What Your Main Says About You 🤯

  1. True.
  2. Wish it was true, but can’t do so ever since I have children :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. I guess so?
  4. It’s a good one for sure.
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Mine is ten years old few time weared only a few months all together collector edition and I am not tossing it funnily once I wear it everyone or nearly switch side.


That i have fleas ? :thinking:

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You can’t have fleas - you’re not a worgen :laughing:


is human with 2 hands and 2 legs

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1 . Nerd
2 . Never goes outside
3 . Stressed easily
4 . Has 2 friends

Unnervingly accurate :sweat_smile:

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refresh so to say

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Fo’ me as a paladin Main, dat checks out.

All the moms of ma exes are mad at deir daughtas fo’ letting me go



i found someting what fit this topic

and i agree with it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dam quite accurate, should i be worried now🤔

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True! Except the hair, I have great hair by nature :joy:

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1.Stabs his/her own friends in the back
2.Loves to gank low levels
3.Love gold

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This is like every WoW player :rofl: I wonder why we don’t have more mages running around


I don’t really have a main right now, so I’ll just pick a few things that describe me quite well :grinning:

  1. Dyes their hair
  2. Listens to sad songs late at night
  3. Stressed easily
  4. Just here to have a good time
  5. Nice but quiet
  6. Nerd
  7. Likes sports
  8. Gives good advice but can never follow it

This be my first main.
Unless it was a Rogue. Gdmn cookies.


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