What would be needed for your faction surrender to be acceptable?

Because Zarao can’t count to twenty.


Or because you can’t read, teacher.:wink:

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What is reading really, though? Does it imply the act of reading, as in sitting down and reading? Or does it imply the act of understanding what you are reading? Can you read automatically? Is that even reading?

What is a teacher even? Someone who teaches at school, or someone who teaches you something in life? So, even the humblest of men can be a teacher. But what does it mean to be humble? If you take pleasure in humility, is it really humility?

There is also the definition of a teacher, and a list of accredited teachers.

What do you mean, I am muddying the issue? I wouldn’t dare. Everything is perfectly clear and concise. Also, Zahir once said…


Teldrassil isn´t anymore, the zone is gone, Tirisfal is stil a zone, only undercity and a certain area around isn´t walkable

First Point!

Gilneas isn´t a Alliancezone, even ingame or lorewise, the place is full of plague and a wasteland now.

Next one! NICE! Darkshore is still a Warfront, Ashenvale isn´t even listed here…

And even if we count tirisfal as lost zone, so its still not the same numbers of zones anymore.

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Are you considering zones from a lore standpoint? Or gaming?

Lorewise, how each faction is actually faring is an absolute mess. And we don’t have a conclusive picture regarding it.

Gamewise speaking, is simpler, as there is a more definite number of questing areas and a number of quests.

Which of the two are you referring to? Because given the latest arguments, it seems like a mix.

I’m interested in who’s legally controlling this area.

A simple example:

The kingdom of Quel’Thalas is Eversong and Ghostlands. the Kingdom encompassed this countrys. This is the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas.

Just as the night elf territory has Darkshore and Ashenvale as part of it. It’s not about the number of quests, it’s about who owns the area, plain and simple!

And that’s where the Alliance has taken a lot of losses and lost many areas to the horde…even in bfa now!

Seems that you are referring to lore then.

Then the answer i can give is that we lack much knowledge regarding which faction is faring better because there are a series of inconclusive events and scenarios currently taking place (such as Warfronts, Battlegrounds, and phasing), that prevents us from having a reliable picture.

But i can say that the Alliance isn’t the only ones that lost “zones” (lorewise, or otherwise) in the recent conflicts.

And the current situation isn’t definitely as one sided, to the point of saying that the Horde is dominating territorially speaking.
The Alliance kickstarted their presence in the game by holding much more territory than the Horde.

I am actually supporting the outrage. It’s absolutely unfair that Alliance has Deeprun tram and Horde doesn’t have it’s equivalent!

Alliance bias!


Refering to Tirisfall? You didn’t even lose it… It’s still under Forsaken control. Even in the mission table missions. “Reinforcements from Tirisfall reinforcing Silverpine Forest”

We even lose areas when we win, we own Gilneas and we still didn’t resettle it and we gave away Azshara. Stonetalon? Unknown… Atleast all Horde had to leave Arathi post-SoO.

Take the swamps. Theramore? Nuked. Stonenard, we did siege it. But alas being written as the good guys meant we didn’t fully destroy it. For reasons unknown.

Horde never lost a single territory ingame, they were given them post-SoO even to stop them to wage constant wars. Worst what happend to you guys is that the Southern Barrens became contested. Oh yeah plz stop the “But camp Taurojo!”, you know yourself if I refer to you. I have a list with a single hunter camp but numerous towns, cities, villages and even zones destroyed or taken by the Horde. That’s evem outside the the catalysm that somehow only destroyed Alliance towns and spared every single Horde village even when they were on the coast like Auberdine was!

No, referring to recent conflicts. Not only Tirisfal.

In fact, my first reply referenced the balancing that took place in Cataclysm.
A way Blizzard had of fixing certain gameplay flaws that were evident Horde-side speaking, and that obviously includes changing which faction held certain areas.

If you want to argue lorewise, about the current situation, i’ll just add that the mission table quests are rather vague, as they often offer perspectives that clash with each other when you don’t have a defined chronology of events.

For example, you say that the Alliance hold on Gilneas is not shown, but still we have this quest:

That has the Horde marching against Gilneas, meaning that at least a portion of it is held by Alliance and offers a resistance these forces are supposedly “marching against”.

Anyway, that’s a can of worms i’m unwilling to open. Given the little information we have so far, is something subject to some pretty heavy debate (that has already been addressed fruitlessly in the past).


I don’t think there was an actual outrage in any moment during this derailment. In fact, the initial issue seemed to be about how the Horde supposedly held more areas than the Alliance (an issue kinda left inconclusive already).

That said, having a Tram equivalent for the Horde would be amazing. The zeppelin routes goblins have aren’t half as impressive.

I was joking around obviously, but I agree Horde equialent to tram would be sweet. I think we could use the Highmountain’s allies - the drogbar to carry the horde through crystal- like cunnels with their stone magics/ worms.
Or as you said some gobbo made tunnel.


Honestly, if this was a real war the factions probably wouldn’t fight to the bitter end. After all there are WMDs involved on both sides. So the most realistic end would be both agree to end the war, no reperations, but several treaties that state what is a war crime, what territories belong to what faction and if possible a treaty on mutual disarmament. Also a permanent embassy or other line of contact in case of another crisis. That another world war would become less likey and if it happens it would be clear who is at fault.
As for actual surrender, unless one of the factions drops another WMD (which would escalate the conflict), this is very unlikely to happen. No faction has enough forces for any kind of occupation and annexing any of the land of the opposing faction is basically impossible.
But in the very unlikely event, alliance would need to at least demand the occupation and annexation of lordaeron and the horde would have to give back the night elf terrotories they conquered in kalimdor. Also the horde would have to sign a treaty where they accept ashenvale eternaly as alliance territory and give up all claims to lordaeron and ashenvale forever. Also hefty reperations and and a limit on military size and WMD development.
Horde would need the exact same thing, the annexation of ashenvale and lordaeron at the very least, maybe even demand the breakup of the alliance as an organization, the dethroning of the kings of stormwind and installation of a puppet government.
Of course no faction would accept any of this without a devastating defeat and just demand a change in leadership or extradition of war criminals without disarmament or annexation isn’t really a surrender, it’s just a peace treaty.

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