We were promised Horde Vs Alliance expansion

It’s not really hidden honestly, at this point I just think they aren’t really interested in telling Alliance’s story. The conflicts are there, they just don’t… Evolve? They don’t hide either. It just won’t happen anything at all, be it good or bad

My point is the Alliance doesnt have taboo for disobedience since their morals are above hierarchy.

Genn disobeyed Anduin : nothing happens
Tyrande dumps Anduin: nothing happens

So you either need like a full void Alleria seriously destroying something and being like whoops or better yet a trap from Sylvannas to expose how Thrall works with Jaina and Baine and Anduin so the other leaders can be furious with them and demand vengeance etc that would lead to an Alliance war crime for once.

I am calling it now. That way Sylvannas will keep the Warchief position and kill two birds with one stone. End Saurfangs rebellion and divide the Alliance


Yea you’re right but I think that the fact that nothing happens is dictated more by a non-interest in telling the story rather than alliance moral values.

On the other hand, I hope something like that happens (the Horde part), but I’m afraid that’s already too much complicated for blizzard to pull it off

you knew what this expansion was going to be like as soon as you saw the first raid had utterly nothing to do with horde v alliance

Because they are not Anduin’s underlings, at least not oficially. There’s no “supreme leader” on the alliance, even though Blizz sometimes pathetically tries to make it look so. They are loosely working together.

Tyrande commands the elven armies and has any right to take them to fight wherever she considers it the best. Same with Genn - the only one who could face a punishment was the admiral for her decision to take the airship (and have it destroyed under her command).
It’s ALLIANCE, after all. Not a single army with a single leader.

Also, faction conflict is fail. It just can’t work well with forced two-faction gameplay because there will be no long-standing results. We’ve seen that after MoP.


Lol what? Sylvannas was always a genocidal maniac she has never ever been a hero and has always worksd in her own self interesrs


We wont kill slyvanus. She will reveal its all part of her master plan to beat nzoth and the alliance will say that she went too far while she gives a speech to the horde and we will be like “yeah ok but we watchin you”. Then her, her sisters and powered up tyrande will defeat nzoth and we will move on.

It wont be satisfying, it will suck and be forced. They wanted another illidan redemption and failed.

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The Alliance doesn’t need to fight itself for there to be inner conflict - it could be Anduin trying to hold together a fracturing faction while also trying to prove that he is a worthy king.

Have Greymane try to assassinate Sylvanas. Have Sylvanas attack Darkshore in revenge but “go too far” after Greymane and Malfurion actually almost kill her. Have her fear of mortality and anger push her to burn Teldrassil.

Anduin doesn’t want war but would be reluctantly forced to move on Lordaeron by Greymane and his Firebrand Alliance sub-Faction.

Undercity isn’t enough for the Night Elves and they push to take back Darkshore. Anduin has to try and kerb the bloodlust for vengeance and this would then cause fractures.

The Night Elves could break away from the Alliance, not into hostility but into mistrust and feelings of betrayal. Would the Worgen follow? Or are they a friction source within the Alliance?

Does Greymane begin to gather like-minded vengeance seekers to his cause? They would aid the Night Elves and persecute war in Kul’tiras and Zandalar (and the rest of Azeroth) not always under Anduin’s Orders. This would technically keep the Night Elves in the Alliance for ganeplay purposes but definitely force a lot of choices.

Sub-factional loyalties could lead to mistrust among allies. NPC guards could go from Green to Yellow targets.

Tensions could rise as both Factions attempt to bring war all over Azeroth while also trying not to break apart from within.

Then, of course, it could turn out that what is causing a lot of the dark tempers is N’zoth’s influence. How much of the war is actually driven by the Horde and Alliane and their sub-factions?

End the expansion in a maelstrom of Hordr vs Alliance, inner conflict, betrayal and all trying to fight an old god. Instead of this airey superficial “threat”.

hmm well they said the war between alliance and horde will escalate but they never said hole expansion would be alliance and horde fighting against eachother at all, just becues the expansion is called Battle for Azeroth, doesnt meen we fight eachother, but instead we fight to save Azeroth, and at the start of the expac it the biggest threat was Sylvanas, but now due what has happend, there is comming a bigger threat that that undead chick.

said precisely that when she had a nelf BBQ

what, exactly, did you expect from a horde v alliance plot line.
world pvp … you got that.
alliance and horde not smooching in the back of the cinema … you got that.
gnomes and undead not having babies … you got that.
attacking each others leaders in a raid … you got that.
each faction attacking the others citys … you got that.

exactly what else did you want? to go to a players house that plays the other faction and punching them in the face in real life?
Did you think one faction would wipe out the other completely? thatd be the end of the game.

I want the horde escalating their siege on Alliance and ultimately destroy Stormwind

I do not want them deflecting , aiding traitors, and fighting among each others.

Yeah? I want Kelly Brook wearing nothing but her undies in my bedroom right now but hey we dont all get what we want.

How about you leave Stormwind alone and we get to nuke some Horde cities for once. Fed up of the Alliance winning conventially then the Horde just happens to have a mana bomb, or blight bomb or some other WMD.

Let us nuke you for once.

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I think there has been more of a focus on horde vs alliance, with warfronts, revamped world pvp, the war effort story, the faction invasions on BfA zones.

But this is ‘Battle for Azeroth’, and that phrase can mean so much more than just alliance vs horde.

Also I do agree with some criticism - it would have been nice if we’d had a better alliance vs horde raid, although there is some of that in BoD. The alliance story seems to lack any sort of interest. Greymane, Moira, Tyrande, Malfurion, Anduin… it wouldn’t be hard to create some story…

There is a lot of conflict going on all around Azeroth.

In my mission table.

Wish I could actually get to experience that myself but I have to stroke Bronzebeard’s diamond staff instead.

War… War never changes. just my 10 cents

I mean we burned a Tree, they attacked Undercity, we burned undercity, we stole their staff , they planted bombs on zandalari navy, they attacked Dazaralor…

Think its going ok. Cant have the entire plotline be about War. Several things going on at the same time is more interesting

With the seeds of war planted by the misunderstandings generated by the Defeat on the Broken Shore, the War of Thorns should have been like this;

Greymane gets pissed off at Sylvanas and demands she be brought to justice.

Anduin should at least acknowledge this rather than randomly having Worgen take over Warden Towers without his permission.

This is the first test of the new King - can he hold his father’s Alliance together? Will he be able to retain control or will firebrands like Greymane go behind his back?

Flash-forward to the end of the Stormheim storyline with Sylvanas vs Greymane. The sabotage of her goals leaves the Banshee Queen even more paranoid about her own life.

The War with the Legion concludes. Azeroth gets penetrated and Azerite starts to seep out. Sylvanas starts gaining this Azerite, mining it in Silithus but Greymane believes that she is planning some way of teaching immortality.

Alliance get a scenario where they are bluffed into accompanying Greymane and a team of assassins as they travel to Orgrimmar to try to assassinate the Warchief. Perhaps you have an option to decline if you find out that this is against Anduin’s wishes?

Stuff goes sideways in Orgrimmar but you get out alive. One Night Elf dies and is left behind in Orgrimmar.

This corpse plus the Night Elf movement towards Silithus (could possibly be another test of authority for Anduin?) and Sylvanas’ continued Paranoia causes her to strike out against Teldrassil

Battle of Darkshore happens. Sylvanas is nearly killed again by Malfurion and some more assassins (possibly some Worgen) and this snaps her into burning the Tree down.

This then leads to the Battle for Azeroth, with capture towers all across the playable continents of Kalimdore and the Eastern Kingdoms.

The whole story of BFA is about the Horde and what’s going on within their faction.

Us alliance are just on the sidelines watching in.

The tree burned down and what have we actually done about it? …

There’s no Horde vs Alliance in BFA.
It’s Horde v Horde whilst the Alliance go around pretending to be pirates.

I think they need to persuade Metzen to return.


Sad pirate argh

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