Unpopular opinion

I think it’s nice that Blizzard have charities they support and will raise money/donate to certain initiatives.

I don’t understand why it would upset someone. If you are indifferent to BLM or any other cause then just ignore that Blizzard as a company support them.

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That can be interpreted differently:

You project to release your product at a certain date, but then an unexpected event will obviously shadow your product release if you maintain the date.
So you delay the release and then give an acceptable reason.

In case of CDPR, I think they feel like most about what happened to G. Floyd, so it’s easy for them to say that the delay is there to show support.

Go have a look at where the BLM funds go and who handles all donations. I don’t think anyone, anywhere with half a working brain would donate even a penny to that fraudulent “party” if they knew where there funds are going :slight_smile:

Also, no, no company should be allowed to engage in political pandering, to any person of any cause. It’s literally all agenda-driven. Every. Single. Time.

Stick to the videogames nerds, and let the normies eat themselves alive.
Big easy :slight_smile:


Also, what exactly do they need funding for ? lol can anyone give me an intelligent reply to that question ?

They’re not gona build anything, they’re not gona implement laws, they’re not gona do anything but continue LARPing and ruining their own neighbourhoods…

…so why do they need millions in funding to do that ?


Also, go have a look at the trending stats for “BLM” …it is quite literally every 4 years it gains traction for months then vanishes…what happens every 4 years in America ? welp :smiley:


I think the issue is that some people feel that BLM is more sinister than what is lead to be believed in. Personally I am not sure. But I am very angry with the press generally since Covid-19 dropped. I dont trust them at all. I also agree that it is nice that Blizzard to support charities etc. However I would argue that supporting any (and I mean any) groups which have A political stance, is wrong.

Private companies can do whatever they want with their money.
if you do not want to be associated with a company, vote with your wallet.

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Hopefully the number of players who don’t care about racism just because it doesn’t affect them is not high.

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Funny I was thinking the same about people who raise a fuss over it.

Funny how you said that they’re spending “your” money. Buddy, it stopped being your money the moment you gave it away. I also think that the millions is an exaggeration. Companies usually just come out with a twitter post stating how they support movement X.

As for the virtue signalling, it can indeed feel very disingenuous. Then again, if money is spent on a positive cause, I don’t really see the harm in it either way. Blizzard can spend their money how they like.


If you think that there should be less people who care about black people getting treated worse than others just because they were born with a different skin color, then you are simply just stupid.

I think there should be far less people pretending they care about a cause for social points, cause the moment they don’t get the attention or reaction they think they deserve for basically just throwing their opinion around, they become hostile. Kinda like you.

It’s nice knowing that a tiny portion of my Sub money goes towards a good cause.

Your post is well thought out with no insults, I don’t think you need to worry about that.


No they should not if it is social media, but who cares. You probably check that stuff in the first place or similar, thats why you support blizz for BLM nonsense.

No it is not unpopular. More so the political parties they support are not what mainstream tells they are. I believe what Blizzard does is simple virtue signalling. And BLM is very racist organisation (their leadership is no longer hiding it, feel free to find their streams instead just following herd-mentality). in 5-10 years time people will try to wash their hands off and start hiding their connections to it.


Of course he’s Serious… Look at him! Who else would it be?

I’m not sure there are any governments that could be classed as politically neutral, or if such a thing even exists. Governments ARE polictics.

That is completely untrue, the UK has a huge problem with the police unfairly targeting and discriminating against BAME people.
For example, police are more likely to use force against a black person than they are a white person
Black people in the UK also count for 8% of deaths in police custody despite being 3% of the poulation.

The use of violence, while unpleasant, has historically gotten results. The Suffrogettes would smash windows, set fire to post boxes and even set bombs.

What is so special about the nuclear family? From what I’ve just read on the BLM website they’re saying that they don’t want a family to be limited, but to extend the idea of family as much as is comfortable.
They’re also supporting LGBTQ+ people and working against ageism.
I can’t find nothing saying they want to upend democracy through Marxism, in fact Marxism wants more democracy, not less.

When there was a terrorist attack in London did the people of the world say they stood with London or did they say ‘all cities matter’?

I will direct you to a very good video essay on the subject of antifa.

Again, another video that explains the ideals of facism, and explains why those on the political left generally aren’t facists.

As for the actual topic at hand, Blizzard have been extremely hypocritical with the entire thing. On one hand they go against the Honk Kong protests by banning someone who supported it, on the other they give money to BLM. They didn’t even apologize properly for the ban, they just kind of hand waved away the issue while giving themselves a slap on the wrist.

I have no problem with any game company donating to a cause that it supports, from that point I can choose to continue to give them money or not, it’s really up to them, but they are mega corporations, not people, and as such they don’t really care, the individuals they employ may care, but the company doesn’t.
‘Now, more than ever, in these trying times, you can buy our product.’

Without taking a stand i bid you to read the BLM founders goals and the “drive” behind the movement!. It´s not all in the name u know.

The first link is about London, which I already acknowledged and explained, and the second is The Guardian giving an opinion piece. I don’t care about The Guardian’s opinions.

The statistics they provide all line up with what I’m saying. Stop and search was added to London because crime there is way higher. A higher proportion of blacks live in London. It’s really that simple. None of them look squarely at London. Try doing that.

Anyway, I’m done arguing in here. I already said it once, and now it’s gonna be final. Europe isn’t the US. We don’t have the same problems, and we certainly don’t have the same BLM leaders either.

How does what you say make a difference to the fact that police are more likely to use force against a black person?
Also, black people are not more likely to be arrested than white people (unlike the US), though they are more likely to be searched.

This is anecdotal, but when the increase in death rates of BAME people to COVID was first brought to light I saw far too many people suggesting that it was because black people didn’t know how to wash their hands properly, or were bad with hygiene in general!

The UK was built on slavery and has a big issue with systemic racism, just because some people don’t want to see it or are blind to it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Wtf is BAME?

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This conversation really should not be going on right now.
The only race issues that should be debated on the forums is why the Vulpera are the master race.

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