When do we get legacy buff for Legion raids?

Still impossible to solo mythic Legion raids at 60, even though its 2 expansions back.
Will we see it being similar to what WOD raids was in BFA or not?


Some are claiming it will come with 9.1 but there’s no certainty.
Blizzard haven’t released any dates or info and in fairness, it’s the start of the new year so it’ll be some time before we hear anything major I’d think.
I’d say by Mid Jan we’ll have an ETA for 9.1 and it’ll hit the PTR for Feb.

8.1 took 4 Months to release from BFA Launching.
So, based on that, I’d assume it’d be the latter end of March.

But as I said, this is speculation at best.

Don’t forget that with the pandemic getting worse, timetables might be moving even more.

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I’m pretty sure Ion denied that it was an issue and claimed to not know what people were talking about in a recent interview, so don’t hold your breath. They are pretending it’s not an issue so better luck next expansion i suppose :man_shrugging:


thing is, they messed up scaling with level squish (of course they did
) and soloing Legion raids is about as difficult as it was in patch 8.3 if not more. It should not happen, as we are one more expansion ahead of that content. We should experience power GAIN in those raids, not a loss. Stuff should not be taking longer to kill than it used to at level 120 with 470 ilvl.

The scaling does not provide enough boost, it seems to be only x10 in Legion whereas it is x100 in WOD and earlier raids. WOD and earlier content is trivial to solo, mythic Archimonde dies in just a few seconds. Yet in Legion content even trash refuses to die quickly.

They likely won’t do jack with this situation and just let the natural progression fix it. This will take very long time though. In patch 9.3 with 300 ilvl you will propably be able to crush those raids but that is a year away if not more.

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This is a perfect example of why scaling has no place in RPGs. Especially MMORPGs.

Once you add scaling you might as well just remove the entire leveling/progression system because the scaling just cheapens it all and introduces a bunch of dumb, completely avoidable problems.

There is no point in having a leveling system if the world levels up with you.


Scaling is ok when done right. Currently wow has no effective dungeons scaling system. It’s a mess. They’ve got 8 expansions of content, but the player is only limited to 1 (and that’s if they’re lucky enough NOT to hit the chromie lv cap before they’re done with the story, no-chromie has it even worse).

I played my vanilla returning character ‘as is’, no Chromie (picking up from Pandaria, lv 45 after squishing), and now she’s 59 before even finishing the Legion (and no, I never grinded, that’s mostly gathering+ handful of TW LFGs). I guess, I can already say bb to most of the SL content. Dungeon que never ever matched the story progression. There was never an option to experience those instances in a normal way, but now it’s not ‘fun and easy story-mode with lots of cosmetics’ either.

TW should not be limited to a single expansion or a once-in-a-blue-moon week-long event, it should be a viable LFG option, and so is the ‘legacy\story\cosmetics’ mode, for those, who are up to it.

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We did get the legacy buff for Legion raids. Problem is that it’s far too weak. It should make us 100 times stronger, not 10 times. We were able to easily solo mythic Warlords of Draenor raids on fresh 120 alts (except Hellfire Assault and Gorefiend, but those were eventually fixed). There’s no reason why we should have to gear up in order to easily solo content from two expansions ago. Just multiply the legacy damage buff by 100 instead of 10 and everything should be fine.


You probably will be able to solo them easily near the end of Shadowlands expansion.

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I’m surprised this still get’s ignored like the past 3 months. No update, no progress, its harder to do legion raids now than it was in bfa and it just feels so wrong.

I mean its not even that hard to fix, like previous posters already mentioned. reduce the boss hp or make the legacy buff stronger and its all fine- whats the matter?

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I’d be very surprised if this took more than a few days max to implement. They literelly only have to do the same damage modifiers they did for all the other expansions.

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The issue is not how long it takes, but having to move resources from other areas of development. They’re currently preparing 9.1, which means raid design, campaign and all other sort of additions to the game. You rather they remove 1-2 guys from that development group just to fix a 4 year old raid?

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Yes. I’d rather have content coming marginally slower, like even waiting an extra week than having a game where 12.5% of the game (a whole expansion) doesn’t work properly. In fact, it’s closer to 25% if you include both Legion and BFA. Seems more than sensible.

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You would be surprised how many people would actually prefer to have the legacy content fixed, and would rather wait a few more weeks for new stuff.

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Feel free to create a survey to check how many people want new content when compared to those who still want to go back and do Legacy content from 4-5years ago

For me, I rather they keep focus on current expansion and that they release a great 9.1 patch to keep the momentum they’ve acquired, than go back and fix a raid that you had the opportunity to easily farm in LFR years ago
if all you want is to farm legacy content, you still have lots of old raids that are working.

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Quite ignorant and ironic that in 1 sentence, you’re saying that I should make a survey to check how many people would agree with my statement, though I didn’t provide a single number or anything besides asking how , and in another you are saying ‘For me blablabla’, don’t you think?

Which momentum are you talking about though? I think that the endgame could be alot better. Right now, after completing the covenant campaign on 4 characters (1 of each covenant), after getting KSM on my main, I don’t log on for anything more useful than the Famu mount, Valfir mount and emissaries that grant either Wild hunt rep, or Undying army rep for the paragon boxes.

And yes, i’m not gonna farm 40k anima via getting 35 anima per WQ. Just gonna wait for a buff here :wink:

Trust me, judging by how many threads are here regarding the scaling, how many comments, how many wowhead comments etc., alot of people agree with me, and want this to be fixed. And noone is talking about LFR, but since some of us don’t experience Mythic raids in the current expansion, we like to revisit it to see how it works, what gear drops etc. I for example, am missing the Shackled Urzul mount (the only thing i’m missing from the expansion). I got the skip on 10 chars to be able to farm it in SL, but I just can’t due to scaling.


I have not tried in a long time myself, but I take it this is still not fixed? Or does Blizzard still states that it is working as intended after the last fix?

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448 kills on Argus mythic. Have seen the mount drop once.
Anyone know the drop chance? I refuse to believe it is 1 %

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Unfortunately it happens. Supposedly the Mail Muncher mount from Horrific Visions also had a 1% chance to spawn, but I opened over 500 mailboxes to finally get it.

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If it would take that long to introduce an ICC like % buff I’d say their development team is at least not very competent.

But I highly doubt that they are not able to do so in a few clicks. They just don’t want to, because they stick to “works as intended” in an almost fanatic way.

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