What is the limit to tank priority?


Tanks have priority on tanking gear, this is the usual MS / OS system.
Main tanks have priority over off tanks, this is the common system.

But what about the non tanking items ?

We have a prot-fury build which is the new norm for main tanks, because they must generate as much TPS as possible, because the 3 sunder rule no longuer applies, and dps can’t manage their aggro (I am a dps, we’re victims of retail habits).

If tanks’ focus is TPS and not avoidance, then their gear is DPS gear for some fights, avoidance for other.
Which means that tank priority leads to tank having priority on all melee rings, trinkets, necks, and other sweet off-set items.

Is band of accuria tank priority ?
Is onslaught grid tank priority ?
And wristguard of true flight ?
What about BWL’s boots of the shadow flame ?

Thanks for your input !

No items have priority to anyone. It is your guild that creates these priority lists. If they wanna give dps gear to main tanks that’s up to them. Unless your dps warriors are struggling then I see no reason to give them the dps gear over the main tank. The MT is the most important person in the raid imo.


We gave all those items to the tank (atleast all who gave him more tps, not sure all on your list did).

First Band of Acuria went to MT, same thing with Perditetions Blade and many similor items. No regret about it at all, this coming from me (Rogue). We acually gave our Feral Tank prio on Acuria before Rogues, believe it or not.

Threat is what makes me and the whole raid DPS more. Giving a Tank these items helps 40 other people. Giving them to a Rogue only helps his e-penix.

Should you do the same? Depends on ur relation to the tank and obviously the guild.

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for the benefit of the guild, any item that is an upgrade for the tank that he will use in raids should be prio to him

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Yes, if your MT wants an item, you give him that item

it’s a balance act tbh.
tank needs gear to make enough threath and stay alive, but the dps also needs gear, so bosses doesn’t take ages to kill.
Band of Accuria, we gave the 2 first to our tanks, since hit items arent that easy to get for them.
so i’d give them most of the items they want, within reason ofc.

Our LC thinks Band of Accuria is Rogue prio which I think is a big mistake since our MT doesn’t have it yet.
I’m fine with me as 2nd tank not getting it before everyone else (because if I wasn’t fine with that it would be seen as selfish, but come on give the tanks the frikkin Hit items, what are we gonna do, wear devilsaur set?!), but the MT at LEAST should be given prio on all those because screw your DPS meter, if the MT loses aggro you’re frikkin dead and your DPS is ZERO.

U wot mate…
Accuria is tank prio, big time.
I don’t even expect to get it ever.

Go for quick strike + don julio’s instead, then?

Maybe, but only if it’s relevant.
I’ve witnessed main tanks who started to be arrogant and stupid…

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we gave to our 2 tanks priority on set the first 2 month, we cleaned content , now priority is over… imho… gear a tank is usefull… but sometimes it becomes an pretext to have direct access to loot.

Ok thanks for the input, we have a dps warr who won a binding thanks to a roll, then the MT left the guild, now the dps warr with the binding has been promoted to MT.

He’s honestly the only very active member from the guild’s core to welcome and incorporate new players, but when one talks to him, he just LOVES to show how many gear he has etc…

Maybe the people here are very pro-players, and generate so much dps that threat becomes an issue, but when boss dies in 1 minute, and Ragnaros never makes it to P2, I think MT becoming massive black holes for loot attitude is very dangerous for the whole guild, since they can quit with no notice.

Thanks for info !

Well, thunderfury is a tank item, and it’s honestly pretty understandable that your MT would leave if he doesn’t get a binding, since it shows a very clear lack of understanding from the guild’s leadership.


you wot m8? Bindings are THE item you give to your warrior MT.

Of course he did. No sane main tank will stay in a guild that gives a binding to a dps war based on a roll (!).


There is no limit.

  • Our 3 Tanks got the first 3 Accurias

  • Our Maintank got Wristguard of the true flight

  • Our Maintank did not take Onslaught from DPS, but he would have gotten it

  • Our Maintank will get first Drakefang Talisman in BWL

  • Our Maintank will get Helm of Endless Rage and Drake Talon Pauldrons

  • Our Second Tank (Orc) will probably get the first Crul’shorukh

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So far in my guild me and the MT have had prio only on Accuria. We are the only MT-OT duo on the server not to have a single onslaught girdle between us.

That was utterly stupid.
If I had been the main tank (or any tank), I’d have left too, because this shows the utter lack of basic understanding of the game from those who decide who gets the loot.


Well, that’s exactly why the main tank left… why would a main tank stay in a guild that doesn’t know that the bindings = tank prio?

So what we get from this post? All warriors reroll tank and get geared for dps in no time! Kek
I really regret rolling a dps warrior alt. 0 loot for 3 months honestly

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Not only does the role of MT carry with it more responsibility than any other role, there’s only space for one per guild, meaning it really doesn’t impact the overall gear of the rest of the raid much at all.