"We disabled the name generator in EU to avoid inappropriate names"

It works perfectly fine. Players can click on the dice again if they don’t like the name. And if the name is offensive? They get a free name change, just as usual.

And some offensive names come with a punishment, Blizzard aren’t going to go down that route. Oh you gave me an offensive name that caused me to have a three day ban.

Blizzard could easily create some sort of check to see if the name the player ended up using closely resembles the generated names they got their inspiration from, and simply not ban them if it does. But are we really going to blame a spanish dude for not knowing how to say “f***” in swedish ?

I’ve explained why, I can see you’re not going to accept it but that is how it is :slight_smile:


Ah yes, the green text gives you infinite wisdom and allmighty, unquestionable truth.

I’m sorry you can’t handle things being explained to you.

By all means pick on my green text if it makes you feel better.

I will leave you to your spiteful comments, I have no interest


You’re acting like ignoring everything I said and leaving the discussion makes you smart. Do I need to tell you it doesn’t? You indeed have no interest.

Hahaha :rofl: Puny I didn’t know this. Please check with my before you create a new name. I will ensure that you don’t get “bad” words from the Swedish vocabulary!

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Tell me the results, brother!

breaths angrily in Warhammer 40k

I have a heavy flamer ready to purge the Heresy.

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The Scunthorpe problem never goes away.

The problem was named after an incident in 1996 in which AOLs profanity filter prevented residents of the town of Scunthorpe, England, from creating accounts with AOL, because the town’s name contains the substring “c unt”.

This gets way bigger with more languages involved.
I can’t even write “dick” for “overweight” in German (and there are towns with “dick” in the name because it could mean broad, strong in old German) in some forums.

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Thank you, you are too kind. :blush:

Reminds me of years ago when a company was using an overzealous filtering programme, it stopped emails getting through if they contained the word ‘breast’. This caused all sorts of issues especially where it was part of someone’s surname. They couldn’t receive any emails and their name couldn’t be mentioned by others.

I found I couldn’t post a link to information about slime cat senior because the link from wowhead contained what the forums deemed a bad word. I actually have to tell people to go look it up.

I think it’s impossible to blanket ban every possible bad word and that’s why things like the name generator for the EU just aren’t possible. It would end up incredibly restricted and take a huge amount of work to rule out all 24+ languages worth of bad words.

There are ofc various name generators online if people would rather go that route.


Or maybe don’t restrict it at all and let players judge for themselves? No one wants their account banned

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I believe the problem starts from the point where people take issue vs crude names that are not outright explicit, marginalizing or breaking laws

For example an alliance player with the title Private and the name Partz should only make people giggle or cringe a bit

punyelf’s name is offensive in my home country of nowhereistand i demand they change it :wink:

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Depends on which type of Scandinav-ians we’re talking about. Swedes often are said to be infamous for their fragile sense of honour. Even among other Scandinavians. They take stuff personally real quick.

I love the green check mark right next to it, like almost saying “safely approved” ROFL

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You cannot filter this because lots of german words are curse words in polish. :smiley:

Blizzard mature language filter once filtered out “cocktail” for me. Oh, well.

i used name generator on this 1

yeah i want to be avable to have names with japanese symbols on EU servers :rofl:
in PTR , alpha ,beta u can …