Which arena covenant for MISTWEAVER?

Don’t laugh at the title just yet!

So, according to this website, Mistweaver seems to be the most diverse spec covenant wise.
I know for a fact that I don’t want to play Kyrian with any class. I just hate having to summon a stupid owl in order to get the flasks.

I’m leaning towards both Venthyr & Necrolord.
Each covers one glaring weakness about Mistweaver.

  • Venthyr allows you to better deal with the hardcasting part of the Mistweaver gameplay, thanks to the renown 30 trait, and you can bait kicks with Door of shadows (or use for mobility/CC, of course).
  • Necrolord makes it easier not to die in a stun, which is definitely a big MW issue. I’m not talking about Fleshcraft, but about Marileth’s trait that generates a 15% HP absorb shield upon reaching 50% HP, with only a 30 second internal cooldown. I’m Necrolord on both my Shaman & Hunter and I just love that perk honestly. It’s an instant, automatic fleshcraft every 30 second. As for Fleshcraft itself, Mistweaver can complete the full cast easily thanks to Zen Focus Tea, and get the full benefits of Final form all the time.

Both are really tempting. I really struggle to pick between the kick reduction and the Necrolord tankiness.

What would you pick and why?

Holy paladin.

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This. MW is unplayable trash.

I don’t care. It’s been my main for years, and I shan’t give up on him in his darkest times. That would be treason.

I reach 1.8 3s as MW and then people stop too invite me, so i Start Play with friends and drop
Bevor that u sit in lfg beging for a invite…
9.05 does Nothing for MW

U have no damage, ramp up healing cost a lot of games, a gut Switch from the enemy Team without CC can close out the game if u need too spend 3 gcd too pump effektiv healing

Mana seems Ok, HPs is Ok if no one interrupt u but there is Nothing going on for MW
(Yes Necrolord help u survive, at least Bad burst attemps)

Pala seems boring, maybe try shaman?

Yeah Necrolord it is good BUT Ventyr interrupt protektion seems wort it too

MW will struggle in a fast paced meta with burst when you need multiple globals to save people. It’s not so much a question of playing MW well or not, it’s the basic mechanics of the class and the fact that you need to be able to react in a single global to be effective.

There is a limit to how far being affectionate and stubborn about a class will take you, no matter how good you are at it. Part of the game is shifting with the meta and adjusting to it, if your intention is to be competitive.

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You say it as if it was a core MW problem that was always there.
It’s not. The issues with MW didn’t exist prior to Legion, and the biggest issue only arose in BFA.

BFA added a GCD on Soothing Mist. Probably the worst thing they’ve done.
Legion took away cocoon while stunned, nimble brew, and spear-handed strike, heavily crippling our defensive toolkit and turning us into the “dies in a stun” healer.

Shadowlands promised us an unpruning, and Mistweaver were denied that privilege. Shadowlands reverted BFA’s GCD changes for most classes, and Mistweavers were denied that privilege. I shall wait nonetheless.

Well, that doesn’t help me at all. :woozy_face:
No clear winner in your mind?

Completely unrelated but, do you use Essence font? I know in Legion it was a garbage “tickles for 0.1% health despite costing 10% of your mana bar” spell, has it changed?

It seems like a personal favor, both Help equal…

I use essenz Font if mana doesnt matter (or u got inervate), but not for the Hot, it also give 2x Mastery or so

Lol. A Blizzare staff just removed my post where I asked you about covenant and gameplay, because it was “inappropriate” somehow.

MW biggest problem now seems to be lack of defense.
Healing is not bad and mana tbh is not bad at all now and with 9.0.5 will just be better. But that’s it.
In this meta, they die too easily and the bad thing is this can’t change with just number tweaking. Even if they make their healing huge, they’d still die easily to things that can CC 1 shot them.
With the buffs to druids in 9.0.5 I don’t see how MW can get a place between the healers as a choice. We are moving into druid healer meta.

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