Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

Hey guys,
I’ve completed quests for Val’anyr till the latest stage, where I should obtained it. However, the quest for final part disappeared and I couldn’t retake it. I wrote a ticket and had been told that it is because of the merging of Ulduar difficulties and that they are working on the fix. Does anyone have any news or did anyone manage to complete Val’anyr achievment in 8.0.1+?
Thanks for your help!

Hey Eviel!

It’s not super recent, but I had no issues completing this questline just before Battle for Azeroth launched (other than the usual waiting for enough quest items to drop!). I’m assuming you mean the final quest where it’s asking you to defeat Yogg-saron?

You should be able to return to the Archivum Console in a new clear and pick up the quest, then go and complete it and turn it back in at the same place even in the new “flex” version of Ulduar. If you are having any issues, I’d suggest making an in-game ticket and asking one of our Game Masters :).

Hello Zaxithorne,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, that’s the quest I mean. Didn’t pop on map even as I marker Low level quest. I will try go straight to Console. Will see if anything pops up. Thanks again!
Edit: Worked like a charm. Got quest and completed it. Thanks once more.

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