Who asked to reinstate premades?

premades made even worse, still not a premade problem :thinking:

yes it is a problem, stop pretending it isnt, the game was better off without premades.

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Imagine defending a system where none actually plays. Players like you are like a cancer to games like wow


So you’re telling me people weren’t afking every single week of p5 launch in bgs? even before premades became the meta again? We must be playing a different game lol.

You’re also telling me the game was better last phase when it was only horde 5 stacks fighting random alliance Pugs? The 5 shaman blasting blacksmith every single game with flameshock cleave. Or the fact that AB/WSG basically died because of it. Your forum post history doesn’t relate to that notion in the slightest bro. The game was in no better state in p2-p3-p4 you cannot try and act like that wasn’t the case.

I’m not saying it isn’t a problem but when half the players that join solo are clueless clowns that go afk at stables the whole game the moment we lose the first team fight you can’t honestly blame people for joining a group that people actually want to try and win. This isn’t a premade problem. This is a PEOPLE problem. People want the rewards without the effort. More and more people are happy to do nothing for 2 marks and go AFK than actually play the damn game. And when that’s a MAJORITY that are playing like that the quality of games drastically go down. What would honestly make me want to join those games when its basically 7 out of 10 games will be that. at 25 minutes a game I don’t want to spend 3 hours playing the game to MAYBE get a chance to play one good game.

I’d rather surround myself with like minded players than people that are happy to watch netflix and afk for 20minutes. I cba for it bro i pay the sub fee to play the game not go AFK for 25 minutes for 2 marks cause half my team literally give up after the first team fight.

I’m r13 on 2 chars and actually had fun doing it, made pvp friends that i can continue to do stuff with outside of BG grinds, people that actually have hands and arent casting spells from the spellbook that transfers into other avenues of the game.

Grouping in an MMO, having a good time and making friends. Actually crazy.

You make it out like people aren’t afking Pug games bro, people have been afking bg since p1. Even after they removed Premades. Its a people problem. I’d queue solo more if the players inside of it weren’t literal apes 99% of the time. But the players queueing solo are the afk bunch. Not the people queueing pre.

Play with people that just want the reward and don’t care about losing and watching netflix on 2nd monitor and you end up with afk at farm/stables all game. Play with people that actually want to play to win regardless of premade or not. And you get better quality games. We have stomped horde pre at 4am as Pugs cause we actually queued the game to PLAY THE GAME. It’s luck of the draw queueing solo. It isn’t if you form your own group.

How is this so hard to understand?

a game without PvPers constantly complaining about everything preferably

I don’t know why “Your kind” does any thing.

I guess for Honor per hr?

But don’t say PvP is “For fun” that’s just not true

A problem of selfish and ignorant people, just to be more specific.

They don’t have a friend list full of active players, because they only care about “socializing” and teaming up when they need help from others, never the other way around.

Feeding this crowd with solo automatism like Dungeon Finder and LFR did always bring together the worst people.

Raiding or BGs is an appointment with other players, like any other social activity.
If I don’t have enough time to play, I know this before and don’t join any group.

When I raid, I’m busy, when I play soccer, I’m busy, when I work, I’m busy.
I will not answer my phone and call you back, because right now I’m busy.

Unless there is an emergency there is no reason to go afk.
Comments like “it’s just a game” is straight ignorant.

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There were many other issues for alliance than just premades, most evident in class balancing and racials, still is btw. People AFK’d because it was a faster way compared to facing a brick wall, even worse when it was PuG vs Premade, which is Player vs Nothing. People choose the path of least resistence, it is only human after all. And premades are only rightfully blamed for it.

A 5 stack is still less impactful than facing a full on 10 or 15 man premade, and just more healthy to play against.
Reverting the premade change made BGs an unenjoyable experience for many people especially in BGs, in previous phases you at least had an option to grind honor in a similar efficient way. BloodMoon for 2 phases, Ashenvale Incursions, AV.
But now you can only AB premade for real efficient honor without any other alternative coming close, no not even BRM event is that efficient and I did that because AB premading is just for cowards who would want to fight bots for 80%+ of their games.

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They actually made the Situation somewhat better when they increased marks for losses depending on partial success.
Now they have to find a reasonable way of giving the players an incentive to still try and fight back against a superior enemy - perhaps the winning side is worth even more honor per kill once they are far ahead or have 70 hks to 0 deaths.
imagine getting 5-10k honor for a kill while having to ress at base in a 5-0 AB game, people would at least try

Games can also be efficient when you aren’t almost always facing a premade as a PuG.

Could be simple. You queue as group, you face a group. You queue solo, you face other solo queuers.

Well, I think it’s about avoiding XXX-weekend. At least AB games haven’t been that bad the weeks before AB-weekend.


They tried to make premade vs premade before, guess what?

Yep, all the sudden ppl dident premade, the queue magically skyrocketed into 3h+

So everyone saying they prefer premade vs premade instead of pugs vs pugs are so full of :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

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Hehe. What about the 7 Pallybubbleraid to BS every gamestart?
Ppl who complain about Shammies don’t have to face Paladins. :wink:

Bubble = damage immunity = no actions = no flag tap and no output damage.
And once a good group has taken BS, they will defend it with their tanks.

And then the noobs blame pre mades because they know how to play as a team and defend BS. :sweat_smile:

I think for some reason they can’t be very social when they fight other premaders. Cause being social is something they value so much.

Bro 5 stack shamans still had the same result in the team insta complaining before gates opened, we lose first team fight and half the team go AFK and circle jerk at stables. This was ALL phase 3. It still resulted in the exact same thing people are seeing now.

Teams reluctant to actually play the game and rather just go afk for the measly reward rather than TO PLAY THE GAME for enjoyment and fun you know the thing we are paying a sub to this game for in the first place. Fun. Sitting afk at stables or being the only person on your team trying to get objectives, call incs/defend is draining. If i can remove myself from playing with these players and strictly play with people that want to play the game and try win then I will. It’s a way more enjoyable experience to actually get to play the game.

So i will say it one last time. Players that want the reward and are willing to afk watch something on 2nd monitor at the slightest bit of resistance is the reason premades are so prevalent now. When both factions have players that do not want to play and will GG go next every game for 2 marks and to get honor that way to earn their pvp gear that they will sit AFK in ironforge/stormwind with then they will do it.

Look at p1 Ashenvale. AFK at hill wait for boss to spawn never pvp. Once boss of respected hill is killed usually catapult for alli, no one goes to help other bases like intended design, they go to the main boss area to AFK wait for everyone else to do it so they can tag boss.
WSG, everyone AFK at GY waiting for game to go next if we go down a SINGLE flag.

P2 STV was probably the only active PvP phase that didn’t promote just doing absolutely nothing for rewards. If it wasn’t for the massive exploit of bloody coins at the start I would say this phase probably would’ve been the best for actually having people engage in PvP.

P3 STV Caster stack altar meta, Abusing terrain, Shaman unkillable and insane burst meta, 5 stack ret pala altar bubble spin groups.
AB - Alliance pugs only ever queueing into 5 stack horde teams that had healers while alliance had only shadowpriests that never offheal if it isnt from VE or ret paladins that don’t know they can use utility or heals on team mates.

Camping lowbies at ashenvale incursion portal/vendor, real riveting pvp going on here
 complaining about premades but killing people levelling to 50 lmao. Insanely great take.

P4 - BRM Meta, I capped 2 chars solo in BRM with grinding AV in between for rep for ring. Mostly one sided PvP where whatever faction is dominant is the one having fun, little room to counterplay and res timer makes it unfun when half of the server is stuffed in one place.

AV meta was drek or kek basically another do nothing meta, people skipping LT’s or flat out flaming people for actively engaging in PvP of any kind that wasn’t run to noob hill outside dreks room. This eventually turned into yet another AFK and do nothing meta.
Hunter with trap launcher was the only person having fun in this BG at the start of p4.

The players of this game are quite happy with doing absolutely nothing to get rewards.

I have the choice not to play with these players so given the option I don’t. I still queue solo if no one else is on to play with cause trash pvp is still better than no pvp. But if i have the choice of where to allocate my time. It isn’t going to be with Pugs when 90% of them don’t actually want to be there to PvP in the first place they just want purple item.

Brother I don’t think you understand what Social means. Doing any activity with people you consider your friends is being social. I enjoy the company of these people, they play well and we respect eachothers time in regards to playing the game for its whole duration and not going AFK First global.

This is no different than me playing arena with my friends
 during the game we are locked in to play the game and during the gates opening and queue we are talking crap and memeing on eachother.

Honestly bring this in as being an actual thing. I care less about who i’m fighting against and more about who i’m fighting with. I just don’t wanna play with people that don’t share the same incentive to actually play the game out from start to finish. Not winning every game isn’t important. Actually having fun is. Playing with team mates that don’t want to be there and just want purple item isn’t fun. I’d rather lose a close game than lose every other game cause people just don’t want to actually play in the first place. When the game is over after the first team fight and people accept defeat and go sit at one of the 2 bases we have for the next 25 minutes, people will say “we are fighting premade” when they don’t even have a single healer, no boomie/hunter stack, nothing that would indicate an impossible premade to win against
 “It’s a premade” is an excuse to go do nothing and people are quick to jump on that train.

There are more people out there that don’t care about afking for rewards than there are people that actually want to PvP. And that’s just a fact.

PvP is short for Player versus Player. Premade versus Pug is not fun or pvp for the group that is not premade.

You should be able to play with your friends. Premades are not made of friends.
The game is about group content. Exactly! For both teams!!

If your only viable thing to say or claim is that “you should make premade yourself” are you considering what happens is that you are playing against what you were a moment ago and see how it’s just griefing the other team.


If you want to fix Solo queue. Blizzard needs to fix matchmaking. And i dont mean just premade vs premade. But actual healer balance across teams too. Matchmaking needs to factor in healers just like how retail does.

If it isn’t then it’s basically the exact same deal as premade vs pug. Whichever team has the FoTM classes and 3-4 actual healers is gonna win 90% of the games. Blizzard will never fix racials or balance classes properly so the least they can do is make matchmaking not complete dogwater and have a healer sign up allocated for BG’s so both teams actually have dedicated healers and can turn a completely one sided game into something that is playable.

Until that happens i’ll stick to queueing with the people from my friends list.

Maybe someday in the future when technology is more advanced someone will figure out a way how to soloq vs soloq and premade vs premade

get with the times, youngin’.
shamans are not OP anymore.
direct your salt towards boomies, rets and hunters.