Warmode unplayable as Horde lately

What the hell is goin on with warmode? How is every shard completely stacked with allies ? Every single nook and cranny is camped by alliance raids , this literally kills world pvp for me

I don’t why no one has replied to your post but i 100% agree. It feels like we are in a alliance only shard. Unplayable, running into 20 + alliance groups all the time.

its simple and easy

Horde gets no value out of warmode. alliance gets better % in warmode.
but the most important thing would be. alliance gets a kill quest that gives a big chunk of conquest and other rewards. and they need to kill 25 horde’s.
were horde gets no quest. so no reward. and no reason to turn warmode on. i always had my warmode on. i am a bear tank i can handle a punch. but getting randomly ganked by 25 alliance players ? no thanks.
i want to get my world quest done fast and go back to dungeons or even other games. why would i want to spend 3 hours trying to do my stuff with warmode on. were it can be done within an hour with warmode of. i dont get any value out of it wasting 2 hours extra on it.

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