Watch the World of Warcraft Expansion Reveal Now!

Their asss is too big to have diapers

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Donā€™t let us down, Blizzard. This is your last chance.

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People say that for every expansion.

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Weā€™ve never had two badly received expansions in a row before. If this one turns out to be the same, then the game will never recover.

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Donā€™t worry Moris.

If you ever want to know about the future of WoW just take a look at FFXIV since Blizzard seems to copy and base WoW on the progress of FFXIV. In the last patch of FFXIV you are handed a rundown gown and told to go explore other countries and new areas. This means that the next expansion of WoW, just like in FFXIV, will send us to normal areas and the old world. Yay!

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5 ā€œcovenantsā€, borrowed powers from those ā€œcovenantsā€, Aspect Power grind, Timegated story (told in 2 minute cutscenes per patch) that can fit in napkin, very poor class balance - what else?

These will be youtube video titles :

1 Will Blizz nail this time?
2 Blizz you need to listen!
3 Can 10.1 save wow?
4 OMG Blizz listened 10.1 looks promising!
5 Why 10.1 feels like letdown
6 Can 10.2 save wow?
7 OMG Blizz listened! So much alt catch-up
8 Everything that is wrong with 10.2 and why Blizz needs to listen
9 Can 10.3 save wow?
10 OMG Blizz listened! this looks promising!
11 Ok Blizz, you need to do this for 11.0


Yes, unfortunately most of this player-base are rather easy to hype up for some reason. But for me, this is it. If 10.0 turns out to be as bad as the last two expansions, then Iā€™m out for good.

Doesnā€™t matter if expansion will be good or not, those videos will pop anyway so that youtubers with their great and unmatched wisdom can farm clicks :stuck_out_tongue:

Wanna bet in crate of beer ?

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Oh, I know. Thatā€™s one thing thatā€™ll never change.

Iā€™m not a betting man, but we can share a bottle of rakija. :grin:

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Youā€™ve been saying that the last two expansions :smiley:

I beg your pardon? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

yeah I forgot what MMO you wanted to switch to but obviously you didnā€™t, been a long timeā€¦ not that Iā€™m blaming you, Iā€™ve been complaining about SL a lot too and yet here I am still playingā€¦ :man_shrugging:

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Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ve no idea what youā€™re taking about.

And Iā€™m playing other MMOs alongside World of Warcraft, mainly The Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2. I never left World of Warcraft to play any of them. World of Warcraft was always my favourite, but I like diversity and trying out new things.

My current gripe with World of Warcraft is that its far too restrictive and archaic. I believe it needs to be more ambitious in order to keep up with the times. And well, the story needs a lot of work, because itā€™s disappointing.

Did you forget me :sob: ? Back when you were called Uruk on Argent-Dawn we were in some Discord, talking a lot :sob:

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I apologize, friend, but Iā€™ve no idea who you are or what youā€™re talking about.

are you kidding or did you buy this account on ebay? Iā€™m 100% youā€™re the Uruk accountā€¦


Hello friends. I hope everyone is as excited as I am about the new expansion. Maybe they will do a hattrick and it will be just as good as the last two. Have a safe and productive day everyone :slight_smile: