Unpopular opinion

okay well first, do we live in the late 1800’s? or the 1960’s? i said very clearly “Currently” so tell me, as of 2020 what race can you call all kinds of awful names and have zero repercussions? what race are you able to say their lives dont matter and have Cambridge university promote you after saying?

Nobody is saying what happened in the past didnt happen or was right, You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who is glad it happened or does condone it. but as of 2020 the overwhelming majority of people of all races get along very very well and have no problems with race or anything (in the us anyway).

And just for “fun” multiple members of my family were slaves and my great grandmother and her family were treated horribly when they first came to america why doesn’t their experience count? They were irish btw. Im sure you remember the “no irish need apply” signs?

Contrary to popular belief it wasn’t only black people who were treated poorly and they were certainly not the only slaves in the world and to pretend they were is disingenuous at best and racist at worst.

i 100% agree, i want to wear cloth on my paladin!!!

I didn’t know Irish weren’t allowed to vote or hung from trees.

again, you didnt give a response to my main talking point. you dont get to cherry pick here friend. I didnt say they didn’t did i? All i said was it wasnt only black people who were treated poorly which is a fact.

now do tell me, what race in 2020 can you openly discriminate against and get promotions?

Antifa are still considered one of the threats to democracy in Sweden, along with national socialists and islamists.

I guess you better lecture our security police that they’re just made up.

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As a rule of thumb, Antifa being regarded as a threat to democracy, tells you that a country has sleep walked too far to the Right.

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Haehaha. No.

We have a party whose foundation lies in marxism that are the ruling party right now.

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considering they use terrorist tactics to get what they want including outright murder i would say its wise to consider them a threat.

Antifa is a very fun subject.

A loose organisation without a leader is a organisation that will very quickly derail. Antifa have had activists that used violence and general intimidation to prevent disagreeables from speaking up. Whether it be elderly men, more right-leaning journalists, or homosexuals who does not necessarily support but does not speak totally ill about the American president.

Antifa being a loose organisation is a problem, much like anonymous being a loose organisation is a problem, because everyone can and will brand the organisation no matter their intention and acts.

From what I have read, Antifa is generally a movement composed of a mixture of people, one side that believe that violence should not be a tool to be used because facism in the world does not pose a physical threat, and the other side that believes violence is perfectly viable because the government fails to protect the people in certain places.

Antifa, like any loose organisation, is in fact a very great threat.

Hahaha. Not only that.

They want to overthrow the government/parliament by means of revolution and institute their idea of socialism here after all the dissidents have been dealt with.

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Hmmm… the current special advisor to the UK Prime Minister claims to be a Leninist…to say nothing of the shenanigans various members of the UK’s defunct Revolutionary Communist Party have been getting up to, in the Alt-Right movement… Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist…my comment stands.

The nazs also thought they where a “threat”. Kinda sums up those kinda people. New era, same sht.

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So the democratic people’s republic of korea is democratic then according to you? They call themselves democratic in the name after all.

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you nailed it!! 110% spot on. They started out with good intentions but their lack of leadership and left wing radicalization quickly devolved them into an outright terrorist cell. project veritas even had people inside their ranks (lack of a better term) and they were teaching people how to cause as much damage to people they dont agree with as possible including gouging out eyes.

This combined with them instigating the vast majority of the riots in the us (i seen it in person in Seattle) is starting to point to them being a far left terrorist group.

Except for the fact that they truelly are anti-fascism. No matter how hard you alt-right clowns try.

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Nope…pretty shoddy strawman too.

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Just because you call yourself something it doesn’t mean that’s what you are.

The moderate party here, obviously, calls themselves moderates. They’re anything but moderate and are rather extreme capitalists.

The liberals, you know, people associate that with liberalism, are anything but liberal.

how is that a strawman? its literally the exact same thing your saying “well they’re called anti fascist so they must be anti fascist right?” If that’s the case then why does the “democratic” republic of korea not count?

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group… wouldn’t trust a word they say.

plenty of “left wing” organizations including BLM are calling out antifa for inciting violence