What is RIGHT with your guild, and why have you stayed?

Genuinely love the Hand of Conquest. Had some really, really cool RP with them, and met loads of nice people here. Why do you love your guild, and what’s kept you with them all this time?


The OOC climate and banter (that stays within reasonable boundaries).


3 words, Extra Bank Space.


I’ve just grown to like the guys in my guild. Good pals and all.


Guild I’m in on my RP chars is run by a really great guy and I’ve known him two years or so? Always been in his guilds and they’re always fun with a great atmosphere. So friendly n all that.

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Good idea of progression, but I’ve mostly stayed for my character’s IC desires and her friendships with several members.


I’m the GM and one of only two members. It’s a captive audience.


Atmosphere and RP plots/events unlike any that Ive experienced in any of the guilds Ive been in previously. Seven of them total.

  • I like the concept.
  • I trust and broadly like the GM.
  • I find most members agreeable.
  • I feel there is a genuine atmosphere of trust amongst most members.
  • There is, overall, a good lack of pointless drama both internal and external.
  • I feel that characters having to work for their place rather then promotions merely being an OOC decision is a good way to go about things.

And many more.


It is my guild.

Why I keep on is because even if it is very small, the people I have got making up its core are just so incredible, I adore sharing a guild space with them.

We get on, we joke, we support each other and I can always rely on the Red Venturers to be decent, eager and thoughtful when needed.
This guild has had me in tears of laughter from both IC and OOC antics.

The last fortnight has not been kind to me offline, and when things in the RP world had also been getting me down and affecting my confidence; I knew RV would be a rock solid place and would keep that RP fire burning. It was and it did.


because my guild leader is keeping me hostage

/s obviously


It’s certainly not free of issues, but it’s the drug dealer providing me my fix for Pandaria patriot RP.

Even if some guildies are not in on it (void elves…)


I’m pretty sure we are developping severe conditions of Stockholm syndrome.

Please send help.

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How much can I get away with saying? Well…

It’s filled to the brim with my friends, some of which ive known for 14 years, yeah 14 (we may be the oldest rp guild in europe? Do correct me if im wrong). I began admiring them back in vanilla and TBC when i was a derpy, brand new to RP human warlord. And then Koz converted me to the red side…

On top of friends? The story’s, plots, culture, the debate both ic and ooc about our identity. Ultimately, the image and tradition.

They’ve allowed me to run around as a truly traditional, wolf riding Orc engaging in evolving plots for ten years now. And i haven’t been bored or regretted it for one moment.

Orcs! Orcs! Orcs! :wolf: :heart:


It’s simple. Fealty is the best (and the only) Ebon Blade guild on the Horde, and the DK RP in it is of the best quality on this server. Also, people in it are really cool and chill and Rottusk is an awesome GM and DM.


It stopped people asking me every so often why I’m guildless and stopped the random guild ads spam in-game!

That’s pretty much it because it’s just me, my alts and one character belonging to a friend :sweat_smile:

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Its the guild that properly introduced me to the RP of Argent Dawn and I immensly enjoy its concept and how organicly it has developed over the years, a proper cult of the Great Hunter, to which Frak is highly devoted.

I diden’t create it, those that did probably dosen’t play the game anymore, but I remember them and the fun that we had.


i dont, im being held here by :gun::point_left:

send help

(really, its cuz 100% full of lovely people)


There’s an endearing amount of unity despite racial barriers and vastly different personalities. But there’s still enough scheming, backstabbing and tiny uprisings to keep things interesting.


A few things are keeping me with my pals!

  • We’re a small guild, but everyone is active all the time.
  • OOC atmosphere is awesome and our off days are spent with shenanigans in other games or doing older content.
  • Accommodating! We try and work with each other in a manner that would compliment our characters. No character is without a task.
  • Progression & character development. The story lines are out of this world and my character specifically is never who she was the week before because her interactions and experiences are constantly changing her!
  • We’re all fast friends! :smiley: