Which is your favorite expansion?

WoD because I started playing properly about half way through that xpac and it got me hooked. I liked Ashran too.

Now I’m gonna go run and hide from the incoming pitchforks…


I have really only played BC, LK and BFA. Of those i think i’ll rate LK on top, then BC and in last spot BFA. I did play start of cata tho, but quit after 3-4 months i think. So maybe thats the worst one for me. I wish i played mop and legion, seems like they were good ones.

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Wrath overall, MoP for the class design.


Warlords of Draenor(il prolly get hated on here but whatever)
Its when my Main and favorite class Deathknight was in its best state Overall With frost being one that couldve been done bit better(mainly 2h vs dw better balanced really).
And while classes where bit pruned they where honestly fine and enjoyable (compared to legion and bfa escpially) and alot of the lvl 100 talents where really cool/fun(nercrotic plague,gladiator stance for example).

I Loved seeing draenor before became outland, i like my garrison and still go there, and its just bit of player housing and extra customisation in wow and i can place trophies there aswell.

I liked how crafting worked really, had limit on how many items could wear but they where aslo very strong and could be equiped from 91onwards (plus i liked upgrading them).
I loved doing Ashran, i Always found it very fun to do.

We had the best gear system for pvp, fine illv in pve(honor was early normal ilvl and conquest was early heroic in ilvl) and was on part with early mythic/late heroic and Late mythic ilvl in pvp.
It brought updated character models(best cosmetic change after/together with tmog being added).

And the raids/dungeons it had honestly where amazing escpially BRF which i consider the best raid ever put into wow. And as raider you dint have to farm entire expac for pieces of class back or that shouldve been baseline, dint need to keep doing dungeons over and over.

And warforge was fine really escpially for a long late tier and was way more of a bonus then titanforge we got now(though weapons prolly shouldnt have been able to be warforged)

While i had less content then legion, the classes and systems the expansion was build upon honestly was better(like crafting being more relevant then after they tried making it more relevant and better)

And i think WoD couldve quite easly been best expansion ever if they dint abandon its future content barly halfway through(yrel story cut,shatrath raid,no ogre continent, no faralhon,no grom finalboss but archimonde(was good fight though and the trinkets were cool),multiple worldbosses cut (a hydra and fungal whale).

Also i found tanking there veyr fun with resolve healing increease and the active mitigation(except velhari as a blood dk, f uck velhari and her auto’s hitting harder then tank busters of manno/archi)

Also while story was kinda silly(alternate universe timetravel) the story telling of what it had ,escpially while llving with various outposts was honestly pretty good,aslo lvling was really fun in wod it was fast,had bonus objectives,could see how much of zone story youve done(think that was new to wod(or was it mop?). adn with treasures you could explore and get some extra experience aswell.


someone else who likes wod/ashran!

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Wotlk > TBC > Vanilla > Legion > others are shame, with BFA+Draenor+Cata being worst things that happened to wow.


It was the expansion to properly pull me back into the game. In my eyes it’s as close to perfect as Blizzard ever got.

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TBC because it was my first experience of WoW, then Wrath. I loved raiding in Wrath.

I really liked TBC.

The zones, dungeons and being able to play paladin on horde was just such a great feeling. It’s been a long time since that expansion so I don’t really remember much, but It was great.

BC for best atmosphere, music, nothing beats BC dungeons for me. BC introduced arena, resilience on gear sucked, but pvp was deep. The toolkit on each class was very extensive.

WotLK for most beautiful zone, nordic theme is my soft spot, Ulduar and ICC were amazing, Naxx was a blast too. And i enjoyed all of the Lich King drama. PvP became worse, but was still good.

Tried All other expansions, but played each for 1 month only - get max level, see whats going on, get dissapointed, leave.

At least in BfA im playing for a little over a month, actually paid for the second now. Havent happened since WotLK haha.


10 characters

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TBC and Legion are my favourites.

Wrath of the Lich King will always have a special place in my heart.
I loved the Nordic styled zones, the amazing music, the storyline was great and i had many fond memories of Northrend in general.
I do have a soft spot for MoP too… The expansion just felt so fun and lighthearted (compared to the others) plus, well… Pandas. Pandas are cute, so…


Wotlk was way too good. And Ulduar was something spectacular when it was current content.

Second would be BfA which I’m enjoying a lot mostly thanks to having found a really, really laid back and fun guild.

TBC was special to me as it was when I started raiding so everything was totally new to me.

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I didn’t join in Legion tho (joined in the last month of MoP) and found Argus a bit meh, but apart from that … truer words were never spoken!

WotLK was the best for me with Legion being 2nd.

And, for me at least, Legion would be on top with different talent system, different legendary system and less grinding.

WotLK was a great evolution from Vanilla and TBC. It added many quality of life changes that we now take for granted, it had fun content, the right amount of grinding that wouldn’t burn you out, you always had something to do either you played for an hour or for the whole day.

It had WAY LESS RNG!!! A very good overall gearing system (I’m not talking about the gear as pieces of loot but the way you were acquiring them through progressively increasing difficulty). And gear mattered, you would see someone with full ICC 25HC gear and admire them cause that geared wasn’t just handed easily.

And really I could go on for wotlk…:heart:

I honestly believe that a combination of WotLK with modern WoW would skyrocket the player numbers again. And I think Legion was the closest we have seen.

WotLK - Even if i started few mins before Cata , i still have sweet memories from the beginning when my friends from Lightning’s Blade / Simulacrum used to copy-paste @ MSN screenshots on how to set up my Pala skill tree since i was total garbage.

Cataclysm - Transmogrification implemented into the game & i’ve started RBG.

MoP - Class Design and formation of my own guild.

WoD - Last time i’ve encountered a PvP vendor plus Garisson which was something new.

Legion - Class Hall & Artifact

BfA - Major war between factions and WPvP.

I cba summarize pros & cons to give the ‘Favorite’ title plus i cant get into a time machine to get back to the past even tho there are some great memories back there.

I’m still having fun within the game , hope Activision are not so retarded to kill it like they did with Diablo franchise which was my fav game before i venture into Azeroth.

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Of all the expansions, I think Legion was probably my favorite.
I mostly missed out on WoD. I was too busy catching up with many expansions worth of content during WoD - I had just started my first real sub in Nov 2015. So Legion was the first expansion I was actually doing level appropriate content on.

The first 4 expansions (up to MOP) I got to experience them on private servers. I can that I have fond memories of the people I played with, but not necessarily the game. My time in those servers were filled with ganks, bugs, lack of scripts and even more ganks - you had no other option, Normal servers were treated as a joke by the players there.

So yeah, while I do like The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Mists of Pandaria a whole lot, most of that experience was tainted by the fact that I got to experience them in servers that were full of PvP-ers, gankers and people who paid to win.

The Burning Crusade. That’s when for me WoW was simply perfect. Vanilla was super fun, but what I didn’t really like that much in Vanilla was actually addressed and fixed in TBC. All that came after TBC, sometimes good or with at least some good features, still couldn’t dethrone it for me.

wotlk>tbc>MoP>WoD>BFA> legion/cata

legion and cata were equally boring though

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