Turning in 10x Quartermaster's Coins rewards incorrect item

As stated by Blizzard in their ‘Battle-for-azeroth-pvp-season-2-has-begun’ post:

“10 Quartermaster’s Coins can be exchanged for a Warlord’s Trophy, which players can use to upgrade a piece of Sinister Gladiator’s gear to a higher item level (based on their current Rated PvP bracket).”

Instead the turn in for 10x Quartermaster’s Coin rewards you with a Battleborn Sigil.

While referring to the above post by Blizzard, I was expecting a Warlord’s Trophy which upgrades an item to a significantly higher ilvl than a Battleborn Sigil. If you compare a Battleborn Sigil and a Warlord’s Trophy (Duelist versions in this case),

Warlord’s Trophy (Duelist) Use: [Empower a Sinister Gladiator item with greater power, raising its item level to 410. Azerite empowered items will be raised to item level 415.]

Battleborn Sigil (Duelist) Use: [Empower a Sinister Gladiator item with greater power, raising its item level to 400. Azerite empowered items will be raised to item level 400.]

Contacted a GM regarding this and he couldn’t really do anything about it but ‘hope’ that this gets fixed or a statement being made regarding this issue by Blizzard. He told me to submit a bug report and join the discussion on the forums ‘whoo’. So for now, if you people are coining arena, I figured I would warn you since the reward for 10x coins is a Sigil rather than a Trophy.


It was like this last season, I thought they’d fixed it…

I spent 10 coins last season while above 2.4, to get a sigil that wouldn’t upgrade any of my slots, I made a thread on it, plenty of “thats dumbs”… what else can you do!?

Could tweet some of the devs…


Sounds to me like more bullsh!t. Another bug they are ‘looking into’ but will leave it just the way it is because it is prolong character progression.

Just like the being unable to bonus roll on world bosses bug.


Yes i noticed as well, it’s crazy, probably you cannot even use it because the gear you already got is higher ilvl.

Why is this still not fixed!?


Yes, another disgusting fact. This cmpany is so trash!



Can anyone confirm this bug is still there?
I got 10 quarter master coins ready to hand in with 2415cr 2s but dont wanna get a 385 sygil xD.

Thanks in advance for the help!

still there.

with 2400 rating u get a 405/400 sigil, not bad to upgrade items that u cap from conquest, u choose good stats and pray for a gem then u upgrade to 405, is the only good i see from this

for me at least i dont have anything meaningful i can upgrade with my sigil so im just going to wait until they fix it. pretty poorly thought out if this is actually how its supposed to be.

Didn’t even know it was a bug… If they fix it I’ll have wasted a good amount of coins

The description on the new season announcement said trophy not sigil some Comms last season also said trophy , needless to say my sigil last season made me sad

Dumped 4 coins two weeks in a row instead of using them in raid. Imagine how happy I was about sigil.

i got a 380ilvl sigil to ‘‘upgrade’’ a sinister item… but all sinister items are 385ilvl… so something is broken for sure… cannot possible be correct, that i got a ‘‘Downgrade’’ token…

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I turned in today expecting an upgrade token for my gear and also got a downgrade token, what use is a 380 upgrade token when all items I have are 385+

Giving out good gear to pvp players is unacceptable

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Let’s not forget about sinister glad offhand doesn’t exist, what’s the point of the 1 handed sword option?


Looks like it’s still not fixed… if i hand in the quest, i get the sigil with itemid 164951 (to level up items to 380 and azerit items to 370).

Useless crap! pls give us something useful blizz

^ This is the ridiculousness of it. You’ve just farmed 10 weeks worth of Conquest. That’s 10 items at 385 minimum. The culmination of that 10 weeks work is a 380 coin to upgrade a random 360. Just… lolnotlol


you can’t use it on 360 item, it has to be Gladiator piece, not Aspirant