Who is following the Asmongold - Taliesin meltdown?

Has anyone followed the “battle”?

I link the video (with one of the two’s reaction) to it.

Seems the US-community is yet again at a crossroad.



what is fight about? I couldn’t figure it out why they’re fighting.

Sigh another “battle” of “Deep labor guy vs. cheap youth entertainer”

I hoped people got enough of this drama with PewDiePie like 8 years ago but no. These BS feuds should be against all internet rules.


Subs. And subs mean $.


Without even watching the rant I can guess with 99% accuracy that he’s just jelly because Asmon has a bigger community by entertaining the youth with a cheap persona while he’s trying to take some internet honor in building a “proper” community.


Taliesin is being a baby. He completely lost it in his stream. Shouting at the screen while banning people for disagreeing with him. It was a mess imo


Both of them are acting like idiots on streams.


It’s about Taliesin saying that Asmongold should act more “normal” for the power and popularity he has, to make it extremely short.

I somewhat agree with Taliesin but if you watch the whole video it becomes clear that Asmongold actually justifies himself superbly but he doesn’t understand on an empathic level why people react so negatively to him.


Streamers running out of the cash grab that is complaining about BfA two times a week and now spiralling into dissing each other drama.

Asmogold behaves as he belongs in around 20 tiers above his acrual caliber. Taliesin has gone back to being very favourable to Blizzard. Two worlds of exaggeration collide and we’re supposed to care.

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that’s so obvious why people act like that to asmongold because he is talking &@$4 a lot

It’s more or less a “with great power comes responsibility”-thing which tries Taliesin to hammer down. He isn’t wrong though - however he acts like a total jerk in the video.

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This doesn’t even apply to internet fame, unless Asmon is deliberately telling his fans to something dumb it’s not his problem.


No, it’s all “with more drama, come more subs”. This was just an act.

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who cares? asmongold hasnt been relevant for years and idk who the other guy even is. STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS
every youtuber is trying to have some drama nowadays to get extra views. and the worst thing is people like the guy who made this topic give them all the attention they want


Yes and no. Asmongold reacts to all of it in a defensive way which is totally healthy and okay - but he does not realize some major flaws which brought him into this position in the first place.

He may be aware that “people are mean” to him but he does not realize the consequences he created through it.

The system doesn’t work like that. If a person is irrelevant, you should choose to simply to ignore the topic. By making such a statement, including CAPSLOCK’ing it, you simply just vend out your frustration without bringing up anything to advance the topic in a constructive way.


TL;DW his audience is volatile and he shouldn’t react to anything because his fans will stampede everything.

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I watched one vid on it and it felt like this


Just because Asmongold is popular doesn’t mean he has to change who he is to please someone else.

Asmongold has said he would stop watching people’s videos if they asked him, and tali said that is not the point.

He wants the exposer just none of the hate.
Take the views with the hate or ask to be excluded entirely.


Untrue, you clearly have a biased agenda against Asmongold you probably haven’t even watched it / know what you’re talking about.

There are dozens of youtubers that asmon watches, the vast majority of them have greatly benefitted.