Whisperer bro

If they still survive, thanks to their teammates. A feral druid will certainly do more damage and will have much much more uptime than a warlock in most situations. And i don’t try to say feral druid is more viable in arena.

Not really. What if lock has a fire mage as teammate? Do they sit on lock? Probably not. Do they get blowned up? No.

Melee sit on warlock not because they can erase their account with chaos bolts, but because warlocks HAVE to eat everything they throw. They can even practice their pve rotations or try different trinkets to see which is better. Afterall warlock will take everything.

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People who don’t play arenas and have 0 arena experience shouldn’t go out their way to talk total bs from up their buttocks about balancing.

I can see many points that you got wrong.

You get sat as lock because you have ton of defensives and are generally really tanky, even if it feels like you get interrupted alot and it’s frustrating for you to play the game, its how the game works and even though it shouldn’t and casters should be mobile and squishy as compared to melees (tough and less mobile/depends on the class) ,but it does not work like that in the current meta and you just have to deal with it. Still does not change the fact that you can blow someone up by casting a 150k chaos bolt once in a while when your infernal is up. Also you have ton of set-up such as death coil, in which you can generally get 2 chaos bolts off before they can do anything about it.

Monk can fly because its a mobile class, it is supposed to be working like that and has been working like that since mop. The only reason it seems to be a problem now is since melees such as warriors were pruned and have 0 mobility in comparison to monks that now have pretty much the same if not better mobility as in comparison with mop. He can outrange and LoS your chaos bolt, obviously, but thats only when he can move and is not in full stun/coil where he just has to eat some fat chaos bolt crits.

Again, speaking from up your buttocks without any experience with arenas and how the actual game works. Most people who hate on bfa right now (me not being one of them, i actually kinda like bfa pvp) hate on it because of pruning, classes are pruned enough and should be unpruned and even blizzard acknowledged that fact and said that they are going to be bringing some abilities back (i hope its deep freeze and stances).

About the interrupts part…They have downsides, for some melees, they are melee range only, for which you have to position yourself well in order to land successful interrupts, the cooldown is also lower for melees because of that. Caster’s interrupt has longer cooldown, but is generally ranged and lasts longer. Mana cost is irrelevant since dps casters don’t go oom anyways (mages have mana bar more like spellsteal bar).

Casters aren’t forced to cast, maybe locks are, but mages are not and they still sometimes choose to because they can abuse their tankiness in some situations to get hardcasts off and don’t give a damn. Your points are gullible but they are understandable coming from someone who has never played any arenas, only watched them, but it does not mean that they are in any way shape or form right and you shouldn’t post and talk about balancing aspect of the game since you definetly definetly haven’t tested meta enough to know what you are talking about.

I can watch chess players play and understand some basic concepts, but that does not mean that I am going to tell kasparov that he is wrong just because I watched other chess pro use different strategy in the same chess board layout.

I don’t wanna be that guy. But your bad experiences with your class is due to you simply having bad gear (330k hp is nothing for locks) and next to no rated pvp experience. Your azerite gear also has bad traits so your complaint about not hitting something like WW could likely be negated if you had Flashpoint traits and proper haste gear. Any competent team mate will allow a lock to burst at some point through cc chains or pure pressure because they have to largely ignore the other team mates’ pressences and focus on not getting deleted by 1 guy pressing chaos bolt with his face. You can’t just say that the lock was locked down 70% of the match and then proceed to say that they wouldn’t get blown up otherwise. If that wasn’t the case then they would spend that cc on the healer so they could secure a kill faster, but thats not the plan vs locks. You have to just delay their stupid dmg until you can kill them in dampening. You can’t just live in your own personal bubble and claim that locks are bad based on your insanely narrow experience with the class in pvp and due to your interpretation of 1 match.

I already told you to ignore me next time if you are going to gatekeep. Now i will ignore you until you are invited to chmapionships. Until then, all your points are moot, irrelevant and blabbering of a wannabe pro.

How did you like it?

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This topic is about that match, isn’t it. And i wrote what i saw. I saw a warlock can’t play the game and getting carried, despite the fact he is really good. I saw that it was actually the mage who did all the burst on kills.

lul he is mad that his stupid comments were debunked by facts <3

Nothing is debunked by so-called facts. Only in your world maybe.

I not only gatekeep, since you haven’t played ANY arenas at all, you don’t even have step into the arena which is for 1 arena win, and you keep posting on arena forums about arena balancing. I gave you valid arguments on why you got your points wrong, if you don’t accept that then keep living in your small little world and keep posting, people will just ignore you eventually and you will become the next Whisperer. Just the scuffed version of Whisperer that does not try to use any form of argumentation.

PS: Also this guy thinks interrupts should be on gcd LUL

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And you think you are the Kasparov of arena.


Nice unwarranted assumption, but no. I gave you enough arguments to rethink your stupidly thought-over badly written statements that have no place in this section.

I try not to post on balancing issues and let rank 1s state their opinion, if i absolutely feel like I have to post about balancing I only do that if I agree with what was written since 2400 is nowhere near the xp some people on these forums have and they definetly know meta better, I just argument about stupid obvious things with people who are completly clueless since I am really fascinated by how their brains function, especially the crybaby archetype.

You didn’t gave me ‘arguements’ or ‘facts’. you just came with a wall of text trying to jsutify the monkey state of melee classes. You even defend free interrupts. Where is our free disarm then?

Anyway. Next time put a link, i would love to see your opponents get Kasparov’ed by you in world championships. You sound like you know a lot, maybe i’ll learn a thing or two from Kasparov.

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omg i didn’t check his achievs properly… How can a guy srsly try to voice an opinion about experiences of a class in arena with LITERALLY no experience in the slightest sence?

I gave you arguments, if you don’t understand how arena works then, maybe, just maybe don’t post on arena forums? What do you even mean FREE interrupts… Your interrupt costs mana that is totally irrelevant since you never go oom anyways. I told you pros and cons of each interrupt, what more do you need? Only couple classes in the game have a disarm, what does that have to do with anything? Since when are interrupts a problem? Do you wanna be tanky AND not be able to be interrupted on your chaos bolts? It does not even matter since you won’t get any rating anyways since you have 0 arenas played EVER.

Seriously though, sometimes it seems like there is just a bunch of monkeys posting here with some random guy creeping in with mouth full of bs and join his brothers.

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I guess you got bullied in kindergarden so you try to catch up with childishness.
You can’t summon argument, so you insult.

Well, you can’t either, since you stop all answers to anyone who comes up with proofs like Jdog’s video.


This just even further proves my point, keep going.

Didn’t you say that you participate in political debates? Where are your arguments now that somebody has came with foolproof video of him doing it, do you just choose to ignore it like you have been doing so far? Why would I summon any arguments when there are no arguments left since you got proven totally wrong with the video Jdog provided.

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I replied to it.

no matter what illogical mathematics are being used or whatever you can cast 2 chasobolts during a coil everyone who understands this game above 1800 knows that.

There is a clear lack of answer on the video with the timer that shows what’s up with the cast time of the Chaos Bolts.

He is just another Warlock ape - one of the many, really. On top of that, there’s no way he has more than 1700 exp. You seem like a smart guy, and you should definitely know when to give up arguing with such people. I mean, seriously, look at this guy;

^ He is already showing signs of unstable brain activity (probably caused by the aneurysm he experienced in his room when he thought he came close to sounding really intelligent on a game’s forum). Do you seriously want to waste your time arguing with this guy?