What keeps you in horde side at the moment?

Dude, ive been saying this ever since she started this senseless BFA war with her silly “if we dont attack, they will” excuse.

Regardless of how much she has been butchered as a character, the premise she explained had Saurfang on board.

In fact, to this day, I don’t think it was bad per se.
Only her sudden “Muahaha I just wanted all to die” made it bad.

The rest is not.


What keeps me on horde side ?

it’s never about how hard you can hit, it’s about how much you can take

The horde will endure it went through a lot! and that makes the horde stronger than ever!


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The fact that the Alliance is still pathetic in comparison, cowards unwilling to continue a war even when they could realistically win. Also, better races.


Yeah, but Saufrang thought the plan was “Kill the soldiers, capture the civilians” and not “Kill everyone and burn down a whole city full of women and children!”

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Nothing except the Tauren and some nostalgia have kept me sticking with the Horde.


The moral qualms that ripped the Horde apart, are the same ones currently halting the Alliance and refraining them from continuing this war.
BfA has been, again, another war where the Horde killed itself in deference towards the Alliance and the way they mistreated them.
It’s only natural that the blue response turned out to be “Well, we’ll let the war be too”.

Otherwise Varok took arms for the “unjust” and nasty ways in which the Horde was beating the Alliance…for them to take advantage of it and punish the Horde even harder.
Personally, would’ve loved that. If only to have the Alliance shown in a greyer fashion.

But won’t happen. Both sides are to be painted stupid.

And I can’t help but wonder, if writers are realising just how stupid this will all be in a few years when the War part of Warcraft has to be addressed again (be that in a pvp or pve setting).


I’d say the main problem with BfA is that not only did it destroy the Horde’s honour, it also dashed any hopes we may have at restoring it. This expansion has left such a bad taste in the mouth of many players that from now on, any faction war storylines will be treated with negativity.

There will simply never be another war in which we, the Horde, will be the heroes. At best, we will be factionless heroes fighting the common enemy, but there will never be another faction war, a chance for Blizzard to fix their mistakes and make the Alliance-Horde conflict morally grey or anti-Alliance. The Horde in the memory of players will always be Sylvanas and Garrosh, nothing but genocide and conquest. There is no hope.

See how the Horde is mocked in r/wow, how people are now saying that Daelin was right and justifying his genocidal actions. We’ve been dishonoured, and we will never gain our honour back because Blizzard will be afraid of returning to BfA.


That was never the plan.
Sylvanas just wanted to destroy hope yet Saurfangs refusal to kill a key Alliance target, during a battle, during a war, ruined her plans and she had to improvise.


Oh please do you really think Sylvanas believed that an orc like Saurfang would kill a beaten enemy who cant defend himself any more?
She knew exactly what she did when she left Malfurions fate to Saufrang.


I just deleted BFA after Saurfang’s demise. I will go classic where Varok Saurfang will lead me in An’qiraj.


I mean, right after he led an assassination of guards and innocents in astranaar? Yes.
Saurfangs honour was inconsistent and only showed up when convenient for the plot


The assassination thing was strange, sure, but it was the best way to get rid of the guards with minimal civilian casualties.

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I was never attached to the horde. Forsaken and bloodelves should have been in a third faction with brokens and illidan naga.
So I really don’t care about what happens. The only thing is the retcon they are lightly doing on the forsaken. They’ll end up making them as blank as the rest.


In my memory there are peaceful Thrall and Cairne, Varok and Broxigar Saurgangs, kind and high Vol’jin…

Varok was the best. Really the best.


The Sunwell :slight_smile: and Silvermoon.


Pretty much this.


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Nothing at all.

Perhaps Talanji. But I have to wait and see. If she is cool with the peace and the murder of her father, then not even she will hold my interest.
There are a view good characters left (also new ones), but they don’t seem to have a big impact.

Darkspears still have no leader.


He is not a pacifist, that would be hypocritical. His rebellion arc starts when he realizes that he drunk the blood again and the horde is a tool in a war against the living one more time.


I’ve always played Horde until Legion pre-patch with the addition of DHs.

If you are surprised by the “Horde is nothing” from Sylvanus, you clearly haven’t been paying attention since last few Xpacs after WotLK.

  • She has always been about mememememememe herself and herself only

  • manipulating others

  • killing needlessly (especially civilians she’s good at that)

  • throwing plague left and right.

  • Raise undead and recently is shown to mindcontrol them or kill them if they don’t agree with her

You couldn’t have her more SELFISH and DUMB character. Yet you’re surprised by her words and her fleeing like Voldemort ?

I’m more surprised that you’re surprised ! Get real people !