What changes do people realy want

Yes!!! And done so much better than my lame attempt :slight_smile:

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Just roll back all fundamental logical game design to mists of pandaria for EVERYTHING and try again, the game and the content is fine its just its really clunky and disgusting to work with due to a lack of character/class depth which is too dependent on expansion features. Also make keystones work in older expansions too (Miss my court of stars <3)


Not the case, it was said that only 20% of the player base was seeing the content, and LFR was introduced for the other 80% to see it, not as you claim to get them interested in raiding.

You are correct and the developers stated this on numerous occasions.


I will keep quoting the person in Argent dawns trade chat, “I like the game, I just like complaining”.
They don’t want any particular change, they just want to complain, but after all, the complainers or those who genuinly think WoW is dead are short sighted in their statement, are you trying to make others change their mind? Are you trying to push Blizzard to do something that they impossibly could know from that statement? Are you bitter IRL? Who knows.
But they won’t come far, cause truth is, if you like a game, it could be THE most dead game in existance, where no one what so ever plays anymore, you would still play it simply cause you like it, be the only person on the server and still enjoy it to the fullest.
So honestly, even tough there are changes people want to see, they still don’t dislike the game enough to stop playing, they just like having some sort of “holier than thou” image and threatening with unsubs, okay you do that have fun it’s not gonna make anyone else stop playing.

The ones we think we do, but don’t.

It’s all hugely subjective and tinted by bias, nostalgia and spite. Better to keep it simple; fix the character models.

  1. Make the raids into a " thing " again, this game is supposed to be an MMO-RPG that we are playing here and not a co-op e-sport one, the raids should be an ultimate form of PvE content where people go to get the best gear in a PvE content. Heroic and mythic raids should be the peak of a PvE content in the game, like they used to be back in the expansions when the WoW was most popular.

  2. Return back the tier sets, we had them for years since vanilla until BFA and majority of the players liked them, they gave the feeling of class fantasy in the game, and enhanced with new tiers our gameplay which was always fun.

  3. Make mythic dungeons more in a way how challenge modes were back in MoP, a place where people go to get some prestige items and achievements. But they should stop to be an alternative to raiding, they devaluate it and with the speed how fast the people can gear from them make them less challenging since they don’t have any lockouts atm, and since the people can from them atm get the gear to be close to the mythic il of raiding without ever stepping into the raids.

  4. Focus more on the raiding, since more people love to do that in the PvE for the fun than the other activities. Along the main big raids create specific 10 man ones or some lairs to do on the side
    ( raids like ZA were very popular back in the day, and most people still praise how Karazhan was designed ).

  5. If titanforge will remain in the game cap it to +15 il max.

  6. Fix professions, its annoying when for anything worthwhile people need now like ton of mats. We are playing the game to have fun and not to farm mindlessly in the game mats for hours.

  7. Separate the PvP gear from the PvE one.

  8. You could add more fun abilities to the classes in the game, which would make them to feel special and unique again and not like now when some of them feel similar, but not in a way that we suddenly get to many active abilities so that we get a problem where to bind all those for our rotations.

  9. Return attunements to the game, every expansion should have or at least aim to have class specific quests like the ones in Legion or like were in vanilla the legendary ones for Benediction or Rhok’delar, and things like the mage tower challenge are cool.

  10. Make challenging dungeons again in the game but without the timer as an alternative to the mythic ones, based on some other mechanic for the people which don’t like the speed timed runs and the go go go mentality in the game.

  11. Return reforging to the game.

  12. Don’t implement anymore the things like azerite and artifact power grinds, nobody likes those things.

  13. Before releasing the content to the game make sure that its properly fleshed out and entirely finished, because I feel how the current warfronts and island expeditions aren’t. You can keep them tho in the game if they get improved and add more activities to do for the people outside of raiding and dungeons.

  14. Make the dungeons more in a way how they were in the Legion than in the BFA, having to many trash mobs in the dungeons which can be harder than the bosses in some cases is annoying experience and not something which I consider as fun and a good design.

  15. Make all achievements and reputations in the game account bound. Most people don’t want to grind the same reputations over and over again once they got them to the exalted, and its weird now in my case that I got on my current main char a lot less achievement points that on some chars I stopped playing years ago. Also don’t lock the races behind the reputation grinds anymore.

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Quite honestly I just want Blizzard to fix the character models.
All of them have flaws and bugs like weird body proportions, weapon scale inconsistancies, animations that do not line up, shoulderpads that clip into the character model(Or is too far out on the shoulders).
Whoever is in charge of fixing these things, but choose not to, should be ashamed of themselves.

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Ah, I’m starting to see the flaw in Blizzards reasoning if that’s what they stated.
Trying to cater all content to all kinds of players (content that is “cost-effective”) is going in the wrong direction. There are types of players and each type prefers certain content (achiever, player killer, explorer, socializer).
There were 12M people playing WoW before there ever was a LFR, because each kind of player found something to sink his/her teeth in. Everyone played for a different reason.
Today’s all-inclusive design is watering down a lot of aspects of the game.
Because of it, they had to add mythic to compensate for the achievers. I don’t pvp, so I’m not sure how that part changed. I’m more of an explorer however, and for me the zone-design (too tight with too many mobs) is a lot worse than it was for instance in vanilla (large zones, where you could wander, and choose if and when you wanted to combat things).

I think that’s one of the reasons why they lost many subs. Certain pure player types took off.

I don’t want to deny people to see the raids through LFR. Hell, I do the same nowadays. However, I would’ve raided with a guild on normal or higher, if LFR wasn’t there. I don’t care for the loot. I care to see the content. That’s my reward.
With LFR, that reward became a lot easier to get, and therefor a lot less meaningful.


and from grinding gnomes you can build a foot stool or a nightstand… i’d be up for that.

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pvp vendor
remove warforge, titanforge and rng gems
remove bfa neck
remove lfr, mythic, and hc and make more raids instead, ulduar hardmode was fine
new servers so big wpvp battles can be done (are they still running on the original hardware???)
remove flightpaths and no flying mount, i want the roads to be used more so i can camp them
fix auction house

AND! where is the dance studio?
its 12 years overdue

Or garden gnomes!

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without putting any major thought into it:

  • remove the rng in legacy content
  • drastically reduce the silly amounts of rng in current content
  • remove all this unneeded timegating/grinding
  • remove wf/tf
  • bring back engaging attunement quests and storylines.

Without being specific (that would take few pages of rambling about whats wrong with the game) i can summarize that in two sentences.

Devs try to get new content into game (learned lesson from WoD), but that content is tedious, boring and lacks a sense of accomplishment or the content is fine but ruined because of randomness.
Game core systems are flawed or fixed too late (even problems are pointed out in beta tests), with things like professions being watered down and gearing with azerite traits overly complicated and upgrades randomness leading to frustration instead of at least slight actuall upgrade and feeling of satisfactioin.

That would be my general concerns about situation. Personally i also feel like blizzard also neglect some classes and that was the reason i cant find myself to log into the game for more than 5 min for past a month and seriously thinking about quitting wow after playing it since 2005. 14 years and 2 accounts later i just cant bare the sense of going into casual facebook candycrush game style direction and feeling that blizzard artificially prolong game’s content with things like titanforges and other random things and overwhelming boringness.
Neglecting the class i play for 14 years was the straw that broke camels back. Not even buffs and fixes will help, nor interview with Ion Hazzikostas saying its viable, because community point perspective wont change. Ppl watch whats method and other guilds and ppl do and they use specific setups. Boringness drew my guildmates and friends away, and my class stigma unables me to go to higher m+ with other groups.
There is less and less fun to play this game.
Also ppl are starting realize that whole industry treats gamers like cash bags that will buy their product if its properly advertised and if the hype is build up instead being loyal to their fanbase like it used to be back then. Profitable as it might be is short sighted and will end badly.

Grinding as a whole isnt that kind of problem, i’ve played vanilla i know what grind is, but back then grinding was a part of slow paced building of your character. Was a part of and adventure u took going into vast wolrd.

Nowdays it feels like artificially prolonging game content.
Actually in vanilla it also gated u from things, from leveling to max level and endgame. It worked the same but… u didnt get that bad aftertaste, it felt like it fits there, to the way u progress though quests and zones (exepts funny findings that only 10% population of some kind of animal have liver)

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true. old style grinding was ok i think and i would settle for that (except the pvp one. that was insane and i dont know how anyone ever did it!)

but like you say

and this is probably why grinding in its current form is what people are sick of. grinding is ok when used as you said in the early expansions.

I only really do WM PvP, my wants are few…

  1. PvP vendors, used to be fun to choose next gear.
  2. WM WPvP rating system.
  3. Capturable objectives (coming 8.2).
  4. Better management tools for communities.

Defo the housing concept. Not everyone wants to “War” but they do want to “World” and “Craft.” Garrisons was a good first step, but not really individual enough.

For me it would be an element of Sims, with many “resource manager” ideas thrown in for good measure. Ideally we could have a new (Sanctuary) zone, say the 1,0001 islands, which were already premade (as Blizz don’t like it when you do your own)

Each island would have a unique style, such as mountainous, forested etc, and this would determine your resource balance. However, you should also be able to choose some extra stuff that would fit it: hunters may want more animals and battle pets, fishing heads would obvs want more fishing choices.

Then you could have your buildings - and select a “style” - I like the architecture of Tirisfal Glades personally. You could farm, gather and make, over and above your normal skills, and this could go to supply the “war effort” by selling to the “King” In September the wholesale price of pumpkins could increase in anticipation of All Hallows etc, and similarly for other world events (in other words you are feeding back into the overall resource supply, with prices pitched accordingly)

Finally your collections - wardrobes for all the various costumes you collect, pens and fields for all the animals you tame (as a hunter) - 60 stable slots is not enough, and cupboards for other gear (separate to the bank)

I visualise it as a menu driven modular system, all pre made by Blizz, and, let’s be honest, it could be monetised for them (the options are endless) It would also be prudent for the real estate trade to be purchased after completing a task for the King (you would become an indentured vassal) and further tasks may allow for an increase in your smalholding.

WOW could allow for all of this, and also as it would be your “home/haven” it would make sense to allow invites to friends where you could drink your latest brews and chew the fat.

Remove crz in open world zones
Remove void form
Remove catch up mechanics
Remove normal and heroic raids, leave mythic as it is and make lfr around todays normal difficulty
More races for gnomes

Well as you may see i mostly want questionable features removed rather than new added ones

Make the concept of gear upgrading (TFing) currency based not RNG based.

Tone down catch up mechanics. This lull period between tiers should be a time for people who have worked hard during the current tier to feel good about their power level. Instead all previous progress (at least for heroic raider level players) is made completely futile as 385 gear is handed out to anyone who can right click a world boss.

Remove all pvp scaling. Does not belong in an MMORPG.

Azerite system. Now, I think the criticism of it is overstated because it doesn’t in any way impact my enjoyment of the game. I don’t hate it or like it; I nothing it. But it’s clearly a flawed system and Blizzard could and should have done better.

Last one. Blizzard to not release half finished products in the future.