Undead Nelfs in 8.3 (spoilers)

It is indeed sad that Azeroth doesnt have the internet or Wowhead or Forums to be properly informed of who exactly ppl doing the killing align with.

Blackrock Orcs made trouble in Redridge mountains NOT the Horde. But Keeshan was killing Orcs and Orcs were the enemy, even if Blackrock Orcs werent in the Horde then.

Ofc later Blackrock Orcs when Garrosh was Warchief were allowed into the Horde so somebody who had his family or friends killed by Orcs in Redridge , sadly, will never be “Oh it wasnt the Horde that killed them, it was Orcs who were not politically aligned with the Horde and here is a history lesson…” cause they simply didnt get the memo and mailbox takes an hour to arrive.

Its the same with Forsaken and Scarlet or Garithos and the remnants who spurned them! Sure they werent Alliance, but they were Humans. And the Alliance didnt offer a helping hand, instead sent back the pieces of Forsaken messengers.

Just so you can understand how the deeds of Humans throw dirt on Alliance, as Orcs do for the Horde.

Sry poor Forsaken being hunted by a Scarlet fanatic didnt stop to google and discuss politics and Alliances…


I mean, this makes sense to me. I thought we were discussing a Meta perspective.


And it certainly didnt help that there were some instances when the Alliance did in fact “hunt” certain members of their faction. See for example the quests around Nathanos in the Plaguelands during Classic.
It signalled a trend that made Forsaken put them in the same lot.

Funny that you failed to mention that this quest begins with Nathanos butchering people sent to find out about his fate, as Stormwind remembers him as a hero.


I put hunt between quotation marks because the circumstances surrounding said incident did signal Nathanos he was getting hunted, regardless of the details that involved it.

Stormwind stations assassins around his house, and after he deals with them, then sends in an entire army to kill him under the orders of “He must die because he is working for the Forsaken”? That doesn’t look all that good from his point of view.

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I think it was Sira who tells you that now isn’t the time to discuss their position. The easy way out for Blizzard, “They totally have a reason to join the Forsaken guys! Whispering to the writers Now quietly drop the whole issue like China drops the Tiananmen Square.” (I am sorry, but I had to.)

Nope. It doesn’t make any sense no matter how you spin it. Otherwise you might explain to me why Sylvanas was so angry at Arthas. She should have joined him happily.


Not really, Stormwind sends scouts to see whether he is alive. All of which were killed. We don’t even know who Nathanos is at this point, yet you somehow suggest that this is an assassination attempt? Come on.

And really it is deeply ironic to me that Nathanos just kills them. According to your own logic, why are you so amazed he got attacked after?

Not to mention the word “station”. I find it most unfitting for a scouting attempt. You make it sound as if they were waiting for him to go for milk, so they can pounce in and kill him.

Oh, and if you want to address his point of view, this is the man who butchered a whole lodge of elves because they giggled at him in life.

His point of view really has much merit.


From a Forsaken standpoint? It does.

I am ok with that.

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If it makes you feel any better, we don’t want them either.

I do like how their tree being burned down by the Horde was enough to make them lose faith in Elune and join in the killing of their people under Sylvanas, but all it takes to snap them out of it is meeting a human princess they’ve never heard of representing a faith they have no link to and they are ready to join up with the Horde. :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Blizzard should have made them leave together with Sylvanas. Undead Nelfs have no place inside the Horde.

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She did follow him. Against her will. And even when her free will started returning, she very carefully conspired against him as to not arouse him of her vengeful intentions.

So yeah, whether there is mind control involved or Sira blames Elune and Tyrande instead of blaming Sylvannas, who knows.

But we analyzed several theories that have merit and downright ignoring them doesnt support ur argument at all.

After all we agree the story could’ve been delivered better.

Its you alone who thinks Forsaken Undead nelfs could somehow side with nelfs instead of The Undead… I mean… that has basically never happened!! Each to their own! Its a shame but they are Undead now so… whether there is mind-control involved or they just think things the wrong way after dying , remains to be seen

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which is still more of a justification than Delaryn and Sira have for their actions :wink:

This. You could maybe call it a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome, but that doesn’t explain why Forsaken react so differently when they are raised. Why the risen Night Elves are full of rage and hatred and happily kill their own people, when Derek or Zelling stay pretty much their old selves in undeath.

There is no consistency in the writing here, no explanations- not to even get started on the free will thing…


If we go with the night elves undead though then in retrospect Sylvanas should have joined Arthas willingly and should have happily slaughtered her own people. It’s the same thing really.

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I think that said line of story would’ve made much more “sense”.

They were supporting Sylvanas because as undead they had been “revealed” something of importance that demanded they took said route of action.

Without it, the only thing left for them is what we have right now. And yeah, even if the above would come down as lacking, the current reasons are even flimsier.


Yes, Blizzard told that Delaryn will play major role in Night Elves future.

We know that Delaryn joined the Horde to kill Night Elves, because she thinks that Elune have abandon her. But funny thing is that Tyrande is also thinks that Elune have abandon Night Elves. So, it’s turns out that Delaryn was killing those who have suffered the same thing…

Sounds like a bad story writing. :thinking:

Especially now, when the war is over, why she joins the Horde? Why not continue fighting on Sylvanas side? Why not try to return to her race?
Why THE HELL she decided to go to new Horde?

Tyrande told, that she will not going to give away powers of the Night Warrior until Sylvanas is dead, and Until she will find out why Elune have abandon them. First thing is good, because now we know that Tyrande don’t have to die to lose those powers. Sylvanas will die or become second Kerrigan, in both cases Tyrande will be fine.
But regarding Elune. I think this is the place were Delaryn will play a role. Probably Elune will turn evil, and Delaryn will lead Horde troops to kill her, while Tryande will lead Alliance.

But no matter, all that story with Undead Night Elves is a :poop:, and nothing can change that!

Maybe they cant go back? Ever thought of that? Tyrande offered mercy the moment they were raised by the Val’kyr but that was before they actively assisted the Forsaken in killing and blighting her soldiers and the land.

Maybe they really are Forsaken after everything they’ve done. :slight_smile:

Btw, here is the full video of that meeting (spoilers).

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If she is mind controlled it’s not bad writing. Sylvanas or her master are powerful enough to do it. About Delaryn returning to her race i don’t think she can now, she has to wait for thinks to calm down. Wait and see i guess.

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Agree. But Blizzard told that this was on their own free will before.