Twinks should have their own bgs

twinks should only be in bgs with other twinks otherwise it makes doing the bg pointless as you wont be able to kill them and they can burst down groups of people solo, people trying to lvl haven’t a chance


They do don’t they? XP off is separate queue I thought.

Nope, like 3 bgs done today all had the same twink holy priest on the opposition 14k hp and just surviving everything

Well, twinks do -technically- have their own bracket, because you’re not -semantically- a twink if you don’t stop your XP. If you stop your XP, you can’t join ‘normal BGs’.

However, the modern twinks don’t stop their XP, but they let the game do it for them, by first maxxing out the character, and then stopping to pay for the game. So when your character becomes ‘trial account’ character, you don’t gain XP anymore, and now you can gank levelers easily.

Blizzard MUST have seen this coming and known about this basic ‘exploit abuse’, but they don’t seem to do anything about it. And yes, there are many things that could be done about it, not allowing trial accounts to raise to such power, for example, or cutting their power, not allowing gems on trial account chars, there are so many solutions that they could easily implement.

They could also ban people for this exploit abuse - trial account XP stop is NOT designed or meant to allow twinks, but to let people try the game before they buy it.

So these people are abusing that system, plus, it’s an incentive to NOT PAY, so a capitalistic corporation should do something about it for that reason even if not for some other reason.

But technically, they’re not ‘twinks’ that way, as they did not stop XP - the game stopped the XP for them, so they can still join the normal BGs. At least make any trial account char with gems or enchants (or too much HP for their level, or too much power, or or or) also join the twink bracket instead of normal BGs.

As I said, SO much could be done about this…

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I saw that 14k hp lvl 49 priest the DK above you talked about. How do you explain their lvl and twinking?


Could it be they were leveling to 50? Did you see the red bandana exp-off debuff on their character?

I do not remember… but this priest had 14k hp and nobody got even near that HP. Everyone has around 7k hp in that bracket.

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