What spec to play?

Hey all,

Just hit 120 on this char, leveled using enhancement and I enjoy it a lot but I’ve seen a lot of posts saying it is lackluster in comparison to elemental. I’m going to raiding up to heroic difficulty and pushing up to 10/12 keys. Will this be viable as enhancement or should I be changing to elemental?

If elemental is genuinely the better option have you got any tips for someone who hasnt played the spec since MoP XD

Enhancement should be fine at that level. Havent played it myself for years, but have done keys at 10+ with enhance and they did fine damagewise.

Doing 10+ keys, closed 6/8 HC raid progress as Enh. It’s absolutely fine in PVE to play, other story is PvP - there you will suffer.

Thats good to hear! I’ll stick it out then, dont like pvp anyways :joy:

Nice , enhance can be strong if you want to push further aswell he just needs the right gear and stats.

What about resto? Not the OP but have the same q as I recently got my shammy to 120 (thanks Korrak) as well.

Fine up to +15 keys at least (and higher, but can be hard to get into pugs maybe). Dont know how we perform in raids, but i assume they do well in hc at least. Probably mythic aswell.

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