Unpopular opinion

black asian minority ethnic I believe

What does minority ethnic even mean?

sorry its meant to be with comas so its black people, asian people, people from minority groups, and other ethnic backgrounds

One of the groups of the group villages!!! is the new Black Panthers, what the hell are they supporting them for ??? Need to delete this game now - like supporting the NewIRA

No they just validate you. There’s a difference.

But do continue this thread is fascinating. How many of you like me live in the States may i ask?

A genuine question.

I hope no one remove this post

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not only, if my opinion gets removed for not being what you like to hear, then it would still be cancel culture, that is also called censure and is not really what we want to have happen, but it does.
so no it is not 100% boycotting it is also part censure

you can call anything, whatever you want and if a fascist wants to be associated with ani-fascisme by calling it antifa then that does not change the fact that the thing you called antifa is still fascisme.

then you are not watching there are a lot of rioting happening, now i don’t know if it is the majority(don’t think it is) or not, but saying it is not happening as you do is closing your eyes to the truth.

there is a report function for that so no it does not effect your game and real life events has no importance in a game and should not have and most of the time I see people crying about being offended in a game or real life it is them needing to grow a thicker skin.

I would like sources.
sure UK could target those black people and it could be totally legit in doing it, they could be known by the police for doing illegal stuff, does not mean they would not also target the white, asians and whatever we have that are also known by the police for doing illegal stuff if they fit the profile for the crime they are investigating, so that would be targeting person from past experience not because of race.
but again as i don’t know the incidents i can’t comment on them and as you don’t give sources then all we can take is your word and to be fair you are not a very good source to trust(none of us are very good sources to trust alone).
so unless you give sources with the background for why they were target(and why here means for what happened before the incident).

every person’s life matter, black, yellow, green or purple, now i agree US has a problem with that(among a million other problems).
now how most of the demonstrations has happened i can support so it can be fixed, very important so i will say it again MOST not all.

and you missed the point.
just because someone says they are against x does not make them against x if their actions indicates they are x.

nope they wont.
you dont understand what cancel culture is.

that is because you can’t understand what is being said.
he is saying he is against fascism no matter the name it uses.

HQ has to back it up into the backlash is to strong(unless they predict the backlash and take action before it comes), else i agree that the old times about charities were better

and white had a higher chance(nearly twice as high as black) to be hospitalized when violence happened to them, must mean the violence that do happen to white are that much worse.

and if you read the report you also read that they are trying to do something about it and have been since 2017.

that article also indicates that there is something wrong with the police in general with only 1 person in the last 50 years getting convicted for any death in police custody.
but it does say about the rasisme in the british justice system now it also talks about how police training has in influence in that and how some changed rules lowered it but after some knife incident the rules changed again and it began to raise again.

The impact of the WSPU’s extremism, much like the impact of political violence today, lost them many supporters.
losing support is not really a good thing, now the question is then if they could have gotten the same without the violence, given other places in the world got the same as them without the violence i would say it was not needed.

i think they were more after the terrorists, but they did back london(or other citys getting hit by terror)

there is a big difference there tho, they don’t want someone using their platform to push a political agenda, that does not mean they can’t push it when they want to and have taken the pros and con into consideration.

in the same article it also said that white has close to twice as high a chance to end up hospitalized from a police encounter then a black person when violence is involved

You’re an ignorant person and a liar.

No, they haven’t.

Thers a bone for you, i dont have the energy to continue in this thread.

you again, the same fascist that wants to throw people in prison based solely on a persons word. If you dont believe me you idiot go ahead and check their own website and educate yourself because its pretty clear your quite stupid or maybe a racist yourself.

whoa you sure showed me a concise well thought out and excellent rebuttal… wait a minute you just resorted to a personal attack just like every other fascist.

Yeah sure got results for Detroit. The only results violence gets is more violence and nobody likes being around violence. I’d get it if it was controlled violence that had an ultimate purpose, but it’s not. Most people see it as an occasion to vent their petty frustrations. And people with the possibility to move away, will. That’s how Detroit went from being the US home for the auto industry to mostly a ruin. Nobody is gonna stick around a city with no law and order.


ah yes, the “your literally Hitler!!” defense. any other buzzwords you’d like to call me? your literally a fascist yourself, supporting a group that uses violence to intimidate people for political gain.


“I simply started attacking and more or less assault anyone that acted racist in my proximity. It could be anything from full-on skinheads, to children and elderly people”

Then he’s got the guts to follow the mantra “anti-fascism is always self-defense” when he’s the instigator of a physical attack.

“To feel or even think that the white race is inferior in all thinkable ways is only natural considering their history and present actions. Let the white race perish under blood and suffering”

This is one of the more known “anti-fascists” in my country, pretty much supporting the extinction of white people.


Antifa has to be one of the most moronic groups in the world that we live in today. I’ve yet to hear anything from them that isn’t an attempt at justifying their own brand of fascism by saying that they’re combatting it (often with violence).


Guy stabs someone in the back, goes to court for attempted murder “Anti-fascism is always self defense!”.

Guy gets convicted in court for attempted murder.


They call the guy who tried to murder someone a hero, too.

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jesus dude, can you be any more racist? your not even hiding it what you said was literally the same thing as telling someone they dont get a voice because of their skin color… how about you go back to tumblr and cry more.

How about you realize that just because you call yourself something, it doesn’t mean you are that which you call yourself?

North Korea calls itself the democratic republic of korea, are they democratic? Nope. By your logic they are though.

The “anti-fascists” are labelled as one of the threats to democracy in my country, along with national socialists and islamists.

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aww come now, that’s not nice, did you really have to go and cuss me out? can’t have a civil discussion without throwing a tantrum?

what is it with you alt left weirdos you can’t have a civil conversation without personal attacks?

oh and btw gg violating the forum rules by circumventing the profanity filter…

Oh i know what racism is your clearly a racist yourself, telling someone to leave because their opinions dont matter because they aren’t the “correct” color.