What has become of the fun game i used to play ?

I think you are not quite understand what i talk about because your arguments don’t seem to quite relate to what i talk about. I have probably not explained myself clearly and i apologize.

I am not talking about how long it takes to do something. I am purely talking about WHEN you can do something. In current way you cannot for example rep farm when you want, because quests for rep farming come in time limited intervalls and disappear again if you are not online when you are available.

I don’t talk about forced content. This is why i think you misunderstand now what i am talking here.

Maybe this will clear up what i mean. Grind is not problem. Problem is when you can do it. Difference between bfa flying and classic mount (since you ask, i didn’t bring it up) is following: you can grind gold for classic mount from everything in game, practically everything you do gives gold (except shopping hehehe) and you can do it as much at the time you want where as bfa flying reputations require you to do world quests and such in certain intervalls. Both mounts/skills require certain amount of time, BFA one doesn’t let you deside WHEN you do it.

I would be happy with system where “undone” world quests and dailies go on reserve that let’s you do them later in bigger bunches. So imagine situation where someone doesn’t log in for 5 days and then logs in saturday, they could (if they wish) do all that weeks dailies and world quests that have been available when that players couldn’t log in. This way people would not “lose” things for not being able to log in certain times but they would not also “grind past others” (i don’t have anything against some getting things faster but if we went to keep current speed limitation). They could just catch up for the week for things they didn’t do yet. This reserve would only hold up quests from one week not from longer time.

normalny . most people just ignore ap grind completly . and rng on gear is fun because it means any content has chance to give you something strong.

normal people dont treat wow like excel spreadsheet so they still have fun playing it.

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Oooh? Do tell.

Uuuuuhuh… That’s not really “Gating”, really. With that logic, you could call moving from A to B even in Retail “Gating”.
No, gating is when you are either timegated from progressing in something, or when you get a select few activities that you can do in a day, and have to wait for the next day to do them over (In this case, World Quest, could also count dailies in the mix)

At least in Classic ore veins don’t tell me “You mined three stacks already, come back tomorrow!”

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My feelings scream that all the creative people have left the project, the remaining employees are number-crunches, who can invent the gating systems, but not the content.

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You search for people when you do world quests/farming rep? Because that literally hinders you, the only time being in a group while rep farming is beneficial is the new bee rep, whic isn’t time gated. Believe it or not time gating also stops people from playing, like me.

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Idk about that, their art team just continues to reach higher heights, their instanced content team just keeps churning out good dungeons and raids, the problems are the class design and open world content teams.

Your beloved game is still here. It’s called “Classic”. So what’s exactly your problem?

When it stops becoming fun, stop forcing yourself to keep playing as often as you did. Bring in moderation/even more moderation. When I lose fun in something, I back off and spend less time in it. But when I am in it, I spend my time more wisely.

if you find motivation to get back to some more regular form of play, great. If not, go where your interests go.

They don’t have one, but they just really-really- need to tell everyone about the problem they do not have, and could have just played the game they loved back then, but instead, like some sort of missionary martyr, they had to come here, to tell the poor misguided heathens who know no better, about how the happiness they get is wrong. Wrong they say! Life was better 15 years ago (Well, I suppose in some respects it was, wouldn’t mind being 30 again) They could have stayed at home, with likeminded folk, and enjoyed the game they wanted, but instead strode forth into the wilderness, making sure the locals knew that everything they thought was fun is wrong.

Its a pretty standard Classic Post, basically…


And now you’re back to square one, even though i explained it to you. So here. Let me explain a bit more in detail.

Yes. We get it. Everything is time gated in retail. But what was the alternative? Classic, when nothing was timegated. So how did the developers manage to have less content while not time gating anything and keeping the playerbase busy for months?

That’s right. Limitations. These limitations are your mobility. Not being able to fly. Lack of portals, no quest descriptions, long time consuming fights. 20 minutes of death walks. In a way, these were the time gates that you had in the old game instead of it being a daily thing.

The inconvenience of everything was the timegate. Taking 3 hours for something you can do in 10 minutes on retail. So this way, you can extend the duration of something you can do on retail in an hour, to 12 hours. And since hardly anyone spends that long per day, except for a small group of players, the content feels flowing and you don’t consider it a time gate.

Blizzard over the years improved and smoothed the system to the point that lots of those inconvenient things are long gone and with it, the speed of progression increased dramatically.

So they added more content and people still went through them much faster than what they previously planned.

So they went with the choice of limiting the daily grind a person can do. In order to appeal to the general playerbase.

As for flying in BFA and mounting on classic. Buying things with gold isn’t going to work anymore. In classic it did, but now 15 years passed. We have people who spent the past 15 years farming gold and now have millions, while players who are new and struggle to even reach 50k. Making it a gold thing that can be earned by everything is basically telling them to buy tokens and whoever who played before you or pays money for it gets it first. It has to be a system that not only provides an easy method of obtaining it to make it available for both casual and hardcore playerbase, but also something that takes a while to preserve the world pvp as much as it can during the lifetime of an expansion. So yea. We’re stuck with boring world quests, but the alternative isn’t fair anymore.

As for your suggestion, I don’t know if their servers can handle that much. Basically that would mean different quests for different players, having different world bosses available for each individual and it seems to be quite tricky to do. If it’s a doable thing, then i don’t see a problem with it. But if it isn’t, Then i understand why it isn’t.

In the end, like i said, each person has a preference. For me, i understand that the convenience i have in retail came with the price of daily quests and i accept that. Because the alternative would mean people are done with everything in a week and don’t have anything to do for the next 3~4 months until the next patch.


Comparing a video game to a intimate relationship between two people Will never be accurate.
Funny though, I guess.

You may like those traits, but you would not talk about your ex to your new gf. You’d just encourage your new gf work towards those values - in more subtle way. One of the most annoying things in any relationship is when someone thinks their other half wants to hear about their exes.

This is where i disagree. There is other alternatives than this mobile game style system and full classic slowness. It is just about how content is served. Simple as that. They have done it before and they could do it now. There is lot of content and ways to play between vanilla and what we got now. It’s not so black and white than you think, proof is in TBC, WOTLK, CATA and MOP.

It is matter of preference and i would like to stress that i don’t think your preference is worth any less than mine. I am just writing to explain why i am personally unhappy with egg timer mechanics. :smile: I would never want to take away what you got now and what makes you enjoy this game, i would just want to add options for that.

Trust me when i say, If there is a middle ground, I’m more than happy to have it. But i don’t see that happening, with the speed activision is trying to push contents out of blizzard.


I would say everyone has a different way of having fun,for some people fun is treating wow like it’s a second job and thus they make spreadsheet on what to do to get mythic raid or high mythic dungeon key.And for some casual players like me the fun comes from seeing the story from both factions,collecting transmog sets from every expansion and trying to make some gold.One day getting +10 key done nothing higher then that unlocking flying and finishing the normal Raid of every BFA raid thats what I like.So different strokes for different folks.

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Yeah sorry, forgot that would hurt your lfr experience we wouldn’t want that would we


What? That’s not even being discussed.
You are asking “How you can possibly enjoy, rng gear”. Well simple, and like I said… Taste (I’m not even saying I enjoy it perse).
The fact that you don’t, doesn’t mean there’s not people that do. That is all there is to it. Doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with LFR. :thinking:

I have fun the moment i log into wow. No mater what i end up doing. I enjoy it very much.

It’s still right here. No one cares about your clown whining, take your as s back to Trashssic.

Me too. It’s almost as if people enjoy different things.