Why are NA content creators so much better?

The bulk of the audience are Americans, who are more inclined to watch and form parasocial relations with an American content creator.

Disgustingly rich, so I bet they are not only watching him

Good content is subjective, also this is a troll post and will be reported

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Questecure is the best

I have eight

Not going to include preach here?

Britihs and runs a huge yearly event?

Doing it for money is arguably worse.

Sadly Yes! :frowning: .

Iā€™d avoid Bellular heā€™s always sad and angry and bullying Blizzard all the time heā€™s like that hearthstone doomsayer card it got so annoying for me that i couldnā€™t watch him anymore.

Heā€™s making me angry and depressed watching him xD.

If you donā€™t enjoy his content thatā€™s fine, but thereā€™s a significant difference between ā€œbullying a mega corporationā€ and being critical of them where deserving.
And not enough content creators are critical of gamesā€™ companies in my opinion.

Now, the idiots who message developers on their personal accounts and send death threats? Theyā€™re the people we should be avoiding.

If you ask me heā€™s pretty close on attempting that.

I always found him full of himself while going beyond criticism to make an angry point and almost to a level of bullying Blizzard i know they done alot of things wrong through the years but trust me going ape on them isnā€™t gonna make em change things they will only out of spite ignore ya.

NA and EU has content creators?

Clearly you never watched Totalbiscuit (may he rest in peace).
if heā€™d lived to have seen BFA/SL, aswell as all the workplace abuse, thereā€™d have been no end to his criticizing and calling them out.

In this day and age of people only having a 2 week span of anger. we need more people who are consistently critical of companies and corporations like Blizzard.

Bellā€™s far from perfect, Iā€™m not gonna defend every word and action from him, quite frankly people that have a loyalty to any streamer, content creator, or celebrity are stupid, but that you suggest being critical of a video game is ā€œbullying a literal mega-corporationā€ is just funny to me.
Also if youā€™re singling out bellularā€¦ literally most Wow content creators were ā€œbullyingā€ then?
Are we ALL bullies? all of us have been angry and critical of blizzards design choices for, well, near a decade now, but especially during BFA/Legion

he became popular by telling unpopular lonely people that its ok to be nolifer without social life an by selling them the fake notion that they have such community of lonely nolifers on his stream and that they are part of something bigger.

. you have to give it to him that is persona creation was spot on for that crowd he was aiming at.

i dont watch him nor any other streamer and think that he is complete cancer to wow but you gotta give him grats for his marketing skills.

i personaly miss good old times of wow podcasts - they were so good in times between like 2006-2015 or something .

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Are they? Better in what way(s)? Informative, entertaining?

List what are in your opinion the ten ā€œbestā€ NA content creators and ten ā€œbestā€ EU content creators, explain why each is better or worse, and maybe we can make some sense of your assertions.

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