Warcraft: Battle Master


what if there was a new game client named: Warcraft: Battle Master. And this game would be based on LOBBIES, you select your GAMEMODE: Battleground / Large Scale Battleground / Arena 2s/3s, you select your HERO Class (WoW’s classes, but with skins from lore characters within Warcraft, or even your customized character imported from WoW).
And this game would have ~2months seasons, and this game would have an actual matchmaking system, eveyone could compete in it, spamming queue after queue, and all their time spent in game is by actual playing the game. And “maybe, maybe, maybe we add some titanium white, maybe, to make it glow."

I know, i know, it would be kind of bad, dividing the players, and since there is no Oribos where you could showoff your glad title or your mount, and I really get that and just for that this game should not exist!
… BUT … maybe if we would have #SOLOQUEUES in WoW, with a proper matchmaking system that takes in consideration SPEC CR, ilvl, maybe past arena performances, then maybe, I would not dream about a different game and I would actually play WoW, instead of working for #Blizzard as an matchmaking tool, that needs to check CR for the person that applied to my LFG, and who knows if that CR was achieved in that healer spec, or in the DPS spec. etc


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