Who Sent You - Impossible since Patch 9.1

Who Sent you?

Broken since 9.1 if player has continued in the campaign.
Impossible to find other players that JUST HAPPEN to be on that part of the quest chain where Eye of Jailer still exists… No party sync possible.

Party sync should not be necessary in first place.

Please fix - thanks!

You can do it solo on character that has not yet done campaign, it will take longer but it is possible to complete it.

That is quite frankly unacceptable when you already have a character who was half-way through the achievement then unknowingly had it made unachievable through the carelessness of the game developers.

It is quite obvious that ‘they’ simply ignored the consequences of their actions, not giving any thought to the players.

Simply put, the idiots screwed up once again.

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