What is your character's stance in this War? Anyone against it?

My character are;
Untrusting of Undeads and therefore are supportive of the alliances efforts to stop Sylvanas. However he’s also against taking aid from Death Knights and are thus vary of any Alliance affiliated undeads. My gnome finds their existance against the laws of nature and it whould be mercifull to return their spirits to rest.

As the High Priest, Ghimrizz frequently pities Alonsus Faol about his fate while visiting the netherlight temple. After the events regarding Calia Menethil, he also have frequent hectic discussions with the Naruu Xera about how she talked Anduin into using the holy light so recklessly.

Ghimrizz are also of the firm believes that even if the Demon Hunters where of great aid against the Burning legion, there’s little difference between the Demon Hunters and the demons themselves. Ghimrizz however realize that the former elves probably could be cleansed of their inner demons and thus saved.

As for the war in it’s entierly, Ghimrizz thinks that peace amongst the mortal races are of greatest importance. So Ghimrizz whould gladly side with the horde on the condition that the forsaken whould not be welcomed.

I am all for it not only i am making a huge profit, i am also enjoying murdering, all that gold and riches wasted on stupid and tasteless trolls if i knew that i would have murdered them a long time ago shine her crown

Hey, don’t say dat we’re tasteless mon. We just wanna ta show all peopl’ how rich we’re.


Blood elf, hunter: She will fight this war, but she’s under no obligation to like it and the infighting in her own faction doesn’t help with her desire to just drop out of the map.

Nightborne, warlock (the darling daring Dalamée): In support, if only because she’s a Felborne and with all that animation no one is looking at what she is doing.

Nightborne, priestess: Absolutely against the war. She have family on both side of the fence, and one of her daughters died in Teldrassil. (They had been separated for millenias, the news was an unpleasant shock.)

Blood elf, mage: As long as Quel’thalas emerges from the chaos in a good position, she couldn’t care less. Wouldn’t be too much against going with the Alliance again, with the condition that Dalaran and its citizens are judged and punished.

Draenei, mage: Absolutely in favor. She always knew that the orcs were a blight on this world, that the treacherous Horde would kill and destroy. Vengeance for Teldrassil now! In favor of total extermination.

Night elf, demon hunter: Indifferent. She’s of Highborne stock and never truly considered the current Kaldorei as her people, but her sister want to fight the war in their favor and so she follows.

Night elf, monk (Sentinel): In favor, to re-take all Night elven territory and all of Kalimdor while we’re at it.

Zandalari, warrior: In favor. Vengeance for Rastakhan! May or may not change after he discover more of the world and meet people outside of his culture; he’s still young!

“High” elf, death knight: In favor. The Dark Lady’s will be done.

Pandaren, shaman: May the Celestials and all spirits makes so that this war doesn’t touch her shores! She’ll takes arms for Azeroth in Silithus, or for Pandaria, but not for a faction.

Void elf, rogue: Against! She’s exiled, alright, but she certainly don’t want to fight her own kin, nor her country. Exile would be more tolerable if she knew that Quel’thalas was safe.

(and a few more that I have not worked on enough to know their opinion about it.)


Qbi though he find the waste of life distasteful fights because there is no other choice but to fight.

He grew up in the internment camps and has spent the last 15 years fighting just for the right to exist and will not bend the knee to any Alliance master.

Your shoe-lace is untied.


I am a forsaken warrior. I do what i do best. I crush my enemies, i see them driven before me, and i hear the lamantations of the women ( or allies on the forum)
the war is just as any that come b4 this one atleast we dont have to pretend to like the alliance this time around

I am forsaken. Victory for Sylvanas! - my main

My goblin doesn’t care as long as she can make some gold and invent crazy things. The war is a good time to make money but Nathanos and Sylvanas are making it pretty hard with their continuous tasks, not to mention Magni…

My dk’s been through literal hell and is patient to await ‘better’ times. Meanwhile she does what needs to be done to survive. She doesn’t know the Ebon Blade’s stance and as an undead troll she un-naturally feels more kinship with Talanji and Sylvanas.

Personally, I am waiting to see where this story is going. I’d hate if Sylvanas turns out to be possessed/bodysnatched/manipulated, but I also don’t want to see Sylvanas-opposers and alliance kill her and that be the end of the war. So what’s left? Sylvanas coming to her senses and stop the vicious attacks? And if so, would the alliance agree to a cease-fire at the least?

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Uruk was never in the Horde so he doesn’t give a damn about the war. He is in the Ebon Blade as he always was and is now helping Champions of Azeroth by hunting down the Twilight Hammer and other villains who are searching for the azerite in order to screw up the world.

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