Vulpera? Horde or Alliance? (Horde, it's Horde)

Being small in numbers would fit them IC anyhow.

I mean, I’m trying to not get excited because they haven’t been officially confirmed.

But I really want one.

Only thing that changed was the name, instead of weird ‘Purge Squads,’ they’re now 7th Legion Incinerators (fire mages), Sandwalkers (elemental shaman), Despoilers (destruction warlocks) and Ascendants. It’s one of those quests that clearly doesn’t have too much thought put into it, based on the number of troubling implications it has.

  • 7th Legion destroying the caravan homes of a nomadic culture, as well as rounding Vulpera up and imprisoning them for execution. That’s a bit out of character.
  • The 7th Legion apparently employs warlocks that wield chaos magic. Especially after the events of Legion, employing those sorts of spell-casters seems like a curious decision.
  • The 7th Legion also apparently now has access to the ritual of elemental ascension, a secret previously held by the Twilight Hammer and the Earthen Ring. Are they using dark secrets taken from the Twilight Hammer, or should we take this as endorsement of the Alliance by the Earthen Ring?

All of that will never be acknowledged by Blizzard, most likely. Regarding the Vulpera though, I expect that they’re an abandoned allied race, just like there’s a bunch of abandoned warfronts that will probably never get made. I just don’t feel like there’s enough meat on them for them to become an allied race.

Even the likes of the Lightforged and the Void Elves feel more substantial and deserving of the title than Vulpera. If they get given allied race status, it will lead me to believe that literally any minor side-race that just shows up for a fraction of a zone will have a chance of becoming an allied race.

I quite agree with all of this, but I didn’t want to cause any upset :smiley:

I think there’s plenty, they have almost all the animations, armour nearly works perfectly on them, tail animations, heart of azeroth animations, swimming backwards, animations for the cloak - they wouldn’t abandon all that work frankly. It takes much more work to make those than not.

If this is the Fate of the HMS Vulpera Hype, then this captain is going down with his Ship.

For Vol’dun

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No… Please no Vulpera… :sob:
But definitely Horde…

Kump, please don’t tell me you’re in the San’layn camp.


San’layn are easy.

  1. Blood elf
  2. DK
  3. Blood spec

Congratulations, you are now playing a san’layn


There is even a skill for Blood DKs that allows you to drink blood like a San’layn, I don’t know why people ask for them when you can already play them.

Genuinely had never thought of it like this holy hecc

I wouldn’t mind -undead high elf-, but no, i am no fan of San’layn.

And i prefer that they would be kind of customization option rather than allied race… Never been a fan of that system.

We interrupt this thread with breaking news: Mister Genius discovered warm water. Stay tuned for more information about this groundbreaking revelation.

No need to be rude, I’ve just seen a couple people saying they might be neutral and thought to do a lil post on it.

Lil hint, don’t be rude and you’ll be happier :smiley:


What! Where! I must know how to obtain this “Warm Water”!


Idk, my post made me happy. But it wasn’t mean to detract value from your post (okay, it was). But don’t take it to heart, it was meant to be a light reply for the sake of irony.

Is cool but ye!

I thought the Water was Warm?

It’s lukewarm sorry spoilers for 8.2 :confused:

Yeah the Alliance are the bad guys so all this makes sense.

Wow, its almost like they are showing that the Alliance can actually do bad things under the wrong command and can be morally grey. But no, we can’t have that, The Alliance are the good guys.

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