Unpopular opinion

Typical, there is no alt left. Hoe about you go back to your alt-right forums. I protested against racism since the 90s, unlike you forum racist cowards. Go crawl back into that hole you came out from.

there is. and im not alt right, im a centrist by nature. i dislike anyone who is racist regardless of what they are. This is why i dont like BLM they blame one race for all their problems but dont talk about the actual problems cased by people in their own communities. and antifa is just a bunch of fascists so i mean not much else i can say about them. they use terrorism to get what they want.

Edit, ironic you claim to fight racism then blatantly be racist yourself. do you even own a mirror?

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Antifa, the made up, fake boogieman of the alt-right.

again, not alt right i know how badly you want me to be but im not sorry not sorry. But your showing your true colors (anyone who disagrees with me is alt right)

Are you white?

You’re not fooling anyone.

What would you call an organization that uses terrorism tactics for political gain?

I was in some of these protests for BLM earlier this year in seattle before things went south, and i said it before but let me reiterate this. I literally saw multiple BLM and antifa yelling hard R N word at black police and other racial slurs at asian police and white police. Would you not call that racism?

Ofcourse you did.

if you dont believe me check some of the videos, you can clearly hear them yelling racial slurs at them. I never wanted to punch someone so badly in my entire life till that day.

I dont care if you like me or not that your decision, but i have and always will call out racism regardless of what political opinions they have.

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That I agree with, f*k racism wherever it comes from.

then why are you being a blatant racist yourself? Ya know it isn’t only white people who are racist despite what the media claims.

I’m not getting involved in this thread as I’m fed up with this type of stuff on the forums, But you’re actually being racist in this thread. Maybe you need to learn what racism is yourself?


Perhabs you should actually look up and read up what true racism is. Anyone who claims white people are oppressed is an utter imbecile.

well there is atleast some what of an argument to be made, as it stand currently what race is the only one your allowed to criticize and discriminate against openly and commercially? It certainly isn’t black people like blm claims it is.

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It’s a case by case basis, My White south african friend got beat up on a bus for being White, Was that ok then? :slight_smile: Let’s look at a definition of racism from a dictionary

“Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.”

You seem to be implying races are different from each other and are judging races of people on actions of a minority, Even swearing and being abusive to people, Look at yourself.

I suggest you look up the stuff that happened in zimbabwe as well. There is bad people from all skin colours, Aiming your hate at one race is racism and pathetic.

To look at the world with your attitude White= bad Black= good. This isn’t Star wars where you can tell who the bad guys are with what colour they show up in.


How about you educate yourself, starting from the period of slavery untill the civil rights movement of the 60s, untill now in countries such as the USA. Keep on sticking your head in the sand.

Lots of far right types here, good thing I wrote my own ignore feature for the forums.

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I don’t think ‘Addons’ should be mandatory to compete at the highest levels.


Yep, it’s you…

I think transmog collecting should not be class/spec locked