What is Blizzards argument for

Pitting us random EU people against Russians and Germans? Is it laziness? American ignorance? Don’t they see the game gives a huge advantage to players picked from the same pool when it comes to language and culture? I must say it was a little disheartening to play Deepwind Dunk yesterday, and losing 10/10 against teams with only German/Russian players. :confused:


You do realise Germany is a part of the EU? :sweat_smile:


I get the rage against cyrillic premades, but why the germans? :smiley:

WTF did I just read??? Random EU ppl vs Germans??? hahah :smiley:
You might wanna check the map buddy… :smiley:

your teams just sucked, deal with it


Leave it he will never understand.

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Do you realize germans play in battlegrounds with their own servers?

Germans litteraly have whole community to just farm random BG using some premade bug https://eu.battle.net/forums/de/wow/topic/17616783522
they’ve been doing this for years but you all just think we’re a bunch of paranoids bad losers (which often we are) but there is also some truth to this issue of premade farming random BG
this denial needs to stop honestly

Becouse people are leaving the game every day. Thats why. Imagine arenas and bgs without russians in this state of the game?
Waiting 15-30 even hours for a single arena or bg.

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Blizzard can’t solve premades problem for years, about what arguments ure talking.

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