What is a PCU?

i am italian.

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You do realise the voice changers can also act as a stepping stone towards becoming more comfortable with one’s real voice?

And when they admit they were using a voice changer; you can see how people might react differently

They shouldn’t be necessary and advocating for it seems silly and sorta just an excuse to argue for the sake of it

I’ve said it already if they’re having to manipulate their voice then they’re fooling themselves into a false cycle of acceptance.

Again, you’ve been told multiple times in this thread that trans-people know what their voice sounds like. If they choose to not have to spend time in WoW having to explain over and over why their voice doesn’t match the expectation of others, why does that matter to you?

If people find that voice changers work for meeting people online, then what about outside the screen.

They sound differently and might have to explain constantly why there’s a disconnect. Precisely why they MIGHT want to avoid that when they just want to sit down and relax in a game.

It seems silly defending it shamelessly rather than advocating for accepting people for who they are and how they sound. Without the voice changers

Pikachu-face when I can do both.

I make’a de crazy RP events’a!

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make an event of your birthday and someone comes to steal the cake and we need to do an epic adventure to get it back!

By which point they most likely know the person a little better as well as their reasoning and probably (shouldn’t) see it as a problem.

Because it’s frankly not a good way to start any form of social dynamic between groups.

My condolences

You’d know all about that.

??? whot u mean?

Yes again Gabrindion, you’ve yet to realise that’s not a natural way of social interaction. You don’t start by lying out of fear on how you sound for impression

I am sorry you are Italian

it isn’t bad!
if you live in north italy…

I shudder at the thought of you being the judge of what natural social interaction is.

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According to you.

I know quite a few people who used voice modulators and had a splendid time while they played, and it never ruffled a single feather, because they were just there to play a game.

I’d rather know what extended social interaction you’re worried about, since you seem to think that any encounter online will somehow lead to you having to prove every single claim you make on the internet.

Do you meet up with everyone you get to know in WoW?

I begin qouting the entire Bee movie.

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Bee dropped a movie?? Congrats @Bee!

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The very epitome of friendship and or relations is built on trust, and if you’re starting off with something which isn’t true then that’s already a bad start and a bad habit.

it’s harmless if you just want to raid in LFR, or game and relax but without forming those bonds with others

Because it’s not only yourself dragged in, it’s also the other players.

when are the tickets avaiable?