Vote kick function, leveling through dungeons

Hi Blizz,
Just posting a little bit of feedback. I’m a long term player of WOW who tends to main healer. I have a disc priest, 2 Holy Paladins, 2 Monks and now I’m leveling shaman. I’ve got cutting edge a few times as healer and I’m fairly ok at PVP achieving Elite this season.
So my feedback is regarding your dungeon vote to kick system. I’m in a 5 man dungeon today, the Druid tank is taking lots of damage and he dies on the first pack. Presumably because he has 5 stacks of sunder armour. I’m casting rip tide as instant cast heals, maintaining my earth shield and casting empowered healing waves. His Hp is remaining pretty high but its spiking harder and harder ( more stacks of sunder armour). Eventually he dies faster than I can even realise what to do next, he dies in about the time a healing wave takes to cast. Anyway perhaps I should have used spirit link or something but I didn’t he dies. I pop my earth elemental which tanks the pack and we kill the pack. The tank died but hey we didn’t wipe so no harm no fowl right?

This is what my feedbacks about, this Tank proceeds to demand that I heal him and calls me a noob, then a few pulls later votes to kick me and his 3 friends accept instantly. Now here I am thinking a) why do i even bother playing healer and b) why am i evening bothering with this game. I’ve got a 30 minute wait time to rejoin another dungeon all because this malicious player has decided to vote kick me.

Now don’t get me wrong I understand that sometimes vote kick will be useful, people afking, people not doing what they’re supposed to be. But the fact that once I am vote kicked I’ve got a 30 minute wait time to rejoin another dungeon Is just outrageous. What a stupid system. This guy has not only set me back in being able to play that dungeon but has also deleted 30 minutes of my precious game time.
Frankly this system is stupid and is very open to being abused, someone on your development team should do something about it. If someone like me who’s a long term player with multiple healer characters gets booted from a group for “not healing” even when im making genuine effort to heal the group. Then what do new players stand to gain by playing the game. Imagine being a new player and walking into this situation.
I hope someone at Blizzard takes the time to consider the consequences of such a poorly thought out system on its player base and continued growth.

TLDR : Kicked from a dungeon when genuinely trying to play the game, experienced player, banned from playing for 30 minutes because of it, this needs to change.


Hi man.

I fully support you and if someone in a group I am in initiates a vote, I will very seriously consider whether it is justified before I cast my vote.

I have been in situations where I have had trolls actually vote everyone on a party out because people will follow what they are saying like sheep:

" is pulling mobs, kick him"

And they actually do!

Unfortunately when playing in a group that consists of friends or guildmates it can be very one sided and you have little hope of ever coming out of a disagreement unscathed! It is very very frustrating and why I don’t tank or heal!

I suggest that blizzard implement a player rating system, much like reviewing a product you buy online. The reviews are public and someone with a lot of negative reviews can then be seen by anyone, linked to account and not player. Such a system would be open to abuse too but with more reviews a player can see what the majority thinks.

If you really want to make a difference then report that guy for toxicity (calling you a noob and such).

For me the problem is not the game, the fact you are healing or the vote kick system. It is people. I’ve been kicked too for stupid reasons too: for doing mechanics in a dungeon people didn’t know and got kicked cause I was acting silly for them because they had no clue what I was doing.

The problem is that people are more and more toxic without being aware. I always try to fix the problem and the bad atmosphere, defend the new players receiving the hate or try to teach things people didn’t know. Some peple get really offended by advice and some just… vote kick because they are toxic and not aware of it.

Try to be patient, and ignore the idiots :wink:

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who give crap lvl dungens

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