@Tifa: The original connected realms program many years ago was not without its’ problems. In fact, if my recollection is roughly correct the program “froze” for well over a month due to some unspecified (to us outsiders) problems.
As to why exactly the current program is suffering problems, too… We do not know. If I had to venture a guess, the numerous changes made over the years have made the process even more complicated than it was in the distant past.
Ah, ok, keep in mind in my calculations I didn’t change any RP into normal type, nor did I connect any country’s realm with another country, but I was getting results like 1 italian realm left, 2 spanish, 6 russians, 5-6 french and so on, ending up with a total of 40, but I think your point about queues makes a lot of sense, if we ONLY have full realms remaining, which is ofc what I based that assumption on, following the blackhand move, there might be no chance for people to avoid queues.
And true, with 6k capacity per realm there might not be enough space for all players after an expansion launch.
@ Tifa: there’s rumors they fired a lot of people around a year ago, the old round of connections happened 6 to 7 years ago, likely those that were good at making connections aren’t working at blizzard any more.
That’s true, I had to do tortollan emissary for gold on aman’thul and missed it cause at 1 it was down already and wasn’t back up till way after 9, when it reset, at least they managed that connection, with big problems ofc.
hmm, started to ponder more, could this problems they have be connected to the calender bugging out, something there that brakes things.
Becuse calender broke pretty much same time, the announcement came.
Impossible, those are all big realms! Sylvanas is the smallest of these and it might be possible to connect it with some tiny realm, not with one another though.
Maybe ravencrest, draenor is significantly bigger than blackhand, but agree with that ofc.
Also would like to remind you they TRIED to connect them, it failed, there’s the intention but not the ability it seems.
As for similar connections in the past, they successfully merged tarren mill with dentarg, the first of them being pretty big too, along the lines of ravencrest I think.
But the point I was making to retributor is IF they connect one of them it’s gonna be with a tiny one, he was asking to link silvermoon with draenor or sylvanas with ravencrest and I think you can see that would be overkill population, we would really get login queues with that idea.
Out of Curiosity, Do we have an estimated time when the Connection will be complete? At this stage i dont see any signs that Hellfire is connected to any of the Kilrogg realms and vise versa with Kilrogg to Hellfire realms. Alsowhats the likely hood of this being connected before prepatch?
Blizzard finally made a blue post and admitted kilrogg-hellfire connection went wrong, that’s good news for you I guess.
They don’t have an estimated time though, and just so you know the first connections at all in europe, borean tundra + black scar (russian) and natchwache + todeswache (german) failed around 5 weeks ago and still haven’t been announced.
That’s not to say they won’t be connected but maybe they put them at the back of the queue.