When your guild gets sabotaged

Having to deal with your attitude in a group chat for years. But we can just agree that it never happened, easier to shrug off responsibility that way. =)


When you’re surrounded by people who can turn into the potential snake and slander your name, among many other things, it’s really just a precaution and a way to protect yourself, as bizarre as it sounds coming on a forum of some video game. Some people are jaded or outright pessimistic and don’t trust anybody, some trust everyone and don’t feel the need to do this.

Really surprised that you of all people pull this idiotic meme, tbh.


None of you matter. :frowning:

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Again, old wounds that don’t seemed to have healed.

So, no actual argument against what I’m saying here? That guild poaching is bad and guild infiltration is a reprehensible thing?

Seems really strange to whatboutism about something unrelated to the topic at hand and try link it to the main points the OP made.

No one matters.

I don’t think getting paranoid over video game forum politics is a very healthy mental state to approach this game with


I think it goes without saying that poaching and infiltrating guilds is bad. Working from the outside to harm guilds/people is also bad. Both may be different things but it boils down to the same conclusion: people can be horrible.

I can understand why one would do it to an extent as you know well enough. There is, however, a difference between having something in case people actively go after you and you need to back up that you’ve done nothing wrong and just collecting evidence because you’ve an obsession and want to tear them down.


Getting upset over off-hand remarks (of nothing greater than said persons getting upset have also made in the past) in a video game forum seems really strange as well, but hey - someone has to I guess.

I just want to know why dig up ancient history when I point out Big Brand™ guilds trying shady practices to grab members from other (usually smaller) guilds and make my opinion known this is terrible behaviour. :man_shrugging:

Lots of things are bad, not all bad things are the same, whataboutism isn’t really valid here.

Collecting screenshots to win a possible online argument in the future has never been a way to go and be less-toxic.


All these screenshots and gifs of you dancing to slav hard bass will be lost in time… like tears in rain


How did this turn from a Serious thread about one person’s issue into a Lukas VS The World (Za Warudo!) thread?


slavic folk music stops


Apparently my Stand power is too great for certain players

[Dudflex’s post]

Killer Queen has already touched your post.

Nah I prefer the Troll’s concept - Lukas’ Bizarre Adventure, fighting against a band over embittered Monster-sippers who really need to open the window a bit more in a quest to save Argent Dawn from shattering the glass house it constantly throws its stones at.

But more to the topic, I’d like to reiterate that a lot of guilds have been destroyed through the process the OP mentioned, and there are a small cabal of players who have been behind this - I would like to help them, so if the OP would like I can be contacted through mail in game.


This is actually a surprise trailer for a new Netflix Original: Lukas vs. “The Usual Suspects.”

A show in which one man armed with more time on the forums and in the game than sense takes on the World’s Largest Threat, a clique of Gamers.

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I like it, very based

I’m willing to invest in this term in exchange for 10% equity


I recall that one time you stormed out of our skype group because I happend to show a person who thought you to be their friend, what you were sharing with us behind their back.

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I call Dibs on being Enrico Pucci, I want to be the strangely dressed priest who resets the world using the power of Gay Love.

But that’s me. (No really I’ve literally done this in RP already)

I’d love to live in this perfect world where people would treat eachother nicely and you wouldn’t have to worry about others being dumb over a video game and trying to ruin the fun you and your friends take from it, but sadly we don’t! So yeah, some of us play it smart and try to fend off the hyenas, with varying amounts of success. I assure you, it’s not a crime and it’s certainly not a mental condition.

Yeah and like I said, I’d rather if we were on a forum/game if nobody had to do either of those things, but that’s the reality we have. I can’t really speak for other people’s agendas or supposed obsessions as it’s not really my business/I don’t care but I think that sometimes the line between those two things can blur and people can take a more pro-active approach to those who wronged them before.


God Damn it, They always pick Pucci!

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Is this meant to be serious? Are you aware that this a role playing realm on World of Warcraft?


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