the same question right now.

Anyways, weren’t you to stop replying to me? Go put me on ignore like you said you would.


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oh there will be plenty of arms war and rsham and not a single demo will enjoy this cocktail :wink:

but somehow the op thinks so

and why am i not surprised btw that it was yet again another patch boosted ret who started spam to me 10 posts worth of replys on every single post accross forum for this morning

i guess the deserved nerf didnt feel all just, all i see is dumb takes from different rets accross the board :clap:

I am having so much fun at your expense! xd So much, in fact, that I’m considering not reporting your posts so that I can have more free entertaining content for myself while I drink my coffee in the morning! :coffee:

The only other time I laughed so hard was when a Silver-stuck player in League with 1500 games called my multi-Challenger friend boosted! You are not falling far from that category!

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the lobbys were heading not single of them show as demo angle to me

which are going to consist something as: arms,retri,rsham arms,bm,disc arms,dh,fistweaver arms,dk,rsham

the op just forgets to mention this or think if more tuning is needed on arms or bm or fistweaver but instead he makes a lie about demo not receiving nerfs which it does and then makes multiple posts on how demo “deserves” nerfs on this current state

this is beyond deranged i mean, just makes me wonder what is the motive of this rly

seems like a useless crusade on demo but for what point its not like demo is threat to these lobbys in shuffle but is it in 3v3 which doesnt exist anymore for other than perhaps few specific people

Demo is toxic to face with all the nameplate clutter. And my tyrant is critting for 90k post nerf so damage is there. I understand the hate personally. But i kinda doubt it’s the most broken by far. Facing warrior or rogue is still misserable. :man_shrugging:

Hollow, this Alythena guy is an NPC. He will drag out the most basic concept for MONTHS. Believe me. It took him 2 months to understand (probably still doesn’t) that Blizzard can make PvE changes that do not carry over to PvP and vice versa.

He’s entertaining at first, and then you realise he’s serious and it becomes incredibly sad.


well i do not understand the point on driving for demo nerfs this much on meta that will consist nothing which it will counter in the upcoming shuffles were facing

if im on a lobby consisting of arms,retri,rsham arms,bm,disc arms,dh,fistweaver arms,dk,rsham

i am the one building hate there not them towards me

and then we have the state of arms, bm, fistweaver continuing pretty much as strong as ever but somehow we need to make “skillcap” comments now that demo is in need of nerfs rofl

i honestly wish the guy makes video of how op demo is so there is rerolls on it making it easyer to climb for all bm/arms accross brachets, he also dont seem to take in account that rsham is back which is very good vs demo

surely he should understand this and see the big picture but its like he has some angle on the matter to mislead this much and im guessing its cause of 3v3 which no one plays, its dead and for shuffle demo sure isnt one of those that we currently need to mention when it comes to nerfs

Anyone who thinks demo needs nerfs at this stage is delusional. It won’t make any difference even if you straight out delete the spec because nobody plays it anyway.

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You have absolutely 0 clue what you’re talking about.
But its fine, at least its funny in some ways.
U play on 2.1 max every season and arguiing with stupid arguments, did u ever considered that it could be the lack of game understanding u cant get higher or improve?
Then you’re arguiing with a player who has 2x your xp. Try something different like listening and reflecting.

Demo is one of the most toxic playstyles in the game ( if he can actually press his buttons in the right order ).
Sure, fistweaver should get hard nerfs too and some other specs, but thats a different story at the counterplaybook.

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hey look its another pala crying for demo nerfs for no reason

tell me exactly what does demo counter in the arms,retri,rsham arms,bm,disc arms,ww,fistweaver arms,dk,rsham etc lobbys

and your calling me funny nor have any clue what im talking about, thats thicc i dont care what is your exp or what is the ops xp i know demo is nowhere near in need of any more nerfs it already have received on this expansion and in the future we are heading with it

i guess my forum will turn into alot of palas on ignore by this week which is all same to me honestly as i rly dont care read this much toxic or bias anyway

thats pve nerfs ds does only 150% dmg in pvp instead of 400%

and dreabite still got 10% but who cares demo didnt get enough nerfs yet and it should be deleted from the game am i rite

idk if 10% dmg dreadbite nerf does to much since the dmg of dreadbite is arround 20k


i agree we need to nerf demo more, it hasnt been nerfed enough yet through df and it clearly is the biggest outlier consisting in every matchup of the game in suffles, no wait thats arms and retri

more nerfs to ret then we can nerf arms warr and bm hunter

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It’s not over yet, since it will last for another 4 days?

Some classes have not even one real viable spec but you want give rogues and mages 3 viable specs?