Using touchscreen for AH sniping

So I plan to use steamlink to play WoW on the couch on an iPad. It’s gonna be used mostly for just simple stuff like gathering. I also wanted to use it for sniping crafting mats on AH.

What I’m basically asking is if it can be automatocally detected as an automation as I will be basically tapping the purchase button directly, without moving the cursor. I don’t wanna do something against TOS just to lay on a couch making some gold.

No it’s not automation. You’re doing an action to make one action happen. Which is perfectly allowed.

Automation is you don’t press or swipe anything and your character does something. You’re doing something to make it happen. Perfectly fine.

I’d be more concerned about the clause regarding third-party streaming services. And you won’t get a definitive answer whether using steamlink is allowed or not.