When will the alliance finally lose?

After12 years of alliance bias we definetly deserve it

There are some cool story arcs in the horizon:

  • Goblins
  • Haranir
  • Amani Trolls (midnight)
  • Blood Elves (Midnight)
  • Mag’har Orcs, if Yrel returns

Don’t worry too much, the story was so alliance-centered, they have almost no other sensible choice than to do some Horde-themes next. And if it wasn’t for fairness, it’d be to prevent the audience from getting visual fatigue due to alliance themes.

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Just like the current storylines, they are basically guaranteed to be post-faction-world stories anyways, aren’t they? It’s not Gazlow and the HZorde goblins doing some crazy goblin stuff, it will be some villainously greedy group of NPCs that we’ll all stop. If we’re unlucky Gazlowe will tell us how that’s not what being a goblin is about, while we stop them. Jay.
The Harranir are all about the black blood and the earthroots, and thus much more about the cosmic stuff than any faction cultures. We’re much more likely to learn more about Eonar or Elune from them, than we are to learn anything about trolls, horde shamanism or anything like that.
For midnight they already told us it was about all the elves coming together to stop the evil purpling. So I’m sure there will be elf characters doing stuff, but not faction stuff. I don’t really see what kind of story one would expect for Amani, either. Either they’ll be trash mobs on the way, or we’ll recruit them into our diverse international alliance of cosmic justice. Probably both. Probably both. I don’t think any Horde player will feel much in the way of faction pride, just because it is Vol’jin’s spirit telling the Amani to work together with Alliance and Horde.
As for Yrel… if she were to return, I’d expect that story to be all about the Light, not about the Mag’har’s history with them. Maybe Geyarah could have a “stay a while and listen” or something, but I wouldn’t even bet on that.

The factions are dead. And there is no hint of them coming back. We can cry and moan about it, but we really shouldn’t tell each other to hold on to empty hopes.

It seems like the Haranir did have conflict with the Arathi. I would absolutely not be surprised if the Haranir allied with the Horde and the Alliance joined the Arathi. That would also finally introduce a story arc, where the alliance aren’t uniquely the good guys

Oh, I didn’t know that. Could you elaborate or source that? Can’t find it at a cursory look in warcraft wiki.

Horde and Alliance have the same world-saving mission and no conflict at the moment. Joining a faction is pretty meaningless. And no matter what might have happened before, neither is there a conflict between Haranir and Arathi right now, nor is there an established or foreshadowed reason for one. Indeed the Arathi and Haranir expeditionary forces are both in their way fighting the void and its plans. So that speculation seems to be coming a bit out of nowhere here.

Thematically the Haranir also seem much closer to the spiritual, treehugging Night Elves, than to any Horde race, especially since they are there to protect the roots of “Elun” 'ahir. Not exactly an obvious candidate for Alliance enmity. And the Horde is already happily supporting the Arathi right now, with no reason to turn on them.

They could have a reason to turn on them: The Goblins! What if the Goblins and the Arathi are after the same crystals? I feel like Warcraft just needs faction conflict again at some point, and Blizzard knows this. I think you know it too, even if it’s not that sensible lore-wise anymore. The cool-factor is sometimes just a driving force. That’s why we got LF Draenei Warlocks in the end.

If that was true the dwarves + Anduin Alleria wouldn’t be evrywhere in our faces all the time.

The Haranir look like trolls more then anything else. I doubt they are connected in any way when most alliance people would view them as a bunch of savages.

Are there any hints of that? I mean, sure, one can always invent a conflict, between pretty much any groups, but you are picking out Haranir and Arathi specifically, and I don’t really see on what you are basing it.

I am not arguing a conflict shouldn’t happen. I am arguing that everything points to it not happening. Wishing for it doesn’t make it happen.

Apart from that… Warcraft certainly needs more political conflict and less unity. And the factions did provide that at some point. But I don’t really think that you can go back to that now. We need a new kind of conflict. My best hope on that (that seems halfway realistic to me) would be an antagonistic Arathi empire that can rival Horde and Alliance, with actual politicing and characters, instead of just randomly evil mobs, as long-term antagonistic faction.

Alliance got Arathi before Horde got Forest Trolls :joy:

Horde presence in Kalimdor will be unhindered now with the loss of Teldrassil.
Unless the Draenai move from Exodar or there are permanent basis to maintain a permanent Alliance presence in Kalimdor this would prove to be a more difficult challenge.

Undercity of the Forsaken is simply so that the Horde have a foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Alliance expansion must happen. Horde should not get in our way.

Bel’ameth has literally portals to all important night elf places my dude.

Did you just forget all of Quel’Thalas?

I hope I’m not too optimistic here, but when characters get this much attention, usually something bad happens to them. Aheeem, Sylvanas…

Maaaaybeee we get lucky and Alleria trips into the void trap and goes insane. Worst case scenario, she will help her sister with dailies in the Maw.


The factions are dead, but the alliance just happens to have build up characters which aren’t dead, unlike the horde.

Since hearing that it will be neutral. That Horde will stain the new Night Elf city with their presence. I have never been there. Horde tresspassers are to be slain on sight. But city guards could interfere. I will take your word for it.

Without Undercity Quel’Thelas will fall. Blood Elves are very weak militarily. With the writers making the Forsaken the strongest Horde faction they are the ones that maintain Horde presence in Eastern Kingdoms.

Without the Alliance and Horde factions then the World of Warcraft falls apart. They will always be essential foundations for WoW.
Some that want to destroy the lines between the factions seem to be gaining traction. Cross-faction play is evidence of this. But if Blizzard remembers what they done with Battle for Azeroth.

Purely in regards to the story and lore. FINALLY the Alliance and Horde were not forced to hold hands to face the latest big bad threat.
But as the different peoples and organisations that they are. Was actually addressing different issues. The Alliance was helping out an old ally in Kul Tiras and the Horde was courting an old enemy on Zandalar.

Independent organisations and peoples with independent issues facing independent threats and challenges.

Btw how are you with your head now, is your health better? :bouquet: (Anzhela)

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Hasn’t it already? As far as I’m concerned WoW pretty much killed itself with Shadowlands at the latest, and since then we are waiting for the devs to come up with something new, while we collect transmog, or something. And I don’t think antagonistic player factions are coming back, ever. If I thought them irreplacable and essential, I’d argue for quitting the game.

I don’t really think that, though. I think we really need a central, long-term, political conflict without clear bad and good guys. And the faction conflict at least tried to deliver that sometimes. But I do think a well-written NPC-faction could also give us that. For example, we could easily be sometimes-friends somtimes-foes with the Arathi empire, we could try to take lands from them, while they try to take lands from us, and we could get to know their leaders and heroes as rivals or unewasy allies that could stab us in the back any time.
Even with a cosmic plot conflicts like that can happen, for example when the people of another world fight us, because for some reason only one of both worlds can survive - I hear FF14 did something like that at some point.
Or, if you still want the pvp conflict, you can just introduce new factions that are - in contrast to Horde and Alliance - actually based on some ideology, and which could be chosen for each character seperately from their character race. Like covenants in Shadowlands, just without the cosmic :cow2: :poop: .
What I can’t see is Horde versus Alliance returning in a world, where they didn’t even try to hide the way that choosing a faction was just a mandatory gameplay mechanic and not any reasoned story decision for things like Dracthyr and Earthen, and where we already share guilds, raids and dungeons with each other. And I really don’T want it to return. That horse has been hit until it was dead, then necromantically reanimated, hit some more, reanimated again, and hit again. It’s really not fun to hit anymore.

Not that I’m against racial or factional storylines that don’t devolve into conflict, but that seems to be a seperate issue to me. I’d like some orc, troll, tauren, gnome, dwarf and other stories, sure. But with my gnome I don’t feel any more at home in elf and human stories than I feel in orc and troll stories, so I don’t really think that the factions are a sensible filter for picking out my content here.

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I am fine so far don’t worry.

Thats great to hear

For my part I m currently at hospital for 7 days after head tumor removal.

Hopefully I did 2/3 myth vault before the operation