Used Token on the Wrong Server

Hi there, wanted to play with my friends on the server “Ревущий Фьорд”, was creating my character yesterday on that server, today commited to making a Warlock and used the token to join my friends quicker, as a result I used it on the “Новая Песня” server accidentally which is a server for new players, it must have changed itself or I goofed it somehow, which is pretty saddening and very disappointing. Is there a chance to change it or get the token back? I just bought WoW and a subscription like 1-2 days ago and would really want to join my friends on the other server, I can delete the character and reset the token or if you could transfer this character, the Warlock name is “Киви” on my account. My friends are lupkut#2947 and aronisimo#1365 and a couple others - trying to give you guys as much information as possible so it would be easier for you to help me out.
Thanks, will be looking forward a response.

Blizzard don’t usually help with this but you would need to open a ticket to ask.