Who/what do you miss - 2

I can relate to both myself, at least to a major degree.


Definetly miss my younger bolder self in regards to RP, nowadays I can barely even get myself to respond to occasional walk ups I’ve had in the past :sweat_smile:

Otherwise I miss when I was less jaded and the game was good, I miss my guildies the most and I miss the fun times I’ve had.

There are several folks I’ve lost touch with over several years on WoW that I hope are doing well, whether in or out of game!

Asides from that I miss feeling like the plot of the expansion is relevant to my character in a way? Back in WoTLK, and Cataclysm, I have very fond memories of doing IC runs of dungeons (I -think- the Frozen Halls being the most fun and involving the least amount of terrible wipes.) It felt a lot easier to flavour it then as “tag team of grunts acting within the larger Horde army” rather than “epic maw walkers who transcend the boundaries of life and death are saving the day”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the latter, it’s just less my cup of tea.

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I miss the innocense of youth, not knowing of the vicious political games played between individuals and guilds in what’s supposed to be something we do for fun.

I’m still not over the manifactured falsehoods that had random people send me hatemail.


What led to this? :frowning: Sorry to hear it happened to you.

Mostly I miss just having the free time to spend a whole night and early morning absorbed in RP with close friends. Any RP I can do now is all too brief and I am constantly checking the clock, which just really pulls me out of the experience.


Yeah I miss being a layabout with nearly no responsibilities and tons of free time.

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Those were the days :pensive:


I had a not insignificant role in a guild years back and apparently a rumour mill was started to ruin my reputation, giving several people the impression that I was ruining others OOC and a vicious powermonger, so my mailbox filled with accusations.

I’ve brought it up a few times before alongside the time another guild’s spy, because that’s a healthy way to treat guild interactions, defected after seeing they were lied to about us being bad people.

This sort of nonsense makes me rather tired of server/guild politics in general, sceptical of rumours and adverse to ever pursue guild concepts on my own.


I’ve been away from WoW for a few months and I kinda miss RP already. But the idea of giving Blizz any money at this point just gives me an icky feeling…

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Had a negative interaction with someone in the early 2010’s, very early. We didn’t really get on, ultimately there are just people who just don’t like you and that’s pretty whatever. But then in like 2018-19, whenever the PCU held their Drums of War server event. This person - who I hadn’t interacted with in literal years - was slating my guild in the Alliance general chat; encouraging people to avoid us (despite it being in its infancy).

Some people just have an unhealthy investment in the game to be honest and the social interactions they’ve had.


That’s unfortunate. Some people sure do have hangups. At least I don’t get this sort of hatemail anymore. The relevant character is long gone. I should’ve reported it.

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For sure. My first year/s of RP sucked, but what it did matter? I enjoyed it. The people I surrounded myself with loved it.

Now I am jaded and bitter.

Things I miss: the Wun dynasty. The Blood Tempest expat crew in the Frozen Paw, plus the friends we made in the Paw. Horde RP in general - I just can’t get into it anymore, which is sad to think about as back in WoD and earlier I was ride or die Horde and couldn’t see myself ever switching.


I’m a little surprised the most I’ve ever had is “you’re less horrible in game than on the forums” tbh.


I get that too and it sure is preferable to some long winded screed about how I’m ruining lives.

I miss SL prepatch.
We didn’t know what was going to happen, there was still excitement in our souls and we had new customisations and the game was more alive…
Now look at it.
I don’t want to play WoW anymore, it’s just not fun right now.


I miss being in the same Timezone as the rest of the server.

Being 8 hours behind is tough, but the NA servers “style” of RP just doesn’t work for me.


Man, I miss playing on my Troll Druid most of all. Even though I have a special place in my heart for Dwarves and Forsaken, playing the flame-haired fool was the best time of all, and I would still be on that char if it weren’t for stupidity on my own part.

Live and learn, but I remember those times with fondness still.

On the other hand its an achievement on its own to live rent free in somebody’s head for +10 years lmaoo


I get shivers sometimes when I see snippets of whatever goes on WRA and MG.

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