What your find in some groups is that the leader will simply put master looter on to make sure the right class gets the BOE drop. If somethings sell on AH, which is 100g + everyone is likely going to try and be greedy.
If you’ve joined a group where one of your BOE’s was taken on a greed roll its your own fault for joining a group that doesn’t respect class optimisation.
Gold value is the same for everyone if you mean that 10g is as valuable to you as it is to me. When we are talking about BoP items, the value of wearing it is higher than 10g in 99% cases.
That means that wearing it brings more value to the user than selling it for anyone else. Therefore whoever can use the BoP should have a higher prio on it.
Is it easier this way?
How would you know? You have no baseline to make this statement. This is therefore completely subjective.
Let’s follow this reasoning for a second. Let’s say we’re doing BRD, I’m a mage, we kill Emperor and Ironfoe drops. “Damn, 6g30s, that’s quite a bit” I say. Now, there is no established market value for this item, as you cannot “market” it, so I’ll go by my own appreciation and judge it to be worth exactly 6g30s (it’s just a hammer with a proc that never happens and doesn’t even boost my spellpower , but it’s pretty I guess). I am now, as per your logic, entitled to NEED on this item in the exact same way as the warrior in the group. And if the warrior values it as 200g, well… that’s kind of just his opinion right?
Yeah, except its different for BoEs because they actually have their market value expressed in gold. Lol. Do you know the difference between BoP items and BoE items?
Well, this is why I never once suggested that everyone should roll “need” on BoP items. I was only talking about BoEs, because unlike BoPs they have a market price in gold which reflects their actual value.
Still, if you want to explore this topic - yes, the estimated gold value of BoP items is completely subjective. However, we can compare them with the price of similar BoEs, and also there are goldbid runs where BoPs have somewhat of a market.
That’s not the point though, nobody in their right mind would think that Ironfoe is worth 6.5g. However, everyone knows that Hand of Edward the Odd is worth like 1000g, why? Because its traded for that amount between players.
Well, but the thing is, this is highly fallible.
Market value for tradeable items fluctuates like crazy. There will be times where you think your logic works and others where you’dd say it’s more valuable for the person who will equip it. Just look for instance at the black dragonscale in the AH. It’s worth 10x more than last week.
A character upgrade from an item however is a constant.
The Need/Greed system seems pretty clear to me. If you need an item (in order to equip it and better your performance playing your class) you NEED. If you don’t, and you just want to make some profit out of it, you GREED. People can try to justify that they NEED gold but that’s just a bs argument. Because if you follow that logic, then it is legitimate for me to NEED on that hypothetical Ironfoe as it furthers my progress in my “achieve more gold” goal.
I understand the difference, i was pointing out the floor in ‘gold’ has the same value to everyone, and with that argument it means every item poses the same value to everyone because they are of a ‘gold’ value. Vendor or not.
I do understand the difference between BoP and BoE. You yourself stated using an item as an upgrade is of higher value than gold.
I don’t think needing on a BoE or a BoP purely for gold value is the intention between the NEED & GREED options. That was the purpose of this post.
AH price reflects the item’s actual value. Vendor price doesn’t. Can it really be that hard to understand?
Uhhhh, you don’t think the amount of gold matters? Whether its the market price or merely a vendor price? Doesn’t ring a bell to you at all? Jesus. Just stop embarrassing yourself, would you?
The value of 10g or 100g is the same across the party right? So again, I don’t it. It’s flawed. Regardless of market inflation… the item could be 300g it still dosn’t justify the purpose of ‘NEED’ rolling.
It does fluctuate, but in the same way for everyone. So if the price drops from 200g to 100g, it means that the guy who wants to wear it now saves 100g and not 200g. And the guy who wants to sell it now gets only 100g and not 200g. So its still the same for them comparatively.
The character upgrade from an item is constant, the value of that upgrade expressed in gold - isn’t.
Need/Greed system works perfectly fine for BoPs. For BoEs, however, its different.
People do need gold, just as they need BoEs. BoE = gold, because its interchangeable. And no, this logic, once again, doesn’t apply to BoPs, so your Ironfoe example is wrong. 6.5 gold from vendoring it doesn’t bring you nearly as much value as it would for someone who uses it for fighting.
My whole basis for suggesting to roll “need” on BoEs is because its the same value for everyone. With BoPs its not the case.
Alright mate, sorry, but I’m giving up on you. Feel free to think whatever you wish and have a nice day.
Must admit I do feel like I’m being trolled by that dude, although my experience shows there are enough people who can say absolute nonsense with a straight face like that, so its kinda sad I suppose.
You missed the purpose, he is consuming oxygen that’s way beyond his worth. Neither of you are worth the effort of shouting. Go spread your ‘need’ roll ethic. I don’t think you’ll get far.
ok, please tell me how its fair for the tank who really needs that + Armor +Stamina ring because its worlds better than his green quest reward from 10 levels ago to lose to some mage who just wants to make some quick cash from it?