Who is following the Asmongold - Taliesin meltdown?

Bwhahaha…you are a joke. I actually am bi-polar irl. It’s nothing like autism. You need to crawl back under your rock…


It kind of does tho, freedom of speach is the fact you cant get prosecuted by the state for what you said.

Language control however is merely part of the rules of such said platform like YouTube and twitch.
Like how blizz cencors their forums. They are not obliged by law to do so, however they do it because of their target audience

Not swearing in front of kids or swearing at everyone you see is politeness and somewhat a social norm.It has little to do with freedom of speach

Obviously its a bit different tho when it comes to death threats and such. But swearing and insulting isnt against freedom of speach

I didn’t even know this was a thing before reading this forum post.

I’ve seen some of Tali’s videos, but I don’t watch every video he posts.
And I just dislike Asmongolds content, pure and simple. He’s just annoying and from the few videos I’ve seen it seems like all he does is complain.

But while it seems like Tali has blown a fuse or something, going as ballistic as he has, I can understand being frustrated at the weight of a “big e-celeb’s” community coming down on you.
From what I can gather Asmon has a rather large following, that will harass those he targets (though whether this is his intention or not, I cannot say).

From what little I’ve seen of Asmon’s community they seem like a toxic bunch, determined to make anyone and everyone’s day worse. And when being called out on it reacts in the typical way, by calling people either “SJW, soyboy” or something.
What I’m saying is that I can understand snapping when you get that lot raining down on you day and night.

Though that doesn’t excuse Tali’s rant videos. No one wants to see content like that, and it’s only fuel for the fire. The kind of reaction trolls want.
He should have been mature about it, make one video where he calmly points out the problem. Then shut down his inbox or something until the social media hurricane calms down.

The attention span of internet mobs is short, and usually moves on to another target eventually.

While I don’t hold Asmon personally responsible for his following, I’m of the mind that if your following is mainly comprised of “toxic people”, there’s a reason for it.

My opinion anyway, 30 soon, getting too old to really involve myself with drama like this.

Dont worry about him my friend, just laugh, thats best for everyone

One of them has a fanbase, who they encouraged to abuse realm policies, spew homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic views in /Yell on RP Realms, then when RP’ers got annoyed did an oh so clever stream of him literally sticking up his middle finger and going “Mess with these guys” actively encouraging that behaviour.
The other kind of…just makes lore related streams?

So yeah, I don’t watch either regularly, I don’t like my opinions being given to me on a plate by someone else, and I don’t care what some no-mark huckster says online, until it directly effects me or my sensibilities.

As such, Whatever this debate is, Asmongold is just scum. I have no idea what Taliesin said, but they’re probably in the right, as unlike Asmongold, they have not, to my knowledge, encouraged their fans to swamp a server and start spouting vile language of a sexually, religiously and racially based nature. Asmongold has. Jobs over. Can we go back to whining about flying, or BfA now?


And this is why you should research the topic in general. Personal dislike has no place when it comes to objectivity. What I took away from the whole fiasco is that Taliesin is a total fake with his always happy and fun attitude while Asmongold is far more intelligent and well-versed while being a kid himself.

The whole situation is so grey that you could actually write a new season of Black Lagoon of it.

Maybe don’t make a rant video about someone who watches videos on his stream and then blame him for watching it on his stream. If it’s such a big problem he could have addressed it in private and not on twitch. I don’t know why you’re excusing that behavior when it’s Taliesin but having a go at Asmon for doing the same thing.

He attacked someone on a personal level and without provocation and then cried because he was attacked on a personal level. He took it upon himself to air his thoughts publically apparently already knowing what his community can be like.

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so a person can make a video about you, and your viewers, calling you names and what not, BUT HEY!! DONT YOU DATE WATCH IT OR SHOW IT TO ANYONE!!

tali started it because he’s a fake and few more things that are too rude to type here. he’s doing it just to get some spotlight on himself, and show off as a wholesome, when in reality he’s just a fake trash, doing whatever will get him viewers.

good thing i un-subscribed from him after i saw his true face.
he actually managed to be worse than hillvbabyface or w/e his name is :joy:

pretty much this.
firstly if there’s nothing wrong with content you post on youtube i dont know why you’d be concerened if people watch it on stream or not, secondly if you dont want drama, you address it in private.

but hey, if he did it in private he wouldnt be getting drama and views :))

he just tried to use the situation to show off as a knight in shining armor, but it backfired and everyone saw his true face


‘Irrelevant’ really is the new buzz word these days.

‘Irrelevant’ of course which apparently means the same as ‘Well, I don’t like him/her’.

Having tens of thousands of followers is not irrelevant in any book.

Asmongold shouldn’t be accountable to his more toxic set of viewers, because he never encourages people to go after the people he criticises. It is utterly ridiculous to expect people to conform to this now vacuous parroting of the term ‘with great power…’.

At some point the actual culprits committing the toxic deeds should be held entirely responsible for their own actions.


I think in the context of internet 10k follower is pretty irrelevant. In the Youtube world at least it is definitely irrelevant.

Depends what they have done. They talked sh*t about Tali or Asmon. Definitely not. They sent threats. Yeah definitely.

I don’t think Tali has revealed any real face or whatever, he’s always like that, except that in his normal videos he’s very polite, something he loses easily on stream, but his way of thinking’s always the same. Just more rude and less polished (and he knows that, that’s why he usually doesn’t like to stream)

“There we go. You managed to be racist and misogynistic as well. You my friend are definitely an Asmongold fan”.

Sound like insulting to me.


Your entire post is so far from the truth I’m not even going to bother debunking it. Everyone who has watched his rant has said the same thing. He was insulting and banning anyone who didn’t blindly agree with him. that is not “fine”. He was acting like a child.

Of course he was. The guy just spent half an hour having a dig at him. Should he remain calm? The way “Talie” did when he started going after his own chat for daring to disagree?

Your words reek of bias. I’m not overly fond of either of them but Taliesin is clearly in the wrong here.


Ofc he was always like that,anyone who followed his twiter knew this from the get go.His twiter posts on WoW twiter regarding any new store mounts where awful,and he did it all cause he tought to him self he had good standing with Blizzard,hence he is untouchable.He is a bully,who doesnt like to be challanged.

That’s not his fault. He doesn’t encourage people going after anyone else! You can’t hold him accountable for the actions of every person that watches his stream. That’s ludicrous.

Nah, go watch the video again. He reads out the comment before he starts insulting and some of them are very reasonable reactions to what he’s talking about.

It comes down to this:

Best way to describe the way he was acting.

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There is no theory if all you have to do is go type any store mount release on WoW twiiter and chek taliesens post to the people who say “its bad pratice”.And i just use normal human decency after exibiting the whole situation what the hell is going on.
And i even wount take the bait and ask what part of my post is conspirng.

T&e stream is live now and stil sub only chat
Clearly taliesin doesnt care about his viewers only about his big ego


True to a degree, I think the best course of action, if amicable resolution was the goal, would’ve been to not react to Taliesin’s rant live on stream and instead try to solve it behind the scenes.

Besides that I do agree that he shouldn’t be held to an impossible standard in how much one controls one’s audience.
Also don’t see anything wrong with his video reactions, if you publish something to the public, it’s fair game imo.

Of course. Milk the people while you can.


Am I imagining it, or he really sounds nervous? Like extremely so.