Weekly reminder 004: community wants pvp vendors back

My weekly reminder for the devs!
its the 4th week, i’m happy to says that i kinda had some interactions with others here on forums, got some awesome/huge ideas so here we go, let me says what you think!

  1. pvp vendor back in order to actually have BiS gear and be able to prioritize one piece or another
  2. Add a currency obtenible from ANY PvP activities (which means: world pvp, island pvp, arena and bg(ranked or not)).
    A. balance it around how many currency you get (for obv reasons, ranked activities deserve to get way more currency).
    in this way, you could intensive-farm your gear by DOING WHAT YOU LIKE MOST!
    B. for obv reasons, you would not get currency if you go Wpvp with a group of +5 players.
    C. keep the cap bar and a cool elite set, this to keep a meaning to the rating.
    D. for obv reasons, cap bar increase with your rating, like its always been.
    E. for obv reason, with the same currency you get the same gear, but you would still rewarded if you are higher in the ladder! more rating = more gear (not “better”, pvp is about skills, not gear, BUT progression feelin its a core-feature of mmorpg, so NO TEMPLATES/RNG SYTSEM) .
    H. its important to work on the cap bar, it would be bad to be fully-geared after 2-3 weeks, like it would be bad to get full gear jus tright before pvp season ends)
  3. REMOVE titanforging system, its broken/nosense, like every RNG stuff.
  4. DISABLE pve active/passive effects in ranked matches (this means disabling trinkets effects, and any other effect gained from non-PvPvendor gear)
  5. Disable/remove azerite TRAITS.
    i says remove cuz even for pve, while Essences actually do have an impact on gameplay, traits doesnt provide the same experience, instea d they are just a buff to output dmg/healing or survability, making harder to balance the game while not providing anything funny/engaging for the players. at least with legion artifacts every class would have changed, but you failed that too cuz you made it fully unlockable… JUST REMOVE this type of feature or do something way better designed like azerite essences. (only probles with essence is that you only obtain 2 essence prom pvp and all other from pve)

[p.s. 6) adding a second currency gained from NON-ranked activities in order to purchase cosmetics (mounts, pets, toys) would make it relevant to play those ones! i know, you tried with nazjatar, i’m thanks to dad Kaleiki for trying , but you cant involve HUGE party events… it just make it frustrating, expecially with sharding system and % of H/A player never equal)]


  • Huge sense of PROGRESSION!
  • contrary to what is claimed by Ioan, having BiS gear from vendor will make it easier (NOT NECESSARILY faster) to gear, even for new players since they will go check pro guides (this even INCREASE COMMUNITY INTERACTION).
  • ALT-FRIENDLY SYSTEM! (you can easily get gear by doing un-ranked system, then you go push rating!)
  • Revive world PvP! (people would fight hard if they can cap even from world pvp, and with WaR Mode you can even be sure it wont be that easier).
  • loss the frustration you get from the current RNG system.
  • cant think anything more


  • cant think anything wrong with this! hope someone point something out, otherwise it would be akward.

Thanks to everyone who partecipate in my weekly reminder series, had some huge ideas/feedback that i summarized and re-elaborated here!

/For The Horde!


the mere existence of a PVP vendor would confuse me really hard.


Me too. I probably wouldn’t know where it is or how to find it. :confused:


The absence of a pvp vendor still confuses me to this day. I get that there is some system in battlegrounds that balances things so that gear doesn’t have as large an impact as it does in wpvp, but how does this system work? How much control do I have over my own stats? How can I gain relevant gear from pvp?

In Cataclysm, the PvP vendor was in Stormwind and Orgrimmar in an area dedicated to, well, PvP! I really liked that there were only two tiers of PvP gear; one cheap and one a bit more expensive. If you got high rank in arena that just meant you unlocked a cool skin. I liked this design because if you are the best in arena you don’t really need higher stats on your equipment to prove it.

That being said, I’m largely against gear progression in PvP at all. I think resilience was a decent system to prevent PvE-raiders to dominate others in World PvP, but overall I would prefer to see a system like GW2 has where you have complete agency over your equipment and stats and you’re at the same item level as everyone else. I don’t want equipment progression in PvP.


I miss resilience gear back in wrath at least back then you could tell pvp from pve player apart also by their skill.


“Players could not find vendors.” Was a straight up lie from Ion so that they could push more RNG into the game. PvP gear and vendors were in the game almost 12 years and they were one of the best systems along with reforging.

All this heavy casino system endorsement comes from this… individual:
htt ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Kotick


WoW Did not turn into what it is today because of players or developers or designers.

Orders came from him. To destroy it. Simplify it for masses. During Wrath 1 million players queued arenas weekly in US, EU and Asia total. Todays number is less than 20K atm?

People did not change. Game changed beneath them.


not totally true… the whole gamers community (i mean, every guy in the world that play ANYA videogames for at least 1h/day) changed… back in the days gaming was for “nerds” now is for everyone, so the avragae player is unskilled and casual…
you either go for the hardcore players, loosing a tremendous ammount of public, or you push for the money trying to make a game “for everyone”
the sad truth is that you cant make WoW “for everyone” and subs numbers highlight this…
it would be like simplifying Dark Souls … you just cant, because the “hardcore” its his core feature… change that, and you lose players.

blizzard went greedy as hell late years, now they are payng! making classic was just a huge move to get money back… i’m sure that they spent less than 1/10 of the money they need to invest when releasing a new xpac…


I didn’t see you’re treat, and I just made one myself. But THIS. I just want to level up a character and have that feeling of grinding for that gear set, and after getting the full honor set, go into arena and start grinding that conquest set. I miss that feeling. Also more abilities for classes. MoP was the best.

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I agree partially. Thing is that WoW should not be for everyone. Larian Studios are making Baldur’s Gate 3. After 20 years it is happening and Wizards Of The Coast approved, because its being made by nerds to nerds.

The more succesful any phenomenon comes it almost always gets destroyed by capitalism. Atleast with success of Classic there will probably be other old expansion re-releases coming along the way (which should have happened years ago already…).

We will see what future holds. If BlizzCon 2019 November 1–2 is as lame as it was in last year, WoW is done.


Oh trust me you can still tell them apart by their skill, duel me and you’ll find out im definitely not a pvp player :joy:


Disable, disable, remove, disable…
Add X, Y, Z that only works in PVP, only at PVP vendors, only for PVP gear…
At this point they should make another game.


That’s what I ment thou you can also judge by persons skill aswel :grin: I’m :poop: at PvP cause I haven’t played in a long time.

I love how Blizzard says the PvP vendors are too confusing, and it’s hard to find when the current Conquest system even less obvious in terms of how it works and where you are supposed to go for the reward.

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Using AH takes more skills than finding PvP vendors. People are running with all kinds of addons, have wowhead open and they say vendors are too hard to find or people buy wrong items? Who ARE these people? 5000 confused random casuals that whined about it via in-game tickets…?

Ion’s response sounded like he was trolling.

Pointless comment.

  1. they do this since classic, they add stuffs, remove others…
  2. if you cant see how wrong/bad designed are the essence traits well, you are blind or have 0 knowledge of the game
  3. titanforging must be removed, only the most casuals enjoy looting an item from a mob while doing a WQ that have the same damn ilvl of a mythic raid item. WoW should be a merit-based game.
  4. Asking the separation of PvP and PvE gear is totally legit, it prevent ridicolous things, if you cant see this, again, you are blind or have 0 knowledge
  5. try to be constructive when giving feedback, coming out like that just feel annoyng af :confused:

(its kinda sad/ironic that people who give your type of comment in the most of cases its someone who do nothing except m+10… maybe even bought? )

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Nah,sad is when people with sever reading disabilities fail to understand a comment and they think it’s pointless. It happens quite often that the dumbest people alive start making baseless assumptions due to their inability to comprehend.

stupid me that I thought you had something useful to say, try again, maybe this time you will be able to espress yourself!

What is really worse is that these comments supportive of the current pvp loot system come from people who don’t pvp, and have low or no prior pvp experience. Highly hypocritocal behavior really.