What about removing

Shadowduel from subrog cause that is what i Call a broken ability.

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I didn’t make subtlety “broken” in prior patches.
At least say why you think it’s broken? Then there would be an actual discussion to be had.

Cause sub can oneshot me in it

So because a rogue can one shot you in shadowy duel you come to the conclusion that shadowy duel is broken and want it removed, instead of coming to the conclusion that the tuning of the damage is broken?


Better nerfing broken damage instead of removing fun spells/ abilities.


Ur right on this one raizee

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I do get your frustration though, I want balance too.
Let’s hope they tune lots for this expansion (please Blizzard :+1: ).

Please blizzarf lets pray

I think shadowy duel should go although shadowlands may be the first time you can actually use it to try to kill someone.
Normally you duel only to “CC” since people don’t die to sub rogues (til like now).

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They should remove sap from the game though or put a 1 min cd on it. It’s soooooo annoying. And how come rogues always get faster out of combat than any other class?

Also remove all healing from non-healing classes. Currently prot pala’s Word of Glory heals for 18k crit for heroic geared people… That’s 3x more than a healer does and it’s only 3 holy power (3-4 seconds to recharge). Imagine if you fight a prot pala who is mythic geared…

Blizz really knows how to ‘balance’ a game.

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They don’t, try to be smart for a second, if they are in combat with one person and they leave combat so does the other guy, he can’t be in combat with no enemy.

Everyone follows the same rules when it comes to combat drop, barring weird bugs I noticed on MWs that keep them in combat forever, or the likes we had early in BfA and Night Elves. Pay attention and you will notice. Usually players tend not to notice a combat drop of 0.5s, while a Rogue player expects it and is spamming stealth as it’s core to their design, so you will notice the rogue left combat because he will Garrote or something, otherwise you’d have lissed it… chances are you did leave combat as well and did not see. Or, he left the fight for 6s which is about notmal combat drop timer while you had a couple more GCDs vs his teammate so you need two more seconds.

Sub rogue will probably get gutted during first raid tier as per. :clown_face: :partying_face: I hope it does cause I don’t think it deserves to do the damage it does while maintaining the amount of CC it has.

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You are absolutely right! I also think they should increase the sap duration to 10 secounds so that rogues get a little extra cc and make sap usable while in combat.
Reduce blind cooldown down to 45 secounds as the 2 minute cd it has right now is just totally unfair as druids can spam cyclone people while rogue has a 2 min cd?=!=!=!?!.
While they are at it please also increase the damage of shadowstrike by minimum 100% and make kidney shot last 8 secounds and reduce its combo point cost

Its pre patch… why can’t you realise this? the game is NOT balanced around you being lvl 50, its balanced around you being lvl 60. Different classes scale better than others with stats, the ones that don’t scale to well are normally stronger ones earlier on then fall off later in the expansion somewhat. If you notice casters generally do less dmg than melees early in and expac (unless completely broken) but as the expansion goes on you’ll notice casters will start doing more dmg than melees because they scale better with the extra stats they gain per patch. The only expansion this didn’t happen was Legion because of the templates, BFA was abit skewed too because of the azerite traits. But other than that historically this has always happened.

Wondering why rogues blind is still 2 min but fortifying brew is 3 minutes :clown_face:

How blind CD and fortifying brew CD are related to each other, I don’t know.

However, I agree that 3 minutes is a bit too much especially how baseline karma can be cancelled by multiple ways and the absord currently at prepatch doesn’t hold at all.

This ability is no fun at all outside of a rogue brain

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How many times we heard its just prepatch wait for balance, its just 8.0, its just 8.1, its just 8.2, its just 8.3, its just 9.0…

the problem is that… it was.
This reminds me of the killing spree not being ccable and then all of the sudden combat is good in WoD and KS becomes op.

Shadowy Duel should be removed.

Blind is a baseline ability which would instantly force a trinket. Even if you don’t trinket it you are still at an disadvantage if you are not able to close the game until blind comes back off cooldown.

I always thought blind was just dumb regardless of wall now being 3 minutes, it should either be

  1. Poison
  2. 3 min CD
  3. 6 seconds duration

The fact outlaw can reduce the cooldown to 1.5 min and even to 1 min in SL is insane. The 1 min blind cd will hit the forums whenever more people get the grip of it and as soon sub stops being the broken rogue specc.

Vanish legendary reduces all cooldowns by 15 sec + roll the bones should say a lot

I mean only rogue players would defend it imo