Warlock vs. BG chat people

I wonder which is worse, warlocks in BGs, or people in BG chat.

Someone started accusing me of trolling and pulled my honor level into it, OF COURSE. Because why would you discuss like a civil human being when you can use numbers and tactics to insult and be toxic against someone.

How did we end up in a situation where some jerk accuses me of ‘trolling’ (although I have -never- fished for reactions in my whole life, what do people even get out of that, it’s a mystery to me! Furthermore, ASSUMING evil intent is just really too low - what kind of world do these people live in, if they immediately assume others to be evil?)?

Well, I’ll tell ya, but some of you might not be happy. I have calmed down considerably, because for some reason, emotions are not allowed in this game, unless you’re toxic, then you can do whatever you want (peculiar thing, that - I never insult or curse and people always want to mute me, but these jerks that vomit constant stream of expletives, really disgusting and shocking insults at other players while also parroting and regurgitating clichés, memes and the most commin insults you ever hear (‘l2p’, ‘git gud’, ‘stop crying/moaning’, ‘shut up’), never seem to get any consequences regardless of how much they are reported.

I guess mob rules in this game, and that’s the way Blizz wants it. No justice for single individual, regardless of their actual nature and motives - let toxic mob steamroll everyone else. Sigh.

Anyway, I can’t figure out this warlock thing. Especially against rogues, warlocks are 100% helpless and useless. A rogue stabs me a couple of times and I lose 50% my HP although the rogue has same HP as me originally. I try ‘life drain’ after Cc, but that doesn’t heal me AT ALL. Rogue just keeps stabbing me until I am dead. I try it again after using soulstone to resurrect, and now the rogue kills me even quicker.

I don’t get this game. What am I doing wronG?

Can warlock REALLY be this badly designed?

Of COURSE I have heard all of this “that’s called being bad” (though written with bad grammar), but no one ever explains HOW I am being bad. What am I doing wrong, what should I have done, and so on.

I am aware of ‘mortal coil’ and all that, but it doesn’t really help, as it doesn’t get the rogue off of me, it just sticks to me like poisonous, knife-covered glue. I have no chance.

I once tried the whole mortal coil + fear + gateway-routing against a ganking huntar. It had slowed me down to a crawl, so even after the gateway, it was still after me and shooting at me. The only thing that rescued me, the ONLY reason it didn’t murder me, was that the BG ended, before it had the chance.

Warlock has no interrupts, no mobility, no stealth, no ‘proper blink’. It has some CC, but most of it is not instant. All the ‘mobility’ is through gateways and circles that have to be pre-planned.

BGs are a ‘fluid situation’ that’s constantly changing and moving. When a rogue stunganks you, it’s kinda hard to suddenly realize or start planning your escape - or remember what you pre-planned, when you’re dead in 2 seconds.

That is, assuming you even CAN do anything. Usually, without mortal coil or the other semi-instant CC (you have to aim it, though, and that takes time, and I always forget its keybind, so I have to use the mouse to select it from the other action bar far away, so it’s not very useful even when it is available), there’s absolutely 0 you can do against warrior that keeps charging to you -even- though you slow it down (when you slow down something, it should -stay- slow, not be able to just dash, rush, charge and pop!).

There’s even less you can do against rogue that keeps you stunned while stabbing your life away. Even if I had mortal coil, let’s assume an ‘optimal’ situation, where I can keep the rogue CCd for awhile. Somehow. This is not what happened, the rogue just ganked me, but let’s assume.

First I’d mortal coil, then immediately ‘fear’, then shadowfury? Or the Infernal thing?

or I could ‘fear’ a couple of more times, if I am lucky and not shadow locked, and that’s about it. Then the rogue is back and ganks me in stun anyway.

If I try -anything- else, I am either locked, stunned, or the rogue vanishes and stuns me. All the while stabbing me to death in 2 seconds or less.

Of course I use all my defensives and shields, which prolongs the whole thing by maybe 0.5 to 1 second (if I am lucky).

Then what? Even with gateway + circle, I can’t get away - it can blink straight to me from kilometers away, so what’s even the point of trying to run away? The only way to ‘get away’ from a rogue is stealth. Ach, but warlocks don’t have any stealth.

So my question is; why was warlock designed to be this weak, this much of a punching bag with no mobilty, stealth, or even a lousy interrupt?

Did they start out trying to come up with the worst possible class for the game? Yeah, let’s have powerful spells you can never cast because either the target is already dead or you’re stunned or locked or killed! That’s gonna be so much fun.

Let’s have be completely helpless against rogue, warrior, DK, DH, Monk, other warlocks, that’s gonna be great. So much joy to play such a weak punching bag!

I mean, I can’t fathom what they were thinking when they gathered up for the ‘warlock design meeting’. Did they set out to ruin a casual Bg-player’s life?

So unless you have your whole life planned ahead of you with gateways, circles, everything, and you have all your cooldowns just waiting, and mortal coil ready and your finger at the key, I don’t see how a warlock would ever be able to escape being ganked by rogues.

There’s obviously either something I am missing about warlocks and rogues, or this game is just horribly badly designed, and rogues are never properly nerfed enough.

(Well, I was able to escape the rogue once, by using gateway + circle and all kinds of stuff, then going to where our people are, and then using mortal coil, fear, shadowfury, infernal, but I can never cast chaos bolt to a rogue, they’re always faster - chaos bolt takes like hours to cast (or so it feels like in a BG situation))

Now, to the other mystery; why are people so toxic in BG chat? It’s like their first reaction is to assume the other is evil, and to be as poisonous and toxic towards them as possible. A fellow player of their own faction and own team, and these people still want to corrode them to death with horrible insults and other stuff even the most hardened admin would be shocked to see.

They’re always also quick to, instead of advicing, helping, and explaining, to insult, shame and assume the worst. They rather tell you you are bad than tell you how you could become good. They rather insult you and think that’s a proper answer and solution to the problem - ‘this player must just be really bad! Now, where’s my reward for being extremely clever?’…

Instead, one could expect fellow human beings to extend their helping hand in the vein of “with a rogue, when it uses THIS stun, you use THIS spell, and when it uses the OTHER stun, you use THIS spell, then you can do this and that, and that allows you to escape”.

But instead its “you are a bad player, that’s why warlocks are incredibly weak and vulnerable against any and all melee”, without ever explaining -how- I am a bad player or what I could have done differently - or what a GOOD player would’ve done in that situation.

They are quick to say ‘this class is a 3-button class’, but when you ask which buttons are they talking about, they don’t have an answer for ya.

People are so quick to harass, insult, put down, belittle, and say something is bad, awful, etc., be it a class, spec, or player - but when you as, them to specify, elaborate or clarify what they mean, all you get is silence or more insults.

Why is that? Because they don’t really even believe what they’re saying - they JUST want to insult and make you feel bad.

I don’t get this. Do they think they will feel better if they manage to make someone else feel bad?

Do they think they become somehow elevated if they manage to push a fellow player down into the mud and laugh at them?

Do they think they become good if they can convince everyone someone else is bad?

Why do people even care about others’ honor level AT ALL? All it means is wasted life in BGs. that’s all it means.

But some people go absolutely nuts with it, and use it as some kind of rationalé for insulting innocent players. Because you have this number attached to your account, it must mean you are evil and trying to do something awful.

What… the… heck?

How can anyone think this way? Number does n’t mean ANYTHING. I could’ve played WoW for 900 years (let’s assume parallel dimensions, time travel, anti-aging youth elixir, etc.), and still not understand anything about why warlocks are so weak.

They really don’t think this through, because if they did, they’d realize that a) classes are -modified- constantly, so even a warlock veteran from 2004 would be baffled by modern version of warlock.

Also, not everyone plays every class for 20 years in a row. I am new to warlock as I am to some other classes, and I am absolutely baffled as to how different it is to play (if it can be called that) than the other classes. But because of some arbitrary number, I am somehow suddenly not allowed to ask honest and innocent questions, because toxic people in BG chat assume I MUST be an expert on ALL THINGS considering WoW, although I barely know anything more now than I did when I started, except maybe some very basic knowledge.

I don’t know anything about warlocks, and the more I play them, the more it baffles me as to how weak they are to rogue and warrior and other melees as well.

If a DK pulls you, a DH can dash away and use the vengeful retreat. A huntar and paladin can bubble. A mage can blink, iceblock+invisibilize or alter time away. A monk can use its mobility abilities and often escape that situation.

But a warlock? Warlock can only have mobility in a -planned- situation. The only reason I was able to escape that rogue was because I was ready for it, my finger was poised, I had planned the escape in my mind 28 or so times, I was constantly focusing on the rogue starting to stungank me and what I would do.

That’s how I escaped.

But as I mentioned, BG is a fluid, constantly changing, shaping and moving situation. You can’t plan around that, even if you are psychic, because future might change…

So in a sudden surprise situation, warlock is just a dead punching bag, and that’s all there is to it. Only in a group situation or planned escape, can it ever hope to escape anything.

I am kind of disappointed in people. After talking with people elsewhere, it’s always so shocking to suddenly get completely hateful, toxic responses in WoW, especially when I really haven’t said anything too rage-inducing. I can understand someone raging at me if I am being unreasonable and raging at them or repeating something or spamming (which I never do), but if I am just asking a question, why is their first reaction to be hostile and treat me as the worst enemy they have ever seen?

I mean no harm! I am not anyone’s enemy (except horde’s of course). I don’t want conflict, I don’t want to fight. I just want to understand, I want explanations, I want information, I want people to treat me as fellow human being with all the included dignity.

I really, really can’t understand, and that’s what makes it so frustrating and irritating - WHY are people toxic as their FIRST reaction? I can’t fathom why -anyone- would, let alone SO MANY.

These are human beings, right? These are players, they have hands, fingers, eyes, faces, hearts? They have souls? Then why are they acting like they’re the worst demons from the deepest circle of the scummiest, rotten, most failed portion of hell’s trashcan located in the toilet facilities?

It’s like they know no bounds of how to treat other people. Just because it’s a game or the communication happens utilizing computers and the internet, shouldn’t be a reason to just be absolutely vile and disgusting, hostile and toxic, hate-filled and unreasonably vicious towards fellow human beings, whose only crime is that they want information and understanding.

I know this post will also receive that same, usual, downright boring and yet shockingly horribly vile and hateful treatment, I’ll get really disgusting replies, I will get people ganging up against me, as usual. And yet, in your heart of hearts, can anyone point anything SO BAD that I have said that I deserve all that?

Be honest, can you?

Really, I don’t know which is worse - trying to be a useful team member playing a warlock in BGs, or trying to have a civil conversation in a BG chat.

I don’t know which is worse - warlock’s design, or people in the BG chat. This battle rages on, and the winner is difficult to determine, but whichever it is, I weep for humanity and hope that somewhere there is a world where things make sense and people can treat each other AT_LEAST neutrally.

wl have currently very high mobility although it works better in a closed space (arena) as it requires setup.

Apart of that, game is not balanced around 1v1 (or balanced at all for that matter).
If you are not 60 and don’t have full pvp gear, you cannot really complain about pvp balance or anything as it just doesn’t matter.
If pvp is already a mini game on lvl 60 it surely is completely irrelevant and ignored below lvl 60.

they are not weak, but they need support by another class. In a 1v1 setting with all CDs available I guess rogues counter almost every class. Would like to tell you rogues get much worse in a team setup, but unfortunately they are still very strong and can delete you in a kidney shot when you don’t have trinket =)

games balance is terrible, it is better to accept it and either play with the tools available or just reroll and see if the grass is greener on the other side (sometimes it is, sometimes it is not)

why you even care what people say in the internet?
If you care so much you probably need to stay away from the internet in general as it is just a toxic place of anonymity. Sometimes you can troll the heck out of flaming people and it is more fun than the actual bg.

Also I can tell you that some classes are just much more fun to play in bgs. Warlocks are certainly fun in EPICs but negative fun in normal bgs (at least for me).
To set up mobility is just annoying especially because you always have to move out of range for it.
Circle and gate are just dumb and unfun designs and purely exist for arena settings I would imagine (or maybe if you def a flag or something)

Next time you get in trouble. Direct them to this post. That’ll buy you an hour.


I’m not reading all that.

Wall of text crits for 1000000k
You died.

Every 2-3 weeks this guy makes another wall of text usually about being 1 shot by a hacking rogue in a Grave yard.

It’s obviously that time again. The level of the lock slowly increases. I guess that’s a plus. Maybe.

Your honor level is well above average so you’ve presumably done lots of pvp over the years. Was it along the lines of someone of your honour level should know better than suggest whatever it was you said and they took it as trolling ?

Warlock and Boomy are needed in all RBG matches, Dotcleave is too strong.

warlock will ALWAYS be needed in RBG comps,

-Gateway for flag carrier to cap flag faster
-Silences ( UA dispell effect is OP )
-pets ( stops healers from drinking to gain mana)
-self teleport to places that would otherwise be impossible to reach

TLDR Warlock offers more than others

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You seem to have a lot of issues with other people in bg’s, since you have a lot of posts about the same topic more or less. I only play random bg’s myself and yes, toxic behaviour is true and real in there sometimes. But the level of toxicity you seem to face, i have never encountered over the years. If you struggle with the class you play at that moment, i don’t think asking advice from other players in the bg is gonna give you the answers you want. Or wondering how some other class can just stun kill you. If you don’t like warlock in bg, don’t play it. If you wanna get better/learn, there are probably yt videos about that. Not really much more that i can say. All classes have strengths and weaknesses.

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Use your gateway and portal to gain distance
Use mortal coil to get fear off
Don’t forget curse of exhaustion is super strong vs any melee.

You have many tools depending on what spec you are.

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